Cannapages Jan/Feb 2023 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

Page 10

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents


CAMPSTEIN'S COLLECTION INDUCTED Museum to Host Exhibit of Late Dankmatician

Aer decades of ownership by a slew of private collectors, a new cache of items used by historic genius Steve “e Camptstein” Einstein have been inducted into the CannaTown Museum of Science and Cannatechnol- ogy. At a ceremony Saturday, Einstein’s notebook, cheeng jacket, and shards of his laboratory bub- bler were on display for the public, along with other legendary oce items including his giant bean bag chair and extensive Wesley Willis record collection.

Turkish Delight Just How You Remember Chewy. Nutty. Eat it on the farm between your chores. Feel that powdery sugary gelatin goodness sliding down your throat and remember the good old summers from your days growing up on the rolling hills of Tunisia. is is Turkish Delight like you've never known but you've always known. is is the stu. e most delightful stu you can get. e ratluk of royalty. e loukoumi of love. e malban of madness. Don't get your britches in a bunch over popsicles and cotton candy, dar- lin', it's Turkish Delight and only Turkish De- light from here on out, for the rest of your life. And you like that. We got your rosewater. We got your bergamot. Making cozonac? Got you cov- ered. Tricking Edmund Pevensie into betray- ing his loved ones? is is the ticket right here. We swear you will liter- ally shit your eyeballs out and gag to death from the sheer thrill that is eating BIG SAL'S TURKISH DELIGHT Find It At e Nearest Gas Station

Steve, lesser-known brother of Albert Einstein, established his own recognized eory of Dankativity aer parting ways with his sibling. e two had famously disagreed on what caused inertia--Steve argued that the answer, simply, was ‘Kush’--and insisted on moving into dierent sciences. He was infamous for camping on bowls. Once, it was reported, he spent three full nights camping, bowl in hand, only breaking from his trance to jot a few notes down, then camped again for a week. It would have been the kind of thing that sent cadets in his age straight to the institution for a mental exam -- or at least, got you skipped in the circle -- except that this type of behavior was typical of him. “You couldn’t pass to ol’ Campstein unless you were cool with pausing the circle-smake for at least a day,” said local historian Dana Charonic at the ceremony. Oen criticized sharply for his terrible “habit,” it was only aer his death that dankness experts began to realize just how many calculations he’d been making every time he camped. "None, no calculations," Charonic noted. “Most of his research just involved him sitting there, in deep thought,” Over time, Campstein found less friends and circles to smake

Continued on next page

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