Atlantic Coast Retirement Plus Multiplier

Several index account options are available, which are linked to different market indices. You have control over how your money is allocated among the index accounts and the fixed account. You can reallocate at the end of each crediting period. At that time, you may allocate to any available strategy for a new crediting period of 1, 2, or 3-years. Index Accounts

Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance Index

10,000 Americans turn 65 every day. By 2030, 20% of the U.S. population will be 65 or older¹

Created by Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, the Index, dynamically allocates to equities, as represented by the Solactive Aging of America TR Index, U.S. fixed income, as represented by a 10-Year U.S. Treasury Rolling Futures Index, and a hypothetical cash investment. The Solactive Aging of America TR Index seeks to provide targeted exposure to companies in the healthcare and real estate sectors that may benefit from the long- term demographic shift towards an older population in the United States. Exposure to 10- Year U.S. Treasury Rolling Futures Index, a fixed income benchmark, is based on a daily observed momentum signal. The Goldman Sachs index includes a volatility control feature and is calculated on an excess return basis.

5.8% per year Projected growth in healthcare spending through 2024, 1.3% faster than GDP²

• One year crediting period with participation rate • Two year crediting period with participation rate • Three year crediting period with participation rate

To learn more about this index, see the Goldman Sachs Aging of America Dynamic Balance Index Brochure.

S&P 500 ® Index Comprised of 500 major companies representing leading industries of the U.S. economy. • One year crediting period with participation rate • One year crediting period with cap • Two year crediting period with participation rate Calculating Index Interest At the end of each crediting period, index accounts can earn interest based on the index’s positive performance during that crediting period. Interest is subject to a participation rate or cap: • Participation rate – percentage of the index’s growth used to determine the interest • Cap rate – maximum interest rate credited to the index account

Fixed Account

The fixed account provides a predictable, reliable growth option with no market risk. Funds allocated to the fixed account earn daily interest at a specified rate, which is guaranteed for one year.


National Survey of Area Agencies, Serving America’s Older Adults, 2017. Survey%20Report/AAANationalSurvey_web.pdf Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, “National Health Expenditure Projections 2015-2025” Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/NationalHealthExpendData/Downloads/Proj2015.pdf



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