Finding your Assigned Training on the Timeline/To Do List
The Home Dashboard contains a Timeline/To Do List. The list shows your assigned training, plus any training you are registered to take, and training you have already started. Click on Start or Register button to the right of the course. The HIPAA and Compliance training on your Timeline are the ones assigned to you. Taking different training will not substitute for the assigned training. If there is no training on your timeline, it is possible you previously completed the training and do not need to take more. If you are unsure, contact
the helpdesk. Helpful Hints If your training does not appear on your To Do List and you have not already completed it, please call UC Health Service Desk at (513) 585-MYPC (6972) so that the appropriate training can be assigned to you. Be certain to have your popup blocker turned off since this course will run in a popup window. If you receive a security warning, click Yes You may exit and restart the training as often as you need. The course will return you to the correct spot when you restart. To restart click on the start button as shown in step 2 above. Many of the assigned modules have pre-assessments. In most cases if you pass the pre-assessment with 80% or better, you may exit the course without reviewing the material.
Contact 585-MYPC if you are having issues logging on or finding a course. Taking your HIPAA Training
1. Find your assigned training in your Timeline. From the Timeline , you can access assigned learning activities. If you have already completed an activity, it no longer appears in your Timeline. If your training does not appear on your Timeline and you have not already completed it, please call UC Health Service Desk so that the appropriate training can be assigned to you.
HIPPA modules are numbered 1 through 14. You may not be assigned all of the modules. Only take those assigned to you.
Required Actions 2 6
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