
4 fire-safety measures to implement at home

A fire can spread rapidly through your home, leaving you with just a few minutes to safely evacuate. This means every member of your household needs to be pre- pared to act quickly in an emergency. If you haven’t done so already, here are four things you should do to protect your family. 1. INSTALL AN ALARM SYSTEM You should have at least one smoke alarm and one carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your home, as well as near the bedrooms. Regularly make sure they function by holding down the test button until the alarm goes off. Always keep extra batteries in the house.

2. BUY A PORTABLE EXTINGUISHER Make sure you have a working fire extin- guisher on hand to quickly put out small fires before they cause extensive damage. Install it in a visible location out of the reach of children, ideally on a wall near an exit. Ad- ditionally, make sure you know how to use it. 3. CREATE AN EVACUATION PLAN Draw a floorplan of your home that clearly identifies possible exits, escape routes and a meeting point. This diagram should also note the location of fire extinguishers and alarms around the house. Conduct a fire drill at least once a year to ensure everyone can evacuate your home within three mi- nutes.

4. KEEP EXITS CLEAR Exits should be free of obstructions at all times. In the winter, make sure snow is promptly cleared away from doors and ground-floor windows, and that none of these exits are frozen shut. Additionally, make sure furniture and other objects don’t block escape routes.

These simple steps can help keep you and your family safe in the event of a fire.

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« On cuisine tous l es jours, et i l faut l e faire de manière responsab l e pour rester en sécurité. C’est à vous de protéger votre fami ll e et vous-même contre l es incendies. R estez toujours à l ’aff ût et ne quittez jamais l a pièce l orsque vous cuisinez. » « Souvent, quand on arrive sur l es l ieux d’un incendie qui a commencé dans l a cuisine, l es résidents nous disent qu’i l s ont juste quitté l a cuisine pour que l ques minutes. C’est tout ce que ç a prend pour qu’un incendie dangereux se déc l are. G ardez votre communauté en sécurité en prévenant l es feux. » Martin Saumure, Chef de D ivision-Prévention et É ducation Pub l ique “ Cooking happens in homes every day, and it has to be done responsib l y to ensure it is done safe l y. It is your responsibi l ity to protect yourse l f and your fami l y from fi re. A l ways remain a l ert and stay in the kitchen whi l e cooking. ” " Often when we're ca ll ed to a fi re that started in the kitchen, the residents te ll us they on l y l eft the kitchen for a few minutes. But that's a ll it takes for a dangerous fi re to start. He l p keep our community safe by preventing fi res from starting in the fi rst p l ace. ” Martin Saumure, D ivision Chief-Fire Prevention & Pub l ic Education

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