1. Health Plans: Enroll orwaive Dental and/orMedical coverage. Youmust add your dependents to Personal Information (on ESS homepage) PRIOR to being able to enroll them in the University ’ s benefit plans.
2. Insurance Plans: Enroll into the following plans
a. Employee Life
b. Spouse Life
c. Dependent Life
d. Personal Accident
e. Long-TermDisability
3. Health Savings Account: This option is only available if you are enrolled in the HighDeductible Health Plan (completed in step 1). If you are enrolled in the PPOor have waivedUC medical coverage, skip to Step 4. 4. Flexible SpendingAccounts: The Health Care FSA is available if you are enrolled in the PPOor if youwaive UC medical coverage. 5. Spousal Surcharge Information: You can SKIP this stepONLY if you have waivedUCmedical coverage. If you enroll your spouse/domesticpartner inUCmedical coverage and do not make a surcharge election, youWILLNOT be able to complete your benefits enrollment. 6. Reviewand Submit: The final step is to click the "Submit" icon in the top left of the screen. Your selections will not be saved until you click the "Submit" icon. Please review and/or print a copy of your Confirmation Statement. Enrollment changes are not permitted after the enrollment ends. For questions about benefits, please visit the Benefits page on Bearcats Landing. Contact information for each area can be found at the bottomof the page.
Required Actions 2 1
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