King's Business - 1911-06

The Fishermen's Club

HIS is the title of the most unique Bible Class we have ever known. There are constant discussions at Conferences and Conventions as lo the best mode of organizing and sustaining a young men's class. This is the demonstration of the How. The Club is five years old, it has never missed a session, although several holidays have occurred on the date of its gathering. It has never had a secular address or an entertainment. Its business meetings occur once in six months. It has never had a contest for membership. Young men are invited to the class, but are not solicited to join. Every applicant is thoroughly tested before being received. The doctrinal test for membership is more stringent than any organization we know of. The Club was originated with a two- fold purpose in view. The study of the Word of God and the doing of the will of God. There has never been any dissension in the Club, never a place-seeker, never any politics. The enrolled membership has varied but little from 100 to 1 50. Probably four hundred different men have been identified with the class. The average attendance is about 115. The Club has held services among young people in most of the churches of Los Angeles city and county, and in many plates throughput the State. Thousands of young people have been influenced through their meetings. Some have been won for Christ, others have been led to a full surrender of their lives. Members who have left the Club and gone to other places have almost invariably organized a young men's class along similar * lines. Most of them are living a strong earnest Christian life. There have never been any fads or fancies in con- nection with the teaching. There has been but one teacher, and he has been enabled to give strong, virile and definite messages. The life of the members has been that of the normal Christian who seeks to live up to his privileges. The name of the Club has come to mean so much and its standard has been so well maintained that it has been incorporated and the Club pin copyrighted. Tht desire to start other clubs, using the same name, which would live on a different level was the cause of this action. The pin belongs to the Club, and must be returned by the wearer whenever it seems desirable for any reason to recall it. The honor and glory of the Lord and the spread of His Word is the controlling motive of this class. The program for the club is meeting on Monday night at 6:15 fqr a light supper, paid for by the members, a short song servipe and an hour's Bible teaching. The spirit of prayer which permeates the life of the organ- ization sustains it in its high level. A copy of the Constitution will be mailed upon application. The Big Brother work for handicapped boys is carried on under the aus- pices of the Club. Forty dollars per month is contributed to H. S. Kimura, the Moody of Japan, for his work and much other practical work which cannot be enumerated here. Earl W. Haney, Pres.

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