Screening by Americhip Digital-Tradeshows & Events



AMC 7300 55” Interactive Digital Table

AMC 7000 49” Interactive Digital Table

The powerful AMC 7300 55” multi-touch screen table is equipped with a 55” AR PCAP LCD touchscreen and can be integrated with a built-in PC or Android player. This stylish table is equipped with the most current AI technologies and can be customized.

AMC 7000 49” Interactive Digital Table incorporates the touch screen technology in a sleek coffee table design. Its elegant style complements the interior design of an office, showroom, or home with entertainment and information/ Concierge services. This interactive 49” LCD table offers multi-touch functionality and can be operated by multiple users at a time. It allows everyone to manipulate photos scattered on the desktop at the same time using 10 fingers in order to enlarge, shrink, and simultaneously drag any image as needed on the screen. It also takes any multi-touch third party software for gaming or simply map information and search activities. It also integrates NFC into it for payment and special Ai interactions.



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