blessed meeting where none but the young people are permitted to speak. The basis of all the Lyceum Club work is the Bible, a fact recognized and gladly accepted. Many strange, homesick girls have been made glad and been safeguarded by the girls of this Club, whose motto is, "Help the other girl," and every one of them feel assured they have for every time of doubt and difficulty a safe advisor and loving mother in their leader.
O NE branch of the Lyceum Club work which has proven unusually effective has nevjpr before been reported. Mrs. Horton and Mrs. A. C. Stewart, after much prayer, decided that girls who were won to a saving knowledge of the Lord should be followed personally and helped to a living knowl- edge of His will for them, as revealed in the Word of God. Mrs. Horton was not able to give the time necessary for this work, yet the need was imperative. Girls were often ill at home for a few days, or temporarily out of work, and at such a time very susceptable to the power of the loving, sympathy of both friend and Saviour. The young women were crowding into the Lyceum Club in increasing numbers and the close personal touch of a well taught Christian girl seemed the best and only thing to hold these young women to the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. By a little effort on thé part of the two praying women, money was raised sufficient for the employment of a young woman for a year (or nearly a year) and she was commissioned and sent out. The results have more than fulfilled the hopes of the women and few friends interested in the venture and for the first time we are able to rport the work, hoping our Father will permit us to continue it this coming year. This visitor has been in touch with an average of 100 girls per month. Scores of them have been faithfully dealth with personally; many of them led to a definite surrender of their lives, and the monthly list is increasing. The Bible lesson each Tuesday night having touched the heart, the young visitor, who is watching her opportunity, places herself near the one interested and brings the soul to the place of decision. None but the Master can estimate the value of this new branch of our work which has been so quietly prosecuted. Our funds are now exhausted but we feel sure the $20.00 per month necessary for the coming year will be sent in to the treasurer, Mrs. A. C. Stewart, 615 Bixel Street, Los Angeles. We covet the prayers of our friends for this definite personal work among our Lyceum girls.
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