Cannapages Jan/Feb 2023 Edition - Southern Colorado

Your quintessential cannabis directory complete with dispensary deals, industry satire, expert product reviews, business listings & more.

Dispatches from the Highlands

News from CannaTown JAN-FEB 2023

Vol 9. Edition 3

$4.20 Cents


********* Criminal organization M.A.D. sinks Musk's reputation as evil genius aer repeat-foiling by local girl and her canine - full story pg B17 HEAD OF M.A.D. CONSIDERS REPLACEMENT CEO FOL- LOWING SERIES OF GAFFES

Man suers from Led Zeppelin, Page 9 Deals In Your Area! Local Maps, Page 15 You have to eat this burger Note to Self, Page 11 Opinion: Ok now that you've ordered this monstrosity, self, you have to eat it. See Note to Self..... ..................Page 11 Dispatches from the Highlands cata- logues aairs and news from the beau- tiful city of Cannatown, a quaint and quiet village built upon the conuence of the mighty IcyBong and Resinald Rivers, amidst the misty foothills of the Highlands. e Dispatches fam- ily is proud to present completely unique content--a cannacopia of squibs, lifestyle columns, reviews and deals--from across the globe. e publication is written and edited by a mostly-ripped team of writers and editors headquartered in the heart of Cannatown, and with help from old friends, they've assembled this most amazing spectacle of literature you see before you. Read, enjoy--now, make haste, to the smakery! - e Editors NEWS FROM CANNATOWN Re: Rice Krispy Treats Travesty, Page 6 Good sir, how dare you make Rice Krispy Treats using a jar of marshmal- low goo instead of the real thing? See Travesty........ .....................Page 6 This Buffet is All Infused? Moira Bitterman, Pg 10 I just wish someone would’ve told me, “Hey, by the way, this food is all packed with a ton of cannabis!" See Moira Bitterman ...............Page 10

Campstein Recognized New Exhibit, Page 8 Genius Dankmatician Steve "e Campstein" Einstein is immortalized in exhibit form at the museum . See New Exhibit .........................Page 8 A Little ank You Album Notes, Page 12 New albums, old albums -- they’re all game as Erickson takes on the soundtrack to your chill. See Album Notes. ..................Page 12 Creamy Berry Patties Cousin D Recipe, Page 13 Savor for yourself or be the life of the party! Cooking with THC made easy. See Recipe ................................Page 13 Smells Ain't Free Opinion by Purp, Page 10 Weekly CannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 7 CannaSaver TM Today’s Coupons feature:

SOUTHERN COLORADO CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 20 Hemp/CBD.. . . . . . . . . . 28 Grow Stores . . . . . . . . . . . 28 VapeShops ........... 29 CBD Massage . . . . . . . . . . 29 GlassShops ........... 30 Kratom/Herbal . . . . . . . . . 31

Green Farms Colorado Springs Page 45 Med Card Deals Colorado Springs Page 33 Kika Kush Colorado Springs Page 49

21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 20! FIRST-TIME SPECIALS LIST pg 14 **** SAVE BIG WITH COUPONS pg 33

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents


How dare you wreck Rice Krispies Treats

By Rutherford Jenkins To the sniveling cumberworld who made Rice Krispies treats with that store bought jar of marshmallow cream, I say, how dare you good sir, how dare you ? ese krispy bars aren’t gooey sticky -- they are gelatinous oozing puscles undeserving of human consumption. ey are undeserving of

Cannapages is a JohnsonConcept Company Published by e Highest Authority Since 2009

OTHER HEADLINES Construction commences on Cinnamon Toast Crunch tower Daryl vows to build until the Nutella runs dry pg 150 Turn your closet into an extra shitter in 2 easy steps pg 157 City reverses temporary ban on public muumuu’s pg 166 Not too late to admit you're not a brain surgeon pg 171 **BROUGHT TO YOU by OAK FAMILY BUTTERESS** “Churned Slowly to the Sound of Crickets.” Surely, you intend to set ablaze this heap of rank guano you call dessert , before I turn it to lubbering shite with my plumb hatchet. Your arsemongering will not go unknownst--never again may you plague our lunch room with your Rice Krisp- ies excreta nor any other baked ordure you may ever muster. consumption by even the vilest of creatures on this wretched earth, mind you, and you’ve brought them into our place of employ? You’ve bescumbed us all, you fawning milksop! You nihilist ninnyhammer! You plucky peasant of miserable malfeasance! I spit at your feet, I throw rice at your mother. May you pay for such treason, may your jowls become aromatic as buttocks--and let the taste of this fowl toxicity forever haunt your restless nights as real , monstrous marsh- mallows chase you through endless nightmares. How, how could you have forgotten that those jars of weird goo exist purely for the purpose of eating spoonful aer spoonful of synthetic marshmallowy goodness until we are vomiting facedown in a sugar coma? How dare you break so far from such utilitarian balance? Did it not occur to you this was one thing-- one thing in this godforsaken age --upon which we can all agree? You swinging sot of smellfungus! Begone , you sugar-spiting bastard, you bakery buoon, you patisserie-patronizing puissance. You coprophagic wank of a fopdoodle. You fusty scobberlotcher of sweets, you whi-whaing stamp-crab of society; my contempt resounds between the churning of my disappointed digestion.

Nathan Johnson Micah Johnson Isaac Johnson Sales Director Dillon Rice Production Andrew Piña Customer Success Molly Norton Market Sales Annie Weber Lead Developer Mike Morris Contributors Dan Henrickson Matthew A. Erickson Rolv Harris Cover Art Justin Redmon Logo Aaron Draplin

Online at CANNAPAGES.COM and CANNASAVER.COM 1-800-699-8169 Editorial | Sales | Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. Cannapages does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors. Using cannabis concentrates can lead to: 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, or diculty distin- guishing reality); 2. Mental Health Symptoms/ Problems; 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) (uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting); 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence, including physical and psychological dependence. Note: Consuming concentrates via inhalation will cause immediate eects. Concentrates aren't recommended for inexperienced users, and are not approved by the FDA. ey are not recommended for anyone under age 21 except by medical recom- mendation. Regulated cannabis dispensaries cannot provide medical advice. Cannapages is intended for readers aged 21+.

Vol 9. Edition 3

News from CannaTown

Page 7

Libra - e dierence between you and a real lumberjack is, real lumberjacks chop down wood, not other stu made from wood. Scorpio - At precisely the same moment you notice something has been chewing on the drywall, you'll look down to realize it was you. Sagittarius - You’ll never get away with this, they’d tell you, if they’re weren’t a bunch of adorable, delicious, baby oysters. Capricorn - Most gamblers play coy during a blu, but your strategy is a straight guttural Popeye stutter . Aquarius - Despite climbing the bestseller list, you will be labeled a plagiarist for your novel, Fellowship of the Small Metal Finger-Circle . Pisces - e girl didn't seem very enthused about listening to your order. en again, she doesn't work here.

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - It’s not that everybody hates to hear your inner dialogue. It’s just that nobody re- ally needs another 50 recipes for meatloaf. Taurus - ere may be no stupider way of looking at the situation, than through goggles on a pogo-stick. Gemini - Nothing speaks to the depravity of your resin high like this homemade meal of dipped cheese slices in melted cheese. Cancer - Friends don’t push friends out of moving cars, then make love to their spouse and burn their house down. Leo - You idiot, you’re not supposed to rip the teabag open. Virgo - e tattoo wasn’t really received well, but you have to admit it was a clever way to request a divorce. Aer months of grueling research, involving scientic bases and smaking circles world- wide, scientists say they have discovered the absolute highest that mankind get get, a high- water mark now known as “Absolute 420.” As chief scientist Wendy Hazelton explained, this landmark study “shows that most people who think they could not be any higher actu- ally have no idea how much higher they could be,” adding, “nor did we realize that humans could be moved to tears of laughter or have deep, philosophical conversations with so many inanimate objects.” A sole volunteer, Ronald Slough, is credited with the discovery, pushing on even when others insisted he stop. Accounts of the nal experiment describe Slough as “incomprehensible; subject believed he was an ostrich on a scuba expedition, and searched several minutes for a resting place before deciding to sleep on a large cus.” What Came to Pass News in Brief Scientists Discover Absolute 420

Resinville gied huge vaporizer bag, Pg B4

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

Utterly high pâtissier accidentally makes award-winning Pâte à Choux.................... E2 Where to get free uid on national wind- shield wiper uid day................................. F6 Rotten ower bouquet survives another week .................................... ............ ...... G13 Dems’ ghtin’ words............................... H1

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents


CAMPSTEIN'S COLLECTION INDUCTED Museum to Host Exhibit of Late Dankmatician

Aer decades of ownership by a slew of private collectors, a new cache of items used by historic genius Steve “e Camptstein” Einstein have been inducted into the CannaTown Museum of Science and Cannatechnol- ogy. At a ceremony Saturday, Einstein’s notebook, cheeng jacket, and shards of his laboratory bub- bler were on display for the public, along with other legendary oce items including his giant bean bag chair and extensive Wesley Willis record collection.

Turkish Delight Just How You Remember Chewy. Nutty. Eat it on the farm between your chores. Feel that powdery sugary gelatin goodness sliding down your throat and remember the good old summers from your days growing up on the rolling hills of Tunisia. is is Turkish Delight like you've never known but you've always known. is is the stu. e most delightful stu you can get. e ratluk of royalty. e loukoumi of love. e malban of madness. Don't get your britches in a bunch over popsicles and cotton candy, dar- lin', it's Turkish Delight and only Turkish De- light from here on out, for the rest of your life. And you like that. We got your rosewater. We got your bergamot. Making cozonac? Got you cov- ered. Tricking Edmund Pevensie into betray- ing his loved ones? is is the ticket right here. We swear you will liter- ally shit your eyeballs out and gag to death from the sheer thrill that is eating BIG SAL'S TURKISH DELIGHT Find It At e Nearest Gas Station

