Grounds For Play Playground Maintenance Guidebook


About the Authors

Playground Inspection & Maintenance Guide Table of Contents

Teresa B. Hendy, CPSI President, Site Masters, Inc.

Teresa (Teri) is the President and owner of Site Masters Inc., a Cincinnati, Ohio based consulting firm specializing in the design and safety of children’s play environments. For more than 30 years, Teri has been actively involved as a design and safety consultant to the school, child care, and park and recreation industries as well as to private foundations, science centers, museums, and national quick serve restaurants. Teri brings extensive knowledge of the standards and guidelines that apply to the playground industry as she has actively worked with the ASTM subcommittees since 1987 to develop industry standards. Teri is on the Voice of Play Advisory Board to IPEMA and an executive board member and instructor for the curriculum committee for the National Playground Safety Institute. She is a nationally recognized author, speaker, and expert in the area of playground safety and design.

1 2 3

Why is Inspection and Maintenance Important?

Management and Staffing Priorities

Daniel M. Hendy, CPSI Site Masters, Inc.

Dan has over three decades of experience in the recreation industry working with early childhood centers, government, municipalities, and schools. Having previously owned and operated a sales and construction company, Dan possesses extensive knowledge and experience in managing the construction and design of playground facilities as well as the manufacturing and fabrication of playground equipment and site furnishings. Dan has experience in facilitating the design and construction of playgrounds to meet the developmental needs of the children and users of the play spaces. His background in education and teaching has enabled him to develop programming to meet the goals of owners, designers, and builders of play facilities. Dan has facilitated many local landmark projects: Highfield Gardens, Evendale Recreation Center Playground, Juilfs Park, Bicentennial Commons Playground Addition, Ziegler Park, Crescent Park Playground. Dan has a Masters in Education, holds a US patent, is a Certified Playground Safety Inspector, and after 30 years in the playground industry, has joined Site Masters Inc. as a partner in the firm.

Maintenance Inspection—Frequency and Process

Low Frequency Inspection Guide 4 High Frequency Inspection Guide 27

31 33 35

Performing Required Maintenance

Nature Play Areas

This Guide is a part of the Safety Resource Series and is provided as a public service by Grounds For Play. The Safety Resource Series is made up of the Playground Inspection and Maintenance Guide and the Playground Supervision Guide. For more information about the Series or to request digital copies of the Guides, visit


Copyright© 2018 by Teresa Hendy and PlayCore Wisconsin, Inc. All rights reserved. All materials contained in this guide are protected by copyright laws and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express written permission of PlayCore. Sample inspection forms may be reproduced in limited quantities, without permission, for the sole purpose of education or training within individual organizations.

Disclaimer The purpose of this overview resource is to raise awareness about some considerations for a routine playground inspection and maintenance program; it is not to be considered as an all inclusive guide. Do not rely upon this overview in lieu of the normal safety inspections that might otherwise be conducted. Please refer to the manufacturer specifications and warnings, which are supplied with the playground equipment, and continue with normal inspections. Please do not construe our failure to either itemize any particular maintenance activity or list any particular condition as a statement that these activities are unneeded or that these conditions do not require attention. PlayCore and its divisions volunteer these comments in the interest of safety while advising of the restricted context in which they are given.

Why is Inspection and Maintenance Important?

Management and Staffing Priorities

Well-maintained playground equipment can help children to develop cognitively, physically, communicatively, socially, and emotionally in a safer environment. Along with helping to promote children’s development, a quality inspection and maintenance program has many positive outcomes.

When designing a playground maintenance program, managers should consider, among other factors, these concepts:

Protect your investment Play equipment, protective surfacing, planning, and site development of a playground are significant investments. It simply makes good economic sense to maintain the equipment to extend its life and protect your school or agency’s investment. Manage risk Proper, routine, and timely maintenance is a way of managing risks in the community’s play areas, helping to protect them from costly accidents, and demonstrating the community’s standard of care. Improve children’s play experiences When playground equipment is broken or otherwise unusable, children miss opportunities for play. That moment of connection with others and fun-filled learning might be lost. The better maintained the equipment, the better the chance that a child’s life is improved. Your work could make the difference! Promote community values Maintained and groomed play environments are a source of pride for the community. Taking good care of the playground equipment and maintaining a beautiful environment is an expression of your community’s values. Control expenses Timely, preventive routine maintenance procedures help control expenses by reducing upkeep and replacement costs, enabling more accurate budgeting.

