King's Business - 1912-03

temptations and infirmities as ourselves. And their writings show them to have fc been, men of vigorous understandings. F, then, their testimony was not <11 true there was no possible mot- / ¿ I ive for this fabrication. were good men. But it was impossible to read their writings and not feel that •i we are conversing with men eminently ° h o l y, and of tender consciences, with men acting under an abiding sense of the presence and omniscience of God, and of their accountability to Him, liv- * ing in His fear and walking in His Ways. Now, though, in a single instance, a good man may fall when under strong tempta- tions, yet he is not found for years per- w sisting in deliberate falsehood, asserted with the most solemn appeals to God, without the slightest temptation or mo- tive, and against all the opposing inter- ests which reign in the human breast. If, on the contrary, they are supposed to have been bad men, it is incredible that such men should have chosen this form of imposture, enjoining, as it does, unfeigned repentance, the utter forsak- )- O l ) e C h r i s t i a n ' s It would have been irrecon- cilable with the fact that they f ^ M i l C i l n s t i a i i s attitude towards others should be based upon the so-called "Golden Rule," " / 4 l things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do you even so to them," and we believe that such a statement is right in a S S f r i S f l ^ t we are inclined to i l l m * T o u i s M i l i l l 4 4 U i

ing and abhorrence of all falsehood and every other sin, the practice of daily self-denial, self-abasement and self-sac- rifice, the crucifixion of the flesh with all its earthly appetites and desires, indiffer- ence to the honors and hearty contempt of the vanities of the world; and incul- cating perfect purity of heart and life and intercourse of the soul with heaven. It is incredible that bad men should invent falsehood to promote the reli- gion of the God of truth. The supposi- tion is suicidal. If they believe in a future state of retribution, a heaven and a hell here- after, they took the most certain course, if false witnesses, to secure the latter foi- their portion. And if, still being bad men, they did not believe in future pun- ishment, how came they to invent false- hoods, the direct and certain tendency of which was to destroy all their pros- pects of worldly honor and happiness and to insure their misery in this life? From these absurdities there is no escape but in the perfect conviction and admission that they were good men, tes- tifying to that which they had carefully observed and considered and well knew to be true.

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O t h e r s

S i t t e r ,

D .

" M i n d n o t H i things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits." "In honor nrefer- ring one another." The natural man suf- fers from "Racepride, Facepride Place- pride, and Gracepride," a f an BngUsh proverb quaintly states. But "God re- sisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto

the humble." James 4 6. When the think that Paul, m Rom. 12:16-21, in a proud spirit is broken, man is made more comprehensive and yet simpler humble. Do you want to see a t X n? .manner gives us the rules of Christian the humble man? Look I t the violet conduct. Luther in speaking of the It has the swetest p e r f uL yet it hides passage, says that the Christian's atti- itself. Look at the full i a i o f c o rn It tude towards others should be (1) one bends very low towards the of humility (2) one of graciousness, (3) while the empTy e l r r a i s e s i t f head one of gentleness, (4) one of magnan- proudly. "He that is greatest amonf imity. We follow his sweet suggestions "you shall be your servant/^ is^ the rulf conceraing our attitude to others. laid down by Jesus. HumiHty or meek! « i i - N o C h r l s t i a n should ness, is the fruit of the Spirit There- consider himself wise. "Woe unto them fore we are admonished, "Humble v ow- that are wise in their own eyes, and pru- selves in the sight of the Lord " "Be S j s h t - . Isa " 5 : 2 1 ' clothed with humility," and "The Lord What do h the Lord require of thee, hath respect unto the lowly; but the but to do justly, and to love mercy, and proud he knoweth .afar off." The most to walk humbly with thy God." Mic. 6:8. beautiful man is the humble man Do

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