Step 6: Employee Self Service Overview
The Employee Self Service Home Page is divided into four sections.
1. Benefits: Display the plans inwhich you are currently enrolled or enroll in newbenefit plans. (See next page formore details) 2. Personal Information: Update or viewpersonal information including your addresses, gender, race, ethnicity, veteran status, disability self-disclosure, bank information, and information about familymembers, dependents, and beneficiaries. Youmust add your dependents to Personal Information PRIOR to being able to enroll them in the University ’ s benefit plans.
3. Your Pay Statement: View your pay statement and register to receive yourW2online.
4. Your Time Off fromWork Request: Request time off fromwork.
Step 7: Enrolling in Benefits You have 45-days fromyour official date of hire to enroll inUC ’ s benefit plans. If you do not enroll during the 45-day window, youwill automatically be enrolled into the default enrollment options. Once the newhire enrollment period passes, youwill automatically be enrolled into the default enrollment options. Once the newhire enrollment period passes, changes to your benefits plan canONLY be made during the annual benefits enrollment period or following aqualified status change.
NewHire Enrollment: To access the newhire enrollment page, navigateto the Employee Services homepage, select Benefits, and then click NewHire Enrollment. The enrollment process is broken into six different steps:
Required Actions 2 0
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