Inspections should be routine, timely, and followed up with action. Design the program to be consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions when available and take into account environmental conditions . Have a system in place that ensures an appropriate response to hazards. • A hazard is anything that may cause harm or result in serious injury. Serious hazards should be immediately repaired, removed, or taken out of service. • The play environment is constantly changing; your system should be capable of responding in an ongoing manner. A successful program requires comprehensive commitment. • Everyone associated with the playground, from the manufacturer to the citizen, has a role in providing access to safer and age appropriate play.

Continually educate staff in these and other areas. • How to effectively identify problems and repair play equipment.

Learning Outcomes: • Define the importance of maintenance as a key to maximizing playground value and managing risk. • Generate high and low frequency inspection protocols and procedures for a sustainable maintenance program. • Identify potentially hazardous conditions in the play environment and define proper maintenance practices for playground equipment and surfacing. • Summarize a variety of tools and generate a maintenance program unique to your school or agency. By identifying and eliminating hazardous conditions, you can play an important role in preserving the play environment, promoting the value of play, and protecting children.

• How to provide ongoing maintenance.

• How to keep records and documentation of work.

When necessary, bring in outside vendors to perform inspections and/or do technical repairs. • Contact your playground supplier for recommendations. Practice complete documentation. • Complete records of maintenance and repairs are essential for a sound maintenance program and risk control. Providing documented evidence that maintenance is being performed verifies a standard of care as set forth by the operator and creates a historical record that could be useful. • Warranties are honored when there is proof of maintenance.

Did You Know? It has been estimated that at least 33% of playground accidents could be avoided with a planned maintenance program. (National Recreation and Park Association’s CPSI Course).

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Frequency and Process

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide


Because play equipment and surfacing are subject to changes from use, abuse, and climate, they must be inspected on a regular basis. The frequency of inspection will be determined by many factors including equipment age, use, and materials, and external factors like the age of the users, climate, and vandalism. Regardless of site-specific attributes of the playground, two types of inspections should be performed on all playgrounds: low frequency and high frequency.

Important Headings for Document

Low Frequency Inspections Often performed quarterly or semi-annually, low frequency inspections are in-depth investigations of the equipment and surfacing looking for wear and tear. This inspection requires a staff member with mechanical knowledge and extensive knowledge about play equipment and surfacing standards. During or immediately after the inspection, staff should do preventive maintenance and repairs and/ or remove damaged equipment to remedy problems discovered in the inspection. An example of this type of maintenance would be replacing heavily worn chains that were noted during the inspection. See pages 25-26 for a sample inspection form and corresponding codes to use on the form. High Frequency Inspections Often performed daily or weekly, high frequency inspections look at frequently changing conditions caused by use, weather, and/or vandalism. During a high frequency inspection, staff checks and corrects playground conditions such as loose-fill surfacing depths, sanitation issues, and the presence of trash and debris. If any hazards are discovered, staff should follow school or agency procedures such as completing documentation, taking the area out of use, and/or correcting the problem. See page 29- 30 for a sample inspection form and corresponding codes to use on the form.

Playground Inspection Process When new play equipment is installed and at the introduction of a new playground safety and maintenance program, it is good practice to have an audit of the equipment performed by a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI). The audit will note conditions that are not compliant with current industry standards and will form the basis for a systematic program of removal, repair, and/or retrofit. Inspection Forms Reports detailing inspections, maintenance, and repairs need to be completed for all types of inspections and maintenance. File these reports in an accessible location because they may be invaluable for ongoing maintenance, budgeting, staffing, designing new play areas, future play equipment selection, and other purposes. Sample low and high frequency forms are included as part of this program guide. They can be reproduced and tailored to meet the site and policy specific needs of your school or agency. Because of the variance of each play area, these forms should not be considered as comprehensive lists of playground hazards or maintenance requirements.

• The name, location, or proper means of identifying the playground.

• The name and position of the person conducting the inspection.

• The date of the inspection.

• When multiple pages are necessary, number the additional pages and indicate the total number of pages.

• Inventory each piece of the equipment by writing its name in the “Equipment List” columns (one piece of equipment per column). Should more columns be necessary, add additional pages. Be as descriptive as possible for each piece of equipment, using characteristics such as height, color, location, number of swing seats, etc.

Low Frequency Inspection Form Elements: • General Safety Considerations • Finishes & Materials Conditions

• Fasteners

• Structural Members

• Gripping & Stepping Components

• Slides

• Swings & Moving Components

For a list of Certified Playground Safety Inspectors in your area or for information about becoming a CPSI, contact the National Recreation and Park Association at (800) 626-6772 or online at

• Other

• Protective Surfacing

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

General Safety Considerations

Check for entanglement and protrusion hazards Typically caused by hardware or small diameter components that project out from a surface, entanglement and protrusion hazards may entangle clothing resulting in strangulation and/or impale skin causing a laceration, contusion, or other soft tissue damage. Projection gauges should be used to check for entanglement and protrusion hazards. Projection gauges are part of an inspection tool kit that is available for purchase from your playground manufacturer and the National Recreation and Park

Association (NRPA). It is possible to fabricate your own gauges using the dimensions outlined in the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Handbook for Public Playground Safety, publication #325, available for free at Should you have any concerns regarding entanglements and protrusions, mark the box with an “O” for outstanding issue and consult with a CPSI and/or the manufacturer of the equipment.

