King's Business - 1911-06


L. H. JAMI SON. Sup't.

H E R E are thousands of Mexicans in Los Angeles and vicinity. God in His providence has brought them from the land of Roman Catholic bondage to the land of the Bible. They are here to be evangelized. They are entitled to the Gospel and we are seeking to pay our obligation to them through our Spanish Mission, which is open every night in the year. The Gospel is the power of God and this finds its illustration in the nightly scenes at the Mission. Nearly fifteen hundred Mexicans lodge in the vicinity of the Mission and are constantly changing, and thousands in this way hear the Word each year. Beside the indoor services, open air meetings are held each night and much personal work is done. Conversions take place constantly and converts are supplied with tracts, Gospels and Testaments. Many of them go out in this State and back to Mexico to carry the tidings of free and full salvation. So far in this work we have only touched the fringe of the great need. Multi- tudes of Mexicans are in the labor camps in the vicinity around us and there ;s great need for service in their behalf. We have plans for larger service along practical lines. Who will help?

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