Y12 Bulletin 26.01.24


I’d like to start by saying thank you to the parents and carers who attended the Higher Education Evening on Monday, hopefully you found it informative and it gave you some insight into the UCAS process. You can access the slides on the sixth form area of the school website, a copy was also emailed home. A reminder that the Oxbridge evening for parents is taking place on Monday 29 January 17.30-18.30. Some students in Year 12 are already very clear about what they want to do after A Levels. Others may find thinking about their options post-18 daunting. A good place to start researching courses is Whatuni.com. A tutor programme to support the process will commence in the coming weeks. Sociology students were lucky to hear from Diane Raey, Professor of Education of the University of Cambridge. Professor Raey has carried out extensive research into social class and gender inequality in Education and is in the A-level sociology curriculum. She shared some contemporary statistics and her knowledge into what can be done to close the educational attainment gap. Our assembly this week focused on how to spot misinformation online and how AI has increased the spread of disinformation and fake news. Students were given information on how they can spot this. This week our Sixth Formers had an amazing opportunity to hear from Alastair Campbell when he visited the school on Wednesday. Students were given the opportunity to talk about how and what they would like to change in society and it made it a very interesting session. On Wednesday, our football team took part in a home game against Richard Reynolds. The game was closely fought and our team defended brilliantly. A special mention goes to Billy who scored 2 goals, with the final outcome being 2-0. Dr Kaamil Farooqi, a senior dentist at Inspire Dental and his trainee came to talk to Waldegrave Medical Society about what a career in Dentistry is. During their visit they shared tips on how to prepare for interviews in this field. Our students really appreciated the talk as they learnt lots of valuable information from them.







Year 7 Basketball vs St. Richard Reynolds

LOST 33-4


Sixth Form Football vs St. Richard Reynolds

WON 2-0


Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Malibu Rising is a captivating rollercoaster of drama and emotion. Taylor Jenkins Reid successfully presents the Riva siblings’ lives against the atmosphere of ‘80s Malibu. The characters feel like friends you’ve known forever, their struggles and triumphs resonating with the teenage experience. The glamorous setting contrasts with the raw, relatable human stories, creating an intriguing narrative. Reid’s writing is touching, making it a page-turner that explores family dynamics, love, and the pursuit of identity. Malibu Rising is a must-read that blends nostalgia with timeless themes for any teenager.

~ Recommended by Dila K, 11ERU

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