This section addresses conditions that apply to every piece and type of playground equipment. Should you have any concerns regarding whether or not a hazard exists, mark the box with an “O” to indicate an outstanding issue and consult with a CPSI and/or the manufacturer of the equipment.

Check for required signs and labels The ASTM standard requires the name of the manufacturer or custom designer to be present on the equipment. Typically, the manufacturer’s name is molded into plastic components or cast into steel pipe caps or collars.

An age recommendation sign or label must be present on or near the equipment.




Other signs and/or labels that are required:

• Warnings regarding danger of wearing sports helmets and clothing with drawstrings, which can become strangulation hazards when worn on equipment.

• Hot surface warning when applicable.

• Surfacing warning when applicable. 


• Recommendation for adult supervision.

Check for crush and shear hazards Such hazards may crush a child’s finger or cause amputation. Crush and shear points can occur on components that are in motion like see-saws and moving bridge planks. To check for a crush or shear hazard, place a 5/8 inch diameter dowel in the opening. If the component could close down on the dowel, then a crush or shear hazard is present. Lightweight objects such as tic-tac-toe game pieces are not considered for crush and shear. Should you have any concerns regarding crush and shear hazards, mark the box with an “O” for outstanding issue, and consult with a CPSI and/or the manufacturer of the equipment.

Check for entanglement hazards 1. Check that there are no more than two threads exposed on a bolt end. In Photo 1, more than two threads are exposed, so this bolt would be considered an entanglement hazard. 2. Check that hardware does not increase in diameter from the initial surface out of which it projects, creating a hook, as seen in Photo 2. If a 1/8" diameter rod can be inserted fully into the space between the projection and the initial surface then the projection is considered an entanglement hazard.

3. Check that the gaps in an “S” hook are not greater than .04 inches (approximate thickness of a dime). 4. Check that there are no gaps at the entrance to a slide at the point of attachment of the slide to the platform, as seen in Photo 4. If a gap is present, it must be considered for entanglement. Since there is no standard test method, use your best judgment to determine if a drawstring on a child’s coat or outerwear could become entangled in the gap. If in doubt, photograph the gap and contact the manufacturer.

Demonstration of test for crush and shear hazard.

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide








> 1/8 inch


Test swings for protrusion hazards with this special gauge.

This unsafe protrusion is useful for visualizing extension and diameter measurements.

This cracked component is a hazard.

More than two threads are showing, so this component is a protrusion hazard.

5. Check that hardware and small components do not project vertically above a horizontal unless the projection is less than 1/8 of an inch or it is rounded. In order for a piece of hardware or small component to be considered a vertical entanglement hazard, all of the following conditions must exist: a) The projection would fit inside a three inch diameter ring, as seen in Photo 5a. b) The projection projects vertically above a horizontal and is perpendicular to the surface it comes out of (90 degrees), as seen in Photo 5b. If the component projects out horizontally

or below horizontal it is not considered for entanglement unless the projection is on the sidewall of a slide. c) The projection is not rounded. In Photo 5c, the projection on the left has perpendicular sides and must be considered for entanglement. The projection on the right, however, is rounded and, therefore, is not considered a vertical entanglement hazard. d) The perpendicular portion of the projection is taller than 1/8 of an inch, as seen in Photo 5d. This is an entanglement hazard.

3. Suspended components, such as swings, have stricter protrusion requirements because they move and may hold the added weight of a child, changing the dynamics of the hazard. On a suspended component, any projections that would fit inside a 1 ¼ inches diameter gauge may not project out more than 1/8 of an inch. (A suspended projection hazard gauge, resembling a large flat washer, is part of the protrusion gauge kit.) When projection gauges are not available, use the following procedure to determine the presence of a protrusion hazard. • If the diameter or maximum cross section of a projection is less than or equal to 1/2 inch, the projection should not extend more than 1/4 of an inch above the surface to which it is attached. • If the diameter or maximum cross section of a projection is less than or equal to 1 ½ inches, the projection should not extend more than

3/4 of an inch above the surface to which it is attached. • If the diameter or maximum cross section of a projection is less than or equal to 3 inches, the projection should not extend more than 1 ½ inches above the surface to which it is attached. 4. Check for sharp points and edges. Use your judgment to determine whether or not a point or edge could harm a child; generally, all edges should be smooth and rounded. Pay particular attention to rough edges on hardware, worn or cracked materials, splintered wood, rusted or cracked metal, and weld spatters on metal surfaces. 5. Check that bolt ends show less than two threads and are rounded and smooth. Pay close attention to bolt ends because rough or projecting bolt ends could be entanglement and protrusion hazards.