Steve, lesser-known brother of Albert Einstein, established his own recognized eory of Dankativity aer parting ways with his sibling. e two had famously disagreed on what caused inertia--Steve argued that the answer, simply, was ‘Kush’--and insisted on moving into dierent sciences. He was infamous for camping on bowls. Once, it was reported, he spent three full nights camping, bowl in hand, only breaking from his trance to jot a few notes down, then camped again for a week. It would have been the kind of thing that sent cadets in his age straight to the institution for a mental exam -- or at least, got you skipped in the circle -- except that this type of behavior was typical of him. “You couldn’t pass to ol’ Campstein unless you were cool with pausing the circle-smake for at least a day,” said local historian Dana Charonic at the ceremony. Oen criticized sharply for his terrible “habit,” it was only aer his death that dankness experts began to realize just how many calculations he’d been making every time he camped. "None, no calculations," Charonic noted. “Most of his research just involved him sitting there, in deep thought,” Over time, Campstein found less friends and circles to smake

Continued on next page

Vol 9. Edition 3

News from CannaTown

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Cannatown News

“Campstein still stands out as one of the greats, if not the Greatest.” - Professor Peter Skeedz

Man Suers Bout of Led Zeppelin Poisoning Medics had to rush a lo- cal resident, Gus Halvor- son, to be treated for Led Zeppelin poisoning, aer friends found him wandering the streets in the middle of the night, singing the opening to Immigrant Song over and over again. “At rst we thought he was choking on his beer,” said buddy Brett Taylor. “But then he got to the Ice and Snow part.” Halvorson spent most of the earlier evening with worsening symp- toms, and sat alone, playing air guitar and drumming even without music. “He was hum- ming madly under his breath, but we could oc- casionally recognize the song,” Taylor said. “It was Ramble On.” Halvorson is one of thousands to be treated for Zeppelin, a rising problem in 21 states. Health ocials are be- coming more aware of warning signs such a full-wall blacklight mu- ral in a garage, rocking out in public during a guitar solo, and head- banging despite a pattern of baldness. Halvorson was airlied portside to join a group of drinking sherman in an old sea chanty. “It’s the best treatment, literally pulls the patient back away from the Zep- plin to the other end of the cultural spectrum,” said the patient’s doctor, Edna Statz. “Sung in a round is best.”

with despite his growing following of scientic dabfellows. He told those few remaining that he was close to unveiling the ultimate theory on dankness, something that would “replace the Berjiggity Scale,” the potency measurement system developed during the Dark Ages, modied and passed down even into modern times. “Berjiggity didn’t factor in space-out-time,” Peter Skeedz, Professor of Dankage at Cannatown University (CTU) said at the induction. “Campstein was proposing a whole new spectrum of dankness levels like Dankapotumus , Stanka Dank Dank , Gnar Gnar Binks , and even Intergalactic Emergency , considered the highest level of dankness possible in the given universe.” His penultimate contribution to science, the equation D=SC 2 ( Dank = Shwag x Camp 2 ), demonstrated the signicance of the camp in establishing nuggersh dankness. Each bowl of smake was reduced to its basic shwag level as common denominator. e crowning achievement was nding the exponent he called the “Nuggies Constant,” which turned out to be the number two. “It took a decade,” he admitted in his notebook’s nal entry, “but I nally plugged in my lucky number and it worked.” e equation and notebook, released a year before his death 20 years ago, became an icon and rallying cry for other dankol- ogy experts. He was able to witness only the beginning of the movement he sparked, which went on to inspire several schools of Dankthought. In droves, groups tried to recreate his camping experiments in their own laboratory settings. Curriculums and textbooks were written. Seminars and industry trades, launched. Now, with an exhibit celebrating his life’s

achievement, scholars feel the theory has come full-circle into cultural acceptance. “Technically new math such as Dinkle Dank eory has given rise to higher, abstract levels of Dankness, but technically none of those have been observed.” Skeedz said. “Campstein still stands out as one of the greats, if not the Greatest.”

"Purp" DePurp

Local icon and proprietor Bertrand “Purp” DePurp is one of a small minority that disagrees with the science. Purp, adjunct professor of Purpology at CTU issued a counter-statement to the newspaper at the event. “If it looks like purp, and smell like purp, smakes like purp, it’s purp,” he said. “Hands down, I never needed no dank scale tellin’ me what’s the most euphorious nug in the world. For that, I got me a nose and two eyeballs.” Purp added that he’s been working on his own Purp eory, and a device he called the “Hoobie-Danker.”

