Dual Comp Staff Clinician Onboarding Binder

12. HIPAA Modules 2 through 12 have a pre- assessment. The pre-assessment is optional. The pre-assessment is difficult and many will not be able to pass it without taking the course. 13. If you wish to take the pre-assessment click Begin Pre-Assessment . 14. If you wish to skip the pre-assessment, click Begin Course .

15. If you pass the pre-assessment with an 80% or higher you may exit the course without reviewing the material and your passing score will be recorded. If you have an 80% or higher click on Exit at the top. 16. Click Continue at the bottom of the screen if you did not have an 80% or higher. At any time you may review the UC Health HIPAA Policies by clicking on Our Documents near the top of the screen. 17. When you enter the course you will be asked to select your view mode. You may choose to see videos, read text and graphics, or complete the course in accessibility mode. Click on your preferred view mode . 18. View the entire course. Respond to the knowledge checkpoint questions as they come up. 19. When the course material is complete take the assessment. A bar at the bottom of the screen indicates your progress. 20. You may take the assessment as many times as needed to achieve an 80% or better score. You will not get credit for the module until you score an 80% or better.

Required Actions 2 9

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