Check for protrusion hazards 1. Place each of the three gauges over all projections, regardless of shape and orientation, as seen in Photo 1. 2. If the projection extends through the gauge and projects beyond the face of the gauge, then the projection is considered a protrusion hazard and has the potential to impale a child. In Photo 2, the projection is a protrusion hazard.



Quick Reference Protrusion Hazard Chart

If the diameter or maximum cross section of a projection is less than or equal to this Diameter.

The projection should not extend more than this Extension above the surface to which it is attached.

1/2 inch

1/4 inch 3/4 inch

Gauges are used to test the compliance of all projections. This projection is in compliance because it does not extend beyond the face of the gauge.

This bolt end is an unsafe protrusion.

1 ½ inches

3 inches

1 ½ inches

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide





This photo shows the use of entrapment templates as opposed to the three dimensional probes.

The torso probe enters the opening and therefore requires further testing.

The head probe does not freely enter; therefore, this tic-tac-toe panel poses a head entrapment hazard and should be corrected.

a) Test all completely bound openings that measure between 3.5 and 9 inches. An opening where safety surfacing is the lowest boundary is not considered a hazard and is not tested. b) Insert the torso probe/template into the opening as shown in the photograph. If the torso probe/template does not enter the opening, then the opening is compliant and it does not need to be checked further. If the torso probe/template goes into the opening to a depth of four inches, then the opening is considered accessible to a child and the opening must be checked using the head probe/template to determine if an entrapment hazard is present. c) Insert the head probe/template into any opening that allowed the torso probe/ template to enter. If the head probe/template will freely pass through the opening, no head entrapment hazard is present. If the head probe will not enter and exit the opening freely, the opening is considered a head entrapment hazard. If a head entrapment hazard exists, it should be corrected immediately. The degree of severity of the hazard will be determined by the likelihood that a child can get into

the opening and the height of the opening above the ground. Higher openings where it is unlikely the entrapped child’s feet will contact the ground pose a greater risk. If you are uncertain whether or not a head entrapment hazard exists, close off the opening and take the equipment out of service until a CPSI and/or the manufacturer can be contacted to evaluate. 7. Check the cleanliness and sanitation of the play environment. Serious health hazards can be created by animal feces, bodily fluids, and bird droppings. Also, check regularly for the presence of pests, like insects and vermin, and remove them and their nests from play areas.

Areas that can possibly cause head entrapment are below a barrier, between the vertical bars of a barrier, and an angle less than 55 degrees on a fort. (Source: CPSC)

6. Check for head entrapment hazards. Head entrapment and a resulting strangulation hazard can occur when children enter an opening feet first with only their legs and torso passing through the opening. Completely bound openings that measure between 3.5 inches and 9 inches must be considered for head entrapment. If the equipment was installed correctly and audited after installation, there should not be entrapment hazards unless the equipment shifts or receives improper repairs. Head entrapment probes and templates are available for purchase from your playground manufacturer and the NRPA as part of an

inspection tool kit. There are two probes/ templates: a torso probe/template and a head probe/template. The probe is three dimensional and may be easier to use because the user does not need to measure the depth of the opening. Templates are two dimensional and may be used in place of probes as long as the user ensures that the template has entered the opening to a depth of 4 inches. It is possible to make your own templates using the dimensions outlined in the CPSC Handbook for Public Playground Safety, but when making your own templates, make certain that the final product is accurate.


Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Finishes and Material Conditions

The following low frequency inspection recommendations apply to specific types of surfaces, finishes, and materials and may not apply to all components of the play equipment.



This pipe is splitting.

Separating weld joints must be repaired and repainted immediately.






Cracked plastic could be an indicator of future product failure or present undesirable sharp edges.

The PVC coating is peeling, exposing the metal underneath to the elements.

4. Check that there are no damaged, bent, broken, or missing parts. • Damaged, bent, broken, or missing components could compromise the integrity of the structure. 5. Check that plastic components are free from cracks, holes, and burns. • Damaged plastic components should be repaired, removed, or isolated. Before altering a damaged component, consult with the manufacturer of the equipment to determine if repair is possible. 6. Check that no weld joints are broken, rusting, or rough. • A skilled welder should make repairs within the parameters of the manufacturer and playground industry standards. Be sure to

repaint the weld afterward. Touch up paint can be purchased from your playground manufacturer. Do not weld swing “S” hooks closed, as it changes the property of the metal and reduces its strength. 7. Check PVC coated components for signs of wear and peeling. • Frequently used to coat swing chain, platforms, and other components, PVC coatings are subject to degradation and UV breakdown and need to be checked for signs of wear and peeling. When possible, correct peeling by re-coating the component immediately because, in some cases, exposed metal may deteriorate more quickly. Plastisol, which can be used to touch up PVC coated decks and other components, can be purchased from your playground manufacturer.

Chipped paint on this equipment should be addressed and repainted.

Vandalized surfaces can be cleaned with Graffiti Remover.

This wooden upright post is unstable.

1. Check that metal surfaces are free from rust and chipping paint. • Clean and paint all metal surfaces if rust appears. Prepare the surfaces properly before painting. Touch up paint is available for purchase from your playground manufacturer. 2. Check the conditions of all surfaces. • Surfaces should be free from mold and mildew as they can be health and slip hazards. • Equipment and surfacing should be carefully checked to remove any graffiti or vandalism. Graffiti breeds more graffiti and should be removed immediately.

3. Check that wood surfaces are free from rot, splinters, warping, and severe cracking. • Remove any splinters, smooth the area, and fill with caulk if necessary. If warping or rot exists, check the integrity of the wood and its anchoring point. (Hidden rot can occur where the wood member intersects the protective surface and concrete footers.) When possible, obtain replacement wood from the manufacturer of the wooden play equipment.

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide


Structural Members

This section applies to specific types of hardware and other fasteners and may not apply to all play components on the playground.

This section applies to the structural integrity of the playground and applies to all types of components.






This clamp is slipping.

This bolt is loose and should be tightened or replaced.

Hardware is missing and causing the component to come apart.

The cap is missing and should be replaced.

Worn ropes and an exposed anchoring device make this component unsafe.

4. Check that turnbuckles are fully engaged and properly adjusted. • Used to keep components such as climbing nets taut, turnbuckles may loosen over time.

1. Check that all hardware is present, tight, and fully engaged. • Physically check hardware to confirm that it is tight. Most manufacturers utilize self locking bolts or lock-tite, but intensive use of the equipment can cause bolts to loosen. If non-moving equipment moves, the hardware may be missing or not fully engaged. 2. Check that caps and plugs are present on the ends of all pipes and tubes. • Exposed tubing and pipe must have capped ends. Caps cover sharp edges, prevent insect infestation, and protect the metal from freeze cycles. The caps should be rounded, securely fastened, and should not create an entanglement or protrusion hazard. 3. Check that all fittings and bearings are functional, lubricated, and squeak free. • Fittings and bearings should be in good condition, not showing excessive signs of wear. Lubricate during inspection to prolong the life of the component. Replace fittings and bearings that are in poor condition, showing excessive signs of wear.

Springs require frequent lubrication.

• Adjust turnbuckle tension as required.

The concrete footing is exposed.

5. Check that all cables and ropes are securely fastened. • Cables and ropes must be securely anchored and not capable of looping back on themselves. Check to make certain that cables and ropes are in good condition and not unraveling or coming apart.

1. Check to make certain that all footings and other forms of anchoring devices are stable and are not exposed. • Concrete footings and other anchoring devices should be installed below the level of the protective surfacing material. If there are exposed footings, the play area should be taken out of service, and they should be corrected as soon as possible. 2. Check to make certain that structural members are sound and securely fastened. • Structural members, such as upright support posts, horizontal beams, and platforms, must be sound and securely fastened, fasteners being tight and secure, with no unintended

movement. When a component shifts, head entrapment hazards may be created. 3. Check that springs and rocking components are in good repair. • Coil springs and other types of rocking components are subject to heavy use. For this reason, they may crack or wear out and become loose from their anchoring devices. It is important to check the points of attachment to the footing and to the body of the spring rider. • Check the springs and rocking components for loose or missing hardware and for signs of cracking or degradation.



Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Gripping and Stepping Components


1. Check that all handholds/grips are tight, in good condition, and do not rotate. • Unexpected movement of a handhold could cause a child to fall. 2. Check that all stepping surfaces are level, stable, and clean. • Stepping surfaces that are not level and stable may create a trip hazard. Stairs, platforms, and other types of access devices should not have abrupt changes of level. • All surfaces should be kept clean and free of debris. Platforms should drain well.

• Surfaces intended for wheelchair use should not have a vertical change of elevation greater than 1/2 inch and may not have a horizontal gap or space greater than 1/2 inch. 3. Check that all foot rungs/holds are tight, secure, and in good condition. • If a foot hold is not intended to move, it should not move. Make certain that components such as stepping pods and balance beams are level and secure. • Excessive wear on a stepping component may impact the integrity of the component and also create a tripping hazard, especially if the surface is separating, such as when a pipe splits.


All handholds/grips must be kept in good condition.


1. Check all slides to make certain that the bedways and side walls are smooth and free from debris. • Look for smoothness, and note excessively worn slide parts. • Look for foreign objects caught in the spaces between sections of the slide, as seen in Photo 1. 2. Check the slide bedway and the attachment point of the slide to the platform for conditions that might entangle clothing or body parts. • The slide bedway must be free from entanglement hazards, as noted in the entanglement section. Clothing entanglement can occur when the bedway separates from the platform creating a gap large enough to allow draw strings or clothing to enter the gap. Entanglement may also occur when sections of the bedway separate or when the component is cracked or damaged. If you are unsure of the entanglement potential, mark an “O” for outstanding issue on the inspection form and take the equipment out of service until the issue is resolved.

This debris could pose a hazard.


Openings in the surface of an accessible route may not be large enough to admit a 1/2" dowel.

Be sure all stepping components are tight, secure, and in good condition.



This tear could be an entanglement hazard.

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Swings and Moving Components

1. Check that swing chains or cables are not twisted and are free from excessive wear. • Check the links of the chain from top to bottom for kinks or wear, paying special attention to the links at the top of the chain and at the swing seat connection. • Unwrap swing chains if they are wrapped around the top rail of the swing structure, checking for deep wear. Purchase swing chain from a playground equipment manufacturer. Chain purchased from a hardware store can have a different hardness that is not suitable for playground use. 2. Check “S” Hooks and other types of fasteners for excessive wear and to make certain that they are closed. • Check frequently that “S” hooks are not worn more than 1/4 of their thickness, as seen in Photo 2. Always replace them with “S” hooks from a playground equipment vendor. Never reuse an “S” hook. Once it is closed and re- opened, its strength has been compromised. • All fasteners should be closed so that the opening is less than .04" as measured with an automotive feeler gauge. For perspective, a U.S. dime is approximately .04" thick. Never weld an “S” hook closed.

3. Check that all swing hangers are free from excessive wear and that the bushings are lubricated and in good condition. • Swing hangers and bushings should be checked frequently for signs of excessive wear. Because bushings are designed to wear out so that the cast swing hanger does not, make certain that the component that supports the swing chain has a bushing, bearings, or some other means of reducing the friction yet moves freely within the swing hanger. • Swing hangers should be securely fastened to the top rail so that they do not spin or rotate around the top rail unless designed to do so. 4. Check that swing seats are smooth, in good condition, and free from cuts or tears. Injuries can occur if swing seats break while in use. • Make certain that fasteners are not pulling through the swing seat material, the material is not cracked or torn impacting the integrity of the seat, and the edges and surfaces are rounded and smooth. • When a child jumps out of a swing seat while swinging, the seat may fly back into the path of a child on an adjacent swing and an exposed metal edge or rough, jagged vinyl may cut a child.




This tire is cracking and should be replaced.

Ensure tire swing assemblies remain properly greased and in good condition.

It is important to check moving components frequently to ensure they are in good condition.

5. Check that tire swing seats are lightweight, smooth and rounded, and in good condition. • Tire swing seats must be less than 35 pounds. • Check to make certain that there are no exposed steel belts or sharp or rough edges. Look at the condition of the seat where the hardware comes through the tire to make certain that the rubber or plastic is not cracking. 6. Check that tire swing assemblies, including swivels and/or bearings, remain properly greased and are in good condition. 7. Check that all other moving components are in good condition, secure, and lubricated.

• Moving components may include, but are not limited to swing structures, track rides, trapeze ladders, trapeze rings, tire swings, upright twirling components, backhoe diggers, steering wheels, whirls/spinning rides, chain net climbers, panels with moving assemblies, spring riders, suspension bridges, pogo type bouncers, and see saws. • The integrity of the component and all its parts should be checked frequently and should be in good condition. • Moving components may come loose and should be checked frequently at the concrete footing or other anchor/attachment point. • Moving components should be greased or lubricated during inspection.






The “Other” section of the inspection form is an important place to add any other condition not listed above that should be noted. As an example, toys and found objects should not be brought onto the play structure, loose branches may fall into the play area. Correct and note these items in this section of the low frequency inspection form.

Swing chain should be unwrapped/ inspected and broken swing seat should be replaced.

Worn hardware poses a hazard.

This bushing (red) is worn and should be replaced.

This belt swing is tearing and should be replaced.

