July, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
should consist of just one soul won for Him—your fruit shall remain. The verse which I have taken as the basis of this address ends with a very blessed thought. It may be that God has not chosen some of you to go to Africa, or to China, or even to some pulpit or public task here in the homeland. If so, do not be disturbed. Perchance He wants you to “go” simply into your closet and there become one of the Lord’s intercessors—now listen carefully —“that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” That is one way, and perhaps the great est way, of bearing fruit for Him. And your fruit, too, shall remain. AROUND THE KING’S TABLE [ Continued from Page 245] “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that yo take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place.” The preacher who does not balance his preaching with the light of prophecy is making a serious mistake, for he is depriving himself of one of the mightiest means of bringing conviction and decision. Prophecy is a unique part of the Bible. No other religious writings con tain prophecy. It stimulates to soul winning. It deepens consecration. It quickens missionary effort. It separates from the world. It keeps the church from , departing from the fundamental doctrines. It promotes an understanding of the whole Bible. Do not withhold that light which is given to illuminate the darkness of the last days! “ God’s ‘chariots of wrath’ are rolling on high, Their wheels vivid lightnings to form; The rush of the tempest still shows He is nigh; He rides on the height of the storm.” —Keith L. Brooks. Biola’s World-Wide Prayer Circle Miss Christina J. Braskamp, Secretary of Biola’s World-Wide Prayer Circle, prepares each month an attractive folder which is a helpful aid to Intercession for any one who will use it. It is free upon request. About 1,200 copies are distributed each month, friends frequently asking for a ,number to use in their Sunday- school classes. Members of the Prayer Circle are eager to receive prayer requests from other mem bers, and to join in prayer con cerning them. Some remarkable answers can be cited, to the glory of God. Address your requests, or your items for praise, to Miss Braskamp at 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calii.
by the judgment on sin at Calvary— that very life flows out to a lost world through us. “Ye are the branches.” Oh, I wonder sometimes whether we Chris tians fully realize just what is taking place when we set out to win a soul to Christ. We preach, we talk, we pray, we persuade. But that is not all. Even while we are speaking, a great miracle is moving toward its consummation, a miracle in which we are somehow. involved. For as the life of the vine flows up and out through the branch until at last it bursts into the glory of new fruit, even so the living Word of the Son of God flows out from Him through us as branches until at last, under the sun light of His mighty power, it bursts into the miracle of a new-born soul. Little wonder that the angels stoop down and desire to look into these things! But let us never forget—the life is in the Word, His Word, not ours. You cannot bear fruit unless you are willing to become an unobstructed channel for God’s message. This message is op posed to all the wisdom of this present evil world. If you declare it as it ought to be declared, men will accuse you, as they did Paul, of turning the world up side down. But do not let that disturb you. The real trouble is that the world has been upside down so long that men have gotten the notion that this condi tion is the normal one. “I have chosen you . . . that your fruit should remain.” This is the best assur ance o f all. Hear the Word of the Lord; “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one.” God has not called you to safe guard the destiny of your own soul. He has called you to go and bear fruit. If you will only believe His Word, com mit the safety of your soul to Him, and forget yourself, you will have more time and energy for the business of bearing fruit. This great truth is a powerful incen tive to Christian service. It is given un to you not merely to know that your own soul is safe in the everlasting arms, but also to know that if you go out into some hard place and labor long to bring forth fruit unto Christ, if that fruit V. The Assuranee of Christ> Is the Only Sufficient Guarantee of Permanent Re sults in O u r Christian Service.
“ Streamlining” a Summer Conference for Workers
The New England Fellowship has been experimenting with a summer session for Christian workers who want to com bine a vacation with an opportunity to fit themselves better for leadership in their home churches. Thefre is nothing particularly new about the idea in it self; for camp grounds and conferences all over the country have" been doing this for a number of years. But experience has shown that too often the sessions have been all conference or all school. Those who attended have taken volumi nous notes from good speakers without having an opportunity for personal con tact, or else they have tried to do in tensive class work when unused to it and when too weary from their year’s work to make the most of this study. A Happy Combination With this situation in mind, the In stitute for Church Leadership—which convenes at Rumney, N. H., during the first two weeks of July, 1940—is at tempting to combine the advantages of both classes and lectures. By offering four two-week courses of lectