Atlantic Coast Retirement Plus Multiplier

Boost Your Annuity’s Potential

You may select one of the two optional riders to enhance your annuity and customize the benefits to best meet your financial goals.

Growth Benefit Accumulation Buy Up Rider (ICC19-ACLSFIANBU 0219, ACLSFIANBU18-XX 01/2019). If accumulation is your main priority, this rider increases the growth potential of your annuity’s index accounts. When you purchase this rider, the participation and cap rates are increased so your annuity benefits from more of the market’s positive performance.

Income Multiplier Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Rider (ICC18-ACLSFIANGLWB18, ACLSFIANGLWB18 XX). Maximize the potential income from your annuity with this rider. This optional benefit will enhance your potential income, which you’ll never outlive, even after all your accumulation value has been withdrawn.

• Generate a stream of income for life

• Potential for better growth with higher index account caps and participation rates • 0% floor protects accumulation value from market loss • Greater of the account value or 100% of initial premium less withdrawals, guaranteed after the first 10 years

• Option to elect income for you or for you and your spouse. • Income enhancing bonus of up to 100% of your initial investment





































Contract Year

Contract Year

Income Multiplier Bonus

Initial Premium

GSAOADB 1 yr Participation Interest

GSAOADB 1 yr Patrticipation Value

GSAOADB Index Value

GSAOADB 1 yr Patrticipation with Buy-up Rider Value

*This scenario is based on a $100,000 initial purchase premium and the selection of the Growth Benefit Accumulation Buy-Up Rider with 100% of the premium allocated to the Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance Index 1yr Participation Rate strategy. This example reflects Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance Index values from 1/1/2011 – 1/1/2021, 75% participation rate on the Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance Index 1yr Participation Rate strategy, and a 125% participation rate on the Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance Index 1yr Participation Rate strategy with the Buy-up Rider. This example is hypothetical only and is meant for illustration purposes. It is not a prediction of future results. This product was not available during the specified time period.

*This scenario is based on a $100,000 initial purchase premium, the selection of the Income Multiplier Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Rider, 100% of the premium allocated to the Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance Index1yr Participation Rate strategy, and an issue age of 70. This example reflects the Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance Index values from 1/1/2011 – 1/1/2021 and a 75% participation rate on the Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance Index 1yr Participation Rate strategy with the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Rider. This example is hypothetical only and is meant for illustration purposes. It is not a prediction of future results. This product was not available during the specified time period.



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