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Protective Surfacing - Loose-fill and Unitary

Loose-fill Surfacing Materials When impacted, loose-fill materials move downward and/or outward, providing some fall cushioning but also require ongoing raking and replenishment to keep the materials in place at an appropriate depth. Loose-fill materials must be contained in some manner either by earth berms, timber, or plastic borders called curbs. Rubber wear mats can be placed in high impact areas, such as under swings and the base of slides, to reduce the frequency of raking. The CPSC classifies loose-fill materials as organic or inorganic.

All playground equipment must have proper impact attenuating (protective) surfacing under and around it. Unacceptable playground surfaces include grass, packed earth, asphalt or concrete, and other hard surfaces. Acceptable surfacing materials fall into two categories: loose-fill and unitary surfacing. Your budget, the amount of use the playground gets, your ability to maintain the surface, and other factors will help facilitate playground surfacing selections. Although it cannot eliminate all injuries, well- maintained protective surfacing should be capable of absorbing some of the impact from a falling body. For this reason, your role in maintaining the surfacing is essential. Consumer Product Safety Commission Documentation of Surfacing: Materials used as protective surfacing under playground equipment must meet certain impact attenuation criteria. The CPSC has outlined the performance criteria that various types of

surfaces must meet. Manufacturers of unitary materials, shredded rubber, recycled tires, and engineered wood fiber are expected to supply all compliance and test reports for their surfaces. In the event that local landscape materials are used you may consult with the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Handbook for Public Playground Safety for information regarding the type and depth of common surfaces. For more information, visit, publication #325. It is important that the surfacing material be able to protect a child from a fall from the height of the playground equipment. To properly assess the surfacing material the following should be noted; type of material, depth or thickness of the surfacing material and the height of the equipment. See the recommendations for critical height and fall height found in the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Handbook for Public Playground Safety.

Product Safety Commission’s Handbook for Public Playground Safety recommends that there be 12 inches of loose-fill materials under playground equipment. Under no circumstances should loose-fill materials be less than nine inches. Refer to the table entitled “Minimum compressed loose-fill surfacing depths” for information about the fall attenuation properties of various types of surfacing. Your role of raking and leveling the loose-fill surfacing materials will be essential in helping to protect children on the playground.

Examples of organic loose-fill materials are engineered wood fiber and shredded bark mulch. Engineered wood fiber is a wood product that is made exclusively for use under playground equipment. Organic materials require more frequent replenishing than inorganic materials because they naturally decompose over time. Wood fibers must be drained well and topped off regularly to maintain the desired depth and to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. Inorganic loose-fill materials include shredded rubber, sand, pea stone, and gravel. Inorganic materials do not decompose and require less frequent replacement. Frequently found on older playgrounds, sand and gravel do not meet current ADA accessibility guidelines and require frequent raking and turning due to their tendency for compaction. Raking and turning can help prevent gravel from developing a hard layer known as hardpan that resembles concrete. Shredded rubber is attractive and durable, does not form hardpan, but must be maintained at the desired depth. All types of loose-fill materials need to be maintained at an acceptable depth in order to retain their fall attenuation properties. The Consumer

Maintaining the protective nature and longevity of loose-fill surfacing includes the following tasks:

• Raking and leveling

• Removing debris

• Decompressing, raking, turning, and tilling

Unacceptable Playground Surfacing

Acceptable Playground Surfacing

• Replenishing, topping off, and replacement of worn out materials • Installation and maintenance of border material or curb

• Grass

• Concrete / asphalt

• Sand, gravel, shredded rubber • Wood chips, shredded bark mulch, engineered wood fiber • Unitary materials certified for playground use such as poured-in-place rubber, rubber tiles, bonded rubber

• Packed earth

• Other hard surfaces

• Ensuring proper drainage

Minimum compressed loose-fill surfacing depths


Loose-Fill Material

Protects to Fall Height (feet)


Shredded/recycled rubber






Pea gravel



Wood Mulch (non-CCA)



Wood chips


Containment curbs and wear mats help keep loose-fill surfacing materials in place.

Grass and packed earth are unacceptable playground surfaces.

Rubber tiles are a good choice for unitary playground surfacing.

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Inspection of Protective Surfacing

Unitary Surfacing Materials Unitary products include poured-in-place rubber (rubber particles bound with a liquid urethane), rubber tiles, bonded rubber, and synthetic turf. Unitary surfacing does not require raking, decompressing, or replenishment; however, it may require sanitization or maintenance due to surface debris, vandalism, movement in the tiles, erosion, poor drainage, or worn areas that result from repeated impacts. When unitary surfacing is in need of repair, it should be done immediately as per supplier’s instructions. Always consult the manufacturer before applying any chemicals or before pressure washing. Making a Purchasing Decision The generally lower initial cost of purchasing loose- fill surfacing materials should be weighed against

the predictable cost of maintaining it and topping it off regularly. Taking the maintenance costs into account, purchasing unitary materials may be more economical for your school or agency in the long term. The greatest benefits of unitary materials are the ease of maintenance, predictable cushioning properties, and that the material stays in place. The disadvantages are the generally higher initial cost and the eventual loss of cushioning properties over time. Most unitary materials require a base of compressed stone or concrete/asphalt. The cost of this base should be considered in the overall cost analysis of the surface system. (See your manufacturer’s warranty information for the predicted product life.)

