Screening by Americhip Digital-Tradeshows & Events



AMC 450

AMC 1000

AMC 1000 is a robust outdoor single and double-sided display kiosk. A multi-purpose unit designed for retail and advertising, it’s perfectly suited for heavy pedestrian traffic installations in outdoor shopping malls, airports, and railway stations. Users will find its multi-touch technology simple to use: sensors for audience measurement, Wi-Fi and NFC for mobile and wearable payments. The totem can be easily custom tailored to reflect the customer’s brand image, and the display’s rugged design helps it withstand harsh weather while protecting the unit’s internal heating and cooling mechanisms.

This AMC 450 digital bus shelter is designed to inform and entertain people waiting for a ride. It can be equipped with small, medium, or large outdoor LCD screens. It is practical and contributes to the creation of the Smart City. It offers new digital experiences, access to advanced digital services, including those developed by the Government, and better monitoring of urban data (sensors) as it can be used to provide data about the city. It improves data collection, processing and cross-referencing in order to enhance urban monitoring and provide the ability to make predictions on key issues such as air quality, noise, traffic and energy consumption by buildings. In addition to this digital screen option, if the city is after saving money, the AMC 450 can also be used with E-paper which requires only ambient light in order for the screen to be seen. It can then be furnished with top ceiling solar power cells for powering the whole bus shelter when using e-paper and ceiling lights.



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