The Retirement Plus Multiplier ® Annuity is a fixed indexed annuity designed to help you prepare for your financial future. (ICC18-ACLSFIANPOL-ICC, ACLSFIANPOL XX, ICC19-ACLSFIANMYPREN, ACLSFIANMYPREN-OT). Retirement Plus Multiplier ® Annuity
• Participate in potential market index growth • Protect accumulation value from market loss • Provide retirement income for your lifetime • Choose from a variety of options to best fit your financial needs
Capture the Market’s Upside At this stage, preserving your money is just as important as getting a meaningful return. The Retirement Plus Multiplier ® Annuity provides greater earnings potential than fixed rate options. Your annuity’s growth is tax-deferred, which means you do not pay taxes on the interest earned until you make a withdrawal.
You may elect to allocate your funds among several index crediting strategies and a fixed rate option. Index crediting strategies will grow along with the market, and credits are applied to your contract’s accumulation value subject to either a percentage cap or a participation rate. Even when market performance drops, your money is protected. The guaranteed interest rate is 0%, so if the market stays flat or goes down, your credited gains are protected from loss.
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