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Smells Ain't Free

the fella that’s listenin’ when you start askin’ Homes here what he’s got available in a violet hue. Violet hue ? at’s like askin’ a grey duck who’s a goose! See everyone ‘round these parts just says, “Purp?” en I say “What, you need Purp? I got that Purp. I got that Purp right here.” But this ain’t just any Purp. is is like a swig of pure mash. Picked on the edges of Grape Gorge. Hand-picked! P-R-P, Purrrr-urp! See, that’s why smells ain’t free. And I saw you treatin’ your shnoz to a couple whis. Pull out that cash, son, I also accept bullion--gold. New customer, old customer. Smells ain’t free, not never . Y’all need that Purp? I got that right here.

Don’t pretend ya’ didn’t see me. You were lookin my direction since you walked in the room and I was showin’ the stanky dank to Rollo. at’s right. I got that Purp. You been enjoyin’ her smooth aroma. And I’m tellin’ you right

By Purp

now, son, smells ain’t free. I shouldn’t have to tell you that! Where you from anyway! You’re in Cannatown Proper now, Jimbo. You never hearda Purp? My name’s Purp. I’M Purp. P-R-P, PURP. I’m

Wish I'd Known is was an Infused Buet

Oh my gawd , did I just hear Denise right? Did I understand her correctly, that all the food over on that entire taco bar is “medicated”? Like, with heavy THC? Oh my gawd you guys, are you telling me, I just ate a half-plate of a nacho mountain, two crispy rellenos and a chimichanga, and my entire weight in sopapillas, and it was all hopped up on delta- nine? Holy jalopies , gals! Why didn’t anyone tell me? I would’ve liked to know that the freakin’ buet was infused! Did nobody hear my little story about having to eat dinner at Carl’s parents’ house? ey served lukewarm cod! And in the morn- ing the leovers that lugnut brought home stunk up the whole fridge, I couldn’t even be in the kitchen ! And then I had to skip lunch, running to the bank between the massage and jazzercise. Didn’t anyone see me raven- ously eating over here like my life depended on it? I was making up for 24 hours worth of meals in one! Nobody? Gawd, girls. I just wish someone would’ve told me, “Hey, by the way, this food is all packed with a ton of cannabis !” Can’t you agree, Gina , that you’d probably be pretty pissed if you were about to lose your mind? I don’t have time to trip right now, do you? Oh, you only ate half a churro? Good for you , that’s great Jennifer, I ate four servings . Aw, Jeez. I don’t even know where I put my

car keys and jacket. But I should probably get them from the

Moira Bitterman coat room and put it all together and then nd a safe place to sit. Or maybe I should try to make it home rst, before all this kicks in. at’s not a bad idea. How long ago did I order those sopapillas? Where'd my watch go? Did you just play the trumpet? Geez, Linda, who does your nails? You’re talking loud, what did you say? Oh no, it’s kicking in? Oh, cupcakes, girls, it’s kickin’ in. It’s kickin’ in. It’s too late to go home, ladies. Gina, thanks for this makeshi helmet. And Linda, for grabbing my purse--I’ve got it safe and I’m sitting on it. Ooh, tiddles, I may need to go lay down in the broom closet. Oh Tiddles ME. Tiddles me sideways. Did you have the el pastor? I know it’s pork, but is it, like, serene ? Gina! Gina! Gina! Did you have the El Pastor ? It seems like there was something bothering me a few minutes ago. Hmm. Do you think they’re bringing out any fried ice cream? Hello, Margaret? Any- one? Where are we? What are we doing right now? Oh my gosh, gals, look at the spread! ey have sopapillas !

Vol 9. Edition 3

News from CannaTown

Page 11


Ok, self. You bit into this huge ol’ bacon stacked, aioli-shmeared beefy weirdness and immediately the rst bite was a punch to the gut. Holy cow. We shouldn't have or- dered it. But now what? Now what, as your family and peers watch, what now, aer Sheryl said you'd never nish such a huge meal and how it was a waste, what now, af- ter that hungry man outside began watch- ing you intensely through the window, now that we have but precious time before the show? What say you, what now? You have to go through with it. Yes. You must eat this burger. is is the gauntlet you've been training for. Oh sweet cheezus, ugh. Ugh, ugh ugh . e second bite was much worse than the rst. Oh my gosh, there's no way you can swallow it! e swallowing mechanism is stoned shut. Little. By. Little. Oh. Fudge. Me. Wilburforce, you masochist ! You gotta eat this hambeezy, mofo. Oh, self. Oh, gentle, stupid, miseable self, you are f*cked. You know if you continue eating this huge grease-slogged meat- biscuit you will either puke ‘til kingdom come or suer ten hours of uncontrollable diarrhea like a walking Pepto Bismol com- mercial. Oh crackers, oh Mallory J. Peter-Whis- kers. Blurgh! Oh you son of a gun, you dumb son of a bitch, it looked just so good in the ad but when you unwrapped it you almost cried. Now you'll have this soggy, baby-sized mash churning your stomach to shreds. You'll stink up the house! Every trip to the lavatory will be a parade to hell, every time

the bastards will whistle that insuer- able burger jingle at you, sing it louder and louder until nally they're bel- lowing at the tops of their lungs while

