Screening by Americhip Digital-Tradeshows & Events



AMC 2600

AMC 12K 13”

AMC 2600 Outdoor Interactive 10 points multi-touch Way- Finding display kiosk is designed for easy recognition in public outdoor areas. Equipped with a bright 3000 Nit HD screen available sizes ranging from 43” up to 55”, the AMC 2600 helps pedestrians look-up information, get directions, learn about offers, and buy tickets. Its Interactive Way-Finding Display kiosk can be custom branded and color keyed to the end user’s exacting specifications. A colored LED light streak runs down each side of the kiosk and can be customized in any color. Waterproof, and designed with an AR screen protective shield and rugged structural materials, the AMC 2600 resists vandalism and stands up to the harshest of environments.

AMC 12K 13” Outdoor Solar Powered Lamp Posts are designed to light the way through for the smartest of cities. With sound ROI to boot. Built to weather the harshest environments, they harness the power of the sun and can be customized to be dual sided. They can be designed with one or two e-paper screens per side.



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