This section of the sample Low Frequency Inspection form applies to specific types of surfacing. All categories may not apply depending upon the type of surfacing on your school or agency’s playground.

The concrete edge of this wear mat is exposed.

The bench is improperly placed in the use zone.






Types of Unitary Surfacing Materials

Surfaces should drain properly to prevent hazardous conditions caused by erosion and other forces. In the photo above, erosion has broken down the surface and exposed the concrete footing.

Uprights usually have markers to indicate proper surfacing depth.

Rubber Tiles


This poured-in-place surfacing requires repairs.

1. Check that loose-fill surfacing is level and the proper depth. Because loose-fill materials get kicked out and ruts develop in high impact areas, all loose-fill materials must be regularly raked level. Similarly, loose-fill materials must be replenished when the surface level drops below the minimum level required for the height of the equipment in the area. Sand and pea stone must be turned regularly to reduce compaction and the formation of hardpan. 2. Check that the use zones (areas with protective surfacing) are clear of obstacles and debris. Toys, site furnishings, and other objects should not be in the use zones. These items and other debris must be removed because they can block fall paths to the safety surfacing, endangering children. In Photo 2 the bench has been pulled into the use zone.

3. Check that the surfacing material drains well and is not holding water. Standing water can cause moss or mold growth, possible slip hazards, and erosion of the subsurface of unitary materials creating depressions and possible trip hazards. 4. Check that wear mats are properly secured in place and level. There should not be any hardware or concrete footing visible on or around the wear mat. 5. Check that unitary surfaces are intact, free from depressions, ruts, and worn areas. Look for general wear-and-tear of the unitary materials, paying special attention to high impact areas like swings and slide exits. Rubber surfacing can be tested to ensure it is still meeting impact attenuation standards.

Recycled Bonded Rubber

Synthetic Turf

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintenance Inspection - Low Frequency Inspection Guide

Maintaining Accessibility of Surfacing

The sample inspection form provided on page 25 is designed as a low frequency report for an existing playground. It is not intended as an instrument for a playground audit. It is understood when using this inspection report that the play equipment, play surfaces, use zones, and accessibility were compliant at the time the play area was designed and installed. Should there be any questions regarding the above compliance matters, a full scale audit needs to be conducted by a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI), prior to using an inspection form.

The Americans with Disabilities Act is a Federal law which requires that playgrounds installed after 1991 meet the recommendations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Information regarding how to fully comply with the ADA may be found in the 2010 ADA Accessibility Design Standards. This document may be downloaded by going to:

1:50 MAX.

By ensuring proper surfacing precautions are taken, the play experience can be accessible, fun, and safer for all.

One of the largest deterrents to accessibility is the surface that a person using a mobility device must use to get from one location to another. If the surfacing or accessible route of travel is not maintained properly, access to the playground equipment may not be provided. Unitary surfacing material, engineered wood fiber, and some engineered rubber fibers are considered to be accessible to persons using mobility devices. The manufacturers of these materials must be able to prove that their product meets the criteria found in the ASTM F1951-99 Standard. This standard tests whether or not a surface is considered accessible to a mobility device user. In order for the above noted surfaces to be considered accessible they must be maintained. Accessible surfaces have to be essentially level with a cross slope of no more than 1:48 and a running slope that does not exceed 1:16 beveled.

All surfacing materials, especially loose materials settle over time. During low frequency inspections check areas where two surfaces come together such as a concrete sidewalk adjoining a unitary material. Make certain that the vertical change of elevation does not exceed 1/2 inch and that there is not a gap between the surfaces greater than 1/2 inch measured horizontally. Where loose surfaces are used, check to make certain that there is an appropriate transition from a unitary surface such as a sidewalk or rubber accessible route and the loose material. The solid surface should be beveled or ramped down into the loose material so that a drop off is not created when the loose fill material compresses or is kicked away. Check the surface at the base of a transfer platform to make certain that the surface is essentially level and that the distance from the top of the protective surface to the top of the transfer platform is not less than eleven inches and is not more than 18 inches.

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children

Preserving the Play Environment • Promoting the Value of Play • Protecting Children



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