WAPT. Preventing Sports Injuries

We have focused on the wrong treatments for too long. In the United States you are now more likely to die from an opioid overdose than a car accident. No joke… Your chance of dying in a car accident are 1 in 103. An opioid overdose, 1 in 96 (National Safety Council). That’s a really scary statistic. Think about it this way… more than 100 people die in the US every day from an opioid overdose. In 2012, healthcare providers wrote 259 million prescriptions for opioids (CDC). That’s enough for every adult in the US to have their own bottle!! How did we get here? What can we do? Our Healthcare System is Sick. We Need Your Help! First off, pain is common. The CDC estimates that 11% of adults have some type of pain every day. Nobody likes pain. The problem is that we often choose the wrong course of treatment. We take a pill. Probably just Tylenol or Advil. Maybe we just IGNORE our pain and hope it goes away. We make excuses… “It’s the cold weather.” “My back has been sore since my accident 10 years ago,” etc. We stop playing tennis, going to yoga class, or avoid the stairs. We ALTER our behavior in hopes that we will feel better and our pain will stop. Perhaps we consider an injection or a prescription medication? Maybe even surgery? What most of us don’t do is take ACTION . We fail to seek out the underlying cause of our pain and address it. Too often we are content to just IGNORE or ALTER our pain. What if there was another answer? One that doesn’t involve medications, injections, or surgery? The answer is fairly obvious… and right in front of us.

In the United States, people are more likely to die of an opioid overdose than in a car accident.

If you think you’re suffering from pain or injury, call 425.820.2110 or visit www.waptrehab.com to schedule your appointment today!

This is where we need YOUR HELP…

(Continued on reverse side).

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