Don Ruffles | RufflesPPE High Vis Offering

Our Commitment to the Environment

Don Ruffles Limited recognise the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. All staff will:

See Our Full CSR Policy at | 01293 775248 To improve our environmental footprint current projects that we are working towards or have enforced, include the following practices: On a practical level our websites now encourage multiple purchases to help reduce the total number of deliveries, offer substantial savings for charitable projects, and encourage the purchases by highlighting sustainable products; We always try where feasible to work with more local businesses; We have plans to install electric charging points, we have just installed solar power, LED lighting & sensor lighting at one of our new properties; We switching where feasible to greener energy suppliers; We encourage the saving of water and fund WaterAid charity projects; We work with other like-minded greener businesses, & our major suppliers and delivery companies all now use electric vehicles and electric company cars in increasing numbers Encourage all suppliers & manufacturers to improve their environmental performance and provide products that meet the highest environmentally friendly standards possible. Promote and market products from ethical manufacturers and partners that have excellent environmental characteristics and meet high efficiency demands. One typical example is the active promotion of cardboard carton shredders which allows customers to recycle their waste cardboard boxes, which helps to protect our environment and save money by not having to purchase additional plastic chips or bubble wrap, and further reduces costs of skip removal or the compacting of old cartons. We have a commitment to being carbon neutral business by 2025 Promote recycling of all possible materials within the business, whether home, office or remote working. This includes paper, plastics and cans placed, as standard, in clearly marked reciprocals for regular recycling. Maintain a power down policy of all related equipment, including building heating and all electrical appliances. Where possible and practical, utilise video calling as opposed to travelling large distances to meet. Where travel is required, use public transport or trains where practical, if this is not possible then try and travel in groups or make several appointments within the same journey to reduce the carbon and environmental impact of that journey. If staff or management require to attend office meetings we encourage where practical car sharing. Ensure environmental awareness amongst all employees and provide sufficient levels of training to allow them to meet their environmental responsibilities.

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