THE INVESTOR ANGLE Virtually every country is investing in Australia in some shape or form. The two main regions investing in Australia are the U.S. and UK – representing about 60% of interest - followed by Japan, China and Europe as a whole. Investors here often believe that if a tech business makes it work in Australia, with its small population of 25 million and extensive land mass, it has a product or service that can work very well in a larger population country. Investors are happy to back companies that can transplant easily into markets such as the U.S., which has a much larger populace. As a result, however, the Australian market is seen as a gateway, rather than a place to settle a business. THE COMMON MISCONCEPTION The perception of the Australian market is one of beaches and the outback and therefore that it isn’t a place where anything is happening. Once it becomes clearer that it has one of the most appealing exchanges in the world and is a leading location globally for investable capital, businesses are much more willing to establish themselves here. There have been 27 years of continuous economic growth in Australia – something that no other country globally has been able to achieve. Its robust economy, globally recognised banking system with deep capital markets are almost undiscovered because of this perception.
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