Dr. Basil Wilburforce

you eject hell's own wrath from both ends, sobbing to yourself between each attack in exhausted surrender. Oh fudge, you fool! at bite almost didn't stay down! Abort! Abort! For the love of ground sirloin, abort mission! You dumb twat. You have to go through with it. It probably wouldn't be so bad if you

hadn't eaten that whole bag of party-size Skittles an hour ago. Or that corndog. And, the other corndog. Ok dude, steady on, stay the course. Let every burning belch out. Control it. at's it. Were gonna get thru, self. ere's light at the end of the tunnel. ey can all see you're sweating buckets but who cares? Bite, chew, chew. Bite, chew, chew. Come on, we’re doing it! Last--wad-- trapped--mid--throat...quench me, Captain Sprite. Blurgh. ere. Swallowed and done. Resist that urge to break into bittersweet tears. Crush your wrapper into a ball, like a man . Whatever happens now, they will al- ways say, He ate it, he never inched, never cried for his mother, never chickened out. We did it, you lucky idiot. We did it. EVER WANTED ANOTHER BIRTHDAY ? * NOW YOU CAN! *WE'VE GOT ALL THE DATES!* MARCH 15th JUNE 7th OR CHOOSE YOUR OWN! *Does not equal additional years in age or proverbial wisdom, thus cannot be used to receive Social Security early. Oer subject to licensing through the CBA (Cannatown Birthday Association). All fees, taxes, and extra birthday money or Chuck E. Cheese tokens not included in shown price. Discounts on February 29th good only during leap years. AUGUST 28th OCTOBER 3rd And all the rest!

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

between a winter dreamland and a hymnal, is perfect for this time of year. Mering's previous eort Titanic Rising was featured here and my then description of her sounding "right at home alongside contempo- raries like Father John Misty or Sharon Van Etten" with "shades of Beach Boys melodic themes, or early 70s Southern California songwriting" is fully applicable here. at 2019 release was apparently part one of a tril- ogy with And In the Darkness, Hearts

Album Notes from Erickson “The Soundtrack to your Chill”

Little Simz No ank You

Little more than 15 months aer

Sometimes I Might Be Introvert , Little Simz is back with No ank You . It's been an eventful year for the British artist. Her 2021 LP garnered critical acclaim, including the Mercury Award. She attracted additional attention for the cancellation, and the justication as to why, of her US tour. en in December, somewhat surprisingly, she dropped No ank You , only ten tracks but with no shortage of views on numerous topics, most notably the music industry, her thoughts on what that ideally should entail, and her experience within. Simz' ow and rhyme schemes largely pick up where they le o, and as with Sometimes , the lyrics demand attention. e unabashed condence in the message and delivery eludes the braggadocio that so oen accompanies music of the ilk. e R&B/soul orchestral avor of the beats and backing tracks bubble with a distilled crispiness. Simz chose No ank You as the title for reasons that become increasing in number as the album unfolds. On behalf of her fans, the response is equally clear: No, thank you .

Aglow representing the second install-

ment. God help me whenever the nal entry arrives because this one lands a notch above Titanic and was assuredly in my top ten of 2022. Guranfoe Gumbo Gumbo (October 2022)

Prog rock is a delicate needle to thread. e genre itself is a wide spectrum, but far too of- ten it can easily come across as overly showy, grandiose, pompous, where the tunes are an excuse for the musicians to exhibit their virtu- osity while creating the auditory equivalent of empty calories. Not so for Guranfoe. e English quartet out of Norwich cra accessible compositions that allow their prociency to be demonstrat- ed in an organic fashion. In other words, the horse is before the cart. Yes, Guranfoe are progy, but also psych, and jam fans will likely nd something to indulge themselves in here as well. e title of their second album, Gumbo Gumbo , stood out considering the deployment of the word from other artists who could be classied along similar genre lines at various times through- out their careers. Funnily enough, the band went by the name "Gumbo Variation" for the rst four years of their existence. Go gure.

Weyes Blood And In the Darkness, Hearts Aglow

Gorgeous. I am unable to more succinctly sum up And In the Darkness, Hearts Aglow , the h album from Natalie Mering, aka Weyes Blood. Arrangements, vocals, harmo- nies, it's all simply stunning. Released in No- vember, the spellbinding mood, somewhere

Vol 9. Edition 3

News from CannaTown

Page 13

Recipes from Cousin D Berry Creamy Patties

shiny (but will still be somewhat dry to the touch). I found it best to rst mix by hand, then I put in a big resealable bag and contin- ued to knead it. Dust your surface with spare powdered sugar. Roll the mixture out thin and use a small circular cutter or an old open pill bottle, shot glass, you name it. Re-roll your leover dough and repeat until fully used up. Freeze the discs. en, melt your chocolate and dip each. Chocolate chips and other types may require more refrigeration; choco- late with less additives holds up the best. is recipe makes a heaping harvest of pat- ties depending on size, so you’ll have more than enough to package in clear boxes and bows for Valentine’s day. eir dosage and thickness are up to you -- along with even the avor or shape (you could change for each season). Want to take this recipe to the next level? Find a heart-shaped cutter. Bon Appetit!

e Peppermint Patty deserves its well- earned place in the munchies hall of fame. Only problem is, it doesn't make much of a Valentine treat. Today we experiment with what you might call a more romantic hue! Ingredients: 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1 bag of powdered sugar 1/3 cup (infused!) Crisco 2-Pack Strawberry avoring Red food coloring 2 tsp vanilla or cream avor Melting Chocolates (Chips, wafers, etc) Directions: is one’s really quite simple. Mix the milk, sugar, Crisco, avoring and coloring--using a mixer with a dough hook if you’ve got one. It’ll be ready when it looks wet and almost


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$4.20 Cents


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Norman W Levin, MD 12 North Main St ......................................................................................... Alma 719-836-1502 Gedde Whole Health Clinic 109 Brookdale (appt only) .................................................................................... Buena Vista 719-252-9132 Alpha Health Clinic 6035 Erin Park............................................................................. Colorado Springs 719-362-0646 Alpha Med Reg 2119 1/2 W. Colorado Ave ................................................................ Colorado Springs 719-473-6462 Diane Al-Abduljalil, MD - Medical Marijuana Doctor 4740 Flintridge Dr Ste 205........................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-330-4482 cannasavers page 33 Doctors of Natural Medicine 5446 N Academy Blvd Ste 104.................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-212-8899 cannasavers page 33 MEDICAL ALTERNATIVES CLINICS 5040 Corporate Plaza Dr Ste. 3 ................................ Colo. Spgs. 719-246-0393 see ad below - cannasavers page 33 MMJ Exams of Colorado (Best Western Conference Center) 3730 Sinton Rd Ste. 219................... Colorado Springs 970-377-0500 cannasavers page 33 Relaxed Clarity 3133 N. El Paso St. ...................................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-645-5955 cannasavers page 33 MEDICAL ALTERNATIVES CLINICS 3606 Morris Ave ............................................................... Pueblo 719-246-0393 see ad below - cannasavers page 33 Pro MDs 1726 S. Prairie Ave. ....................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-544-0009 Relaxed Clarity 503 Avocado St. ................................................................................................. Pueblo 719-354-5445 Family Medicine Clinic 100 West 4th St. ............................................................................ Walsenburg 719-738-1164

MMJ Doctor

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5040 Corporate Plaza Dr. #3 Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Walk-ins Welcome!

Medical Alternatives Clinics

Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, & Surrounding Areas Find the closest dispensary to you online at KEY: DISPENSARIES


High Valley Healing 711 W Hwy 160 ......................................................................................... Alamosa 719-206-3345 La Casa Cannabis II 5986 Budweiser Way ................................................................................ Alamosa 719-589-3503 High Country Healing 2 40 S. Main St............................................................................................ Alma 719-836-9000 420 Green Genie 106 4th Ave ..................................................................................................... Antonito 720-580-0199 Green World Express 5230 Hwy 285 ......................................................................................... Antonito 719-206-3265 High Valley Retail Cannabis 315 Main St (Hwy 285) ............................................................................................... Antonito 719-376-5251 Ascend Cannabis Co 204 E Main St .....................................................................................Buena Vista 719-395-6226 Backstage Grass 117 Greydene Ave .......................................................................................Canon City 719-285-8607 Fremont County Cannabis 1505 Elm Ave ...............................................................................Canon City 719-275-1000 Maggie’s Farm 3055 E. Hwy. 50. Suite F .................................................................................Canon City 719-372-1014 A CUT ABOVE 1150 E. Fillmore Street.............................................. Colo. Spgs. 719-434-1665 see ad on front inside cover - cannasavers page 35 ALTITUDE ORGANIC MEDICINE 523 S. Tejon Ave........................................................ Colo. Spgs. 719-313-9841 6755 Academy Blvd N............................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-203-4918 2354 E Platte Ave ...................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-344-5121 3840 N Nevada Ave................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-445-0136 see ad below - cannasavers page 59 Apothecary Farms 3049 Delta Dr .................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-822-0420 Best Budz 3729 Austin Bluffs Pkwy ...............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-0168 3850 North Nevada Avenue ..........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-7316 Big Medicine Cannabissary Dispensary 2909 N. El Paso St .....................................Colorado Springs 719-418-3854 BioMeds 2301 Rand Ave ...............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-8289 Bobby Brown Best Buds 506 S Nevada Ave ................................................................Colorado Springs 719-645-8058 Briargate Wellness Center 890 Dublin Blvd. Suite C ..................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-3510 Buku Loud 3079 S Academy Blvd ................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-391-2858 CANNA MEDS WELLNESS CENTER 506 N. Chelton Ave.................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-638-6337 cannasavers page 37 Cannabicare 1466 Woolsey Heights ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-573-2262 Doctors Orders 2106 E. Boulder Street ..................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-8808 Dr. Releaf 2639 E. Willamette Avenue .........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-635-0929 Elevations Dispensary 8270 Razorback Rd .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-468-6337




EMERALD CITY WELLNESS 621 W Colorado......................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-358-6955 see ad on page 66 - cannasavers page 43 EMJ’S Medical Dispensary 2918 Wood Ave ...............................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-1907 Fire Meds 3615 E Platte Ave. ........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-8817 Fountain Super Store 5421 Rio Vista Dr. .....................................................................Colorado Springs 719-394-8883 Frost Harvest Co. 1324 Garden of the Gods ...............................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-3860 Garden of the Budz 3178 W Colorado ........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-471-2839 Golden Meds 329 Pikes Peak Ave ................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-630-5075 Grant Pharms 320 Prairie Rd ........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-387-1633 Grant Pharms II 1591 E Cheyenne Mountain Blvd ......................................................Colorado Springs 719-387-1634 GREEN FARMS 3629 Galley Rd........................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-424-7028 see ad on page 22 - cannasavers page 45 Green Pharm 2 4335 N. Academy Blvd Suite 100 ......................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-8245 Grow Life 115 E Garden of the Gods Rd ......................................................................Colorado Springs 719-635-1700 Headmaster 3410 N. Prospect Street ................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-5021 319 Bonfoy Ave ..............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-694-8000 Healing Canna (Bijou) 3692 E. Bijou St ................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-637-7645 (West) 22 S. Chesnut St B ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-559-4180 Healthy Leaf 3715 Drennen Rd .....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-216-5452 Herbal Healing 408 E Fillmore St .................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-597-0776 High Country Healing 1330 W Garden of the Gods Rd ....................................................................Colorado Springs 719-531-7079 High Hopes 288 S. Academy Blvd. Ste C ........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-630-2137 4344 Montebello Dr. ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-593-7191 High Tops 1022 S Royer St .............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-473-0279 2306 N Powers Blvd ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-597-9333 Indispensary 3111 N. Stone Ave ..................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-473-6175 Jade Kola 3750 Astrozon Blvd #140 ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-1138 KANOPYA SPRINGS 2545 Platte Pl ............................................................ Colo. Spgs. 719-344-9198 see ad on page 22 - cannasavers page 47 KIKA KUSH 555 N Circle Dr .......................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-434-1493 see ad on page 22 - cannasavers page 49 Levity Wellness 426 W. Fillmore ..................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-266-5463 Living Rose Wellness 212 S 21st St ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-473-9797 LivWell 570 N Murray .................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-574-8443 3234 N. Nevada Ave ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-622-6652 Lux Leaf 2222 W Colorado Ave ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-999-5934 Maggie’s Farm 818 E. Fillmore ...............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-358-8849 1420 S Nevada Ave .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-328-0420 MariMeds 222 E. Moreno Ave ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-8285 Medical Cannabis and Partners 335 N. Circle Dr .......................................................Colorado Springs 719-799-0516 Native Roots 3660 Austin Bluffs Pkwy ...............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-528-7143 (Gas and Grass) 1705 W Uintah ..................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-5512 (Gas and Grass) 1003 N Academy Blvd .....................................................Colorado Springs 719-550-0327 (Gas and Grass) 1433 S. Tejon St. ..............................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-7739 Naturaleaf 5875 Lehman Dr #100 ..................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-264-6337 1004 S. Tejon Street ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-630-7300 2727 Palmer Park ..........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-368-7800 NuVue Pharma 2304 E Platte Avenue .........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-418-3859 Original Cannabis Growers 2625 East Saint Vrain Unit A ..........................................Colorado Springs 719-475-9333 Pure Medical 207 W Rockrimmon Blvd Unit C ..................................................................Colorado Springs 719-264-0800 8025 N. Academy Blvd. .................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-7390 Rocky Mountain Medical 616 Arrawanna Street ........................................................Colorado Springs 719-337-6132 Rocky Road Remedies 601 E Las Vegas Street .................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-5325 2489 S. Academy Blvd. .................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-481-9420 4335 E. Platte Ave. ........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-574-4230




Silver Stem 5156 Centennial Blvd ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-308-2175 410 S. 8Th Street Unit B ................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-5996 Springs Dispo 2845 Ore Mill Road Unit #6 .................................................................Colorado Springs 719-633-8499 Terps Dispensary 1000 W. Fillmore Ave #105 ............................................................Colorado Springs 719-635-5556 The 64 Store 502 W. Colorado Ave ..............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-602-0640 The Apotheke 2582 S Academy Blvd ...........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-392-1616 The Chronic Boutique 2727 Palmer Park Blvd ............................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-0745 The Corner Co Dispensary 430 W. Colorado Ave .......................................................Colorado Springs 719-465-1331 The Dispensary 2205 Montabello Square #101 ........................................................Colorado Springs 719-368-7606 The Epic Remedy 3995 North Academy Blvd ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-2040 2712 E Fountain Blvd ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-6565 1202 E Fillmore St .........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-6562 The Green Source 975 West Fillmore Street ..............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-633-1300 318 S. 8th St ...................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-635-9002 2103 East Platte Avenue ...............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-302-2032 1216 N Academy Blvd. ..................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-573-5665 The Herb Shoppe 3020 W. Colorado Avenue ..............................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-6337 The TreeHouse 34 Buchanan St ...................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-354-4983 Third Day Apothecary 4865 N. Academy Blvd. ...........................................................Colorado Springs 719-266-6699 Total Green 1125 S Chelton Rd ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-358-8865 Trichome Health Consultants 2117 West Colorado Ave ..............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-635-6337 1001 S Royer St .............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-635-6337 Vital Cannabis 1675 Jetwing Drive ..............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-418-5320 WTJ MMJ Supply 1347 N. Academy Blvd ...................................................................Colorado Springs 719-646-8208 Zipz 3745 Interpark Dr ...................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-5113 LivWell 1819 E Main St ...................................................................................................................Cortez 970-565-9577 High Valley Healing Center 116 S. Alder ...................................................................................Crestone 719-256-4006 Rocky Mountain Cannabis 420 Brontosaurus .......................................................................... Dinosaur 833-762-2837 Mountain Medicals 11505 US-24 ................................................................................................... Divide 719-357-9893 Colorado Grow Company 965 1/2 Main Ave ..............................................................................Durango 970-259-1647 Durango Organics 72 Suttle Street Unit F ................................................................................ Durango 970-259-3674 Medical Horticultural Service 789 Tech Center Drive ...............................................................Durango 970-247-4372 Mountain Annies 1644 County Rd. 203 ......................................................................................Durango 970-247-2190 Prohibition Herb 1185 Camino Del Rio ..................................................................................... Durango 970-385-8622 Rocky Mountain High 120 E 36th St ...........................................................................................Durango 970-259-4093 Sante’ Alternative Wellness 742 1/2 Main Ave ..........................................................................Durango 970-375-2837 Wise Cannabis Co 21950 U.S. 285 ...............................................................................................Fairplay 719-838-2172 4 Real Cannabis 16878 Hwy 160 .........................................................................................Fort Garland 719-989-8221 Green World 401 4th Ave ......................................................................................................Fort Garland 719-206-2837 Southern Colorado Cannabis Club 29577 CO-159 .............................................................Fort Garland 719-379-4210 Better Green Dispensary 514 Bent Ave ................................................................................Las Animas 719-456-0404 LUCKY MONKEY BUDS 511 Ambassador Thompson Blvd............................ Las Animas 719-454-1420 see ad on page 24 - cannasavers page 51 Maggie’s Farm 332 Bent Ave .................................................................................................Las Animas 719-223-9799 Star Buds 420 Bent Ave .........................................................................................................Las Animas 719-456-9620 Earl’s 115 Harrison Ave ............................................................................................................... Leadville 719-293-2770 Nature’s Spirit 113 E. 7th Street ................................................................................................. Leadville 719-486-1900 LivWell 101 Railroad Ave .............................................................................................................. Mancos 970-533-9848 Emerald Fields 27 Manitou Ave .....................................................................................Manitou Springs 719-375-0554 Maggie’s Farm 141 Manitou Ave ...................................................................................Manitou Springs 719-685-1655 High Valley Retail Cannabis 60250 County Road T ..................................................................... Moffat 719-480-7477 Green Meadows Dispensary 23360 S. Hwy. 550 .....................................................................Montrose 970-252-1811 Rocky Mountain High 305 Jody Ct ...........................................................................................Montrose 970-252-8880 Star Buds 611 East 6th St ............................................................................................................. Ordway 719-267-3402 Wild Wild Weed 450 E 1st St ......................................................................................................... Ordway 719-404-3500 Good Earth Meds 600 Coleman Blvd. Unit 1 ................................................................. Pagosa Springs 970-731-3202 Pagosa Organic Therapeutics 298 Bastille Drive Unit #A7, A9 ................................... Pagosa Springs 970-731-4420 San Juan Strains 356 E Pagosa St ................................................................................ Pagosa Springs 970-264-5323 The Green House Pagosa 270 E Pagosa St .................................................................. Pagosa Springs 970-264-3420 Alpine Essentials 850 Commercial Ln .................................................................................Palmer Lake 719-375-1134 Palmer Lake Wellness Center 855 Hwy 105 .......................................................................Palmer Lake 719-488-9900 Alternative Medical Remedies 1450 L Street ............................................................................ Penrose 719-372-6011 Apothecary Farms 1917 Santa Fe Drive...................................................................................... Pueblo 719-544-5323 Canna Cabinet 2630 W Pueblo Blvd ............................................................................................ Pueblo 719-564-2925 Colorado BestBudz 23344 US 50 E STE B .................................................................................. Pueblo 719-281-3963 COLORADO CANNABIS EXCHANGE 3377 Stem Beach ............................................................. Pueblo 719-420-9197 see ad on page 24 - cannasavers page 39

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