King's Business - 1911-06

Soul Winning

W By A. T. Pierson

THIRD LESSON T HIRD, we must study the individual character and condition. We must know what we are doing. The more we know of the parties whom we desire to reach the more likely is our method of reaching them to be successful. Hence the study both of the character and the; circumstances of those! we seek to win is a part of soul winning. There should ordinarily be nothing abrupt, strained or unprepared in our approach. The most successful soul winners in history are those men and women who have long sought definite guidance and preparation before approaching souls. Fix the mind upon a man or woman who needs Christ, continue instant and constant in prayer for that particular soul, asking that the Lord would prepare the ground for the sowing of the seed and prepare the sower for the sowing; that - God would at oncé guide us in the approach and teach us His method and manner , of , such approach, and at the same time work mightily on thé soul we desire to save. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, which is the great book on soul winning in the inspired word, there are many lessons on this subject. Very conspicuous among them is the story of the Eunuch and Philip in the 8th chapter; of Ananias and Saul of Tarsus in the 9th, and of Cornelius and Peter in the 10th. Here are three accounts of workers for God being brought in contact with the soul that was to be saved. And the most notable feature in each case is this,—there is the prepara- tion of the Spirit both on the part of him who is bearing the message and of him to whom the message was borne. The'same Spirit was working with the Eunuch that was working with Philip. The same Spirit that was working with Saul of Tarsus was working with Ananias, and likewise the same Spirit that was worikng with Cornelius was working with Peter. If we are going to win souls we must keep in communion with the Spirit. We must ask Him to go before us and prepare the way and to follow after us to make our work effective. We shall find in many cases that He who sends us on His errand has gone before us in marvelous ways, so that from the first we find hearts prepared for our good tidings. These are simply some hints to those who wish to win souls, and we commend them to every one who seeks to save souls fcr the Lord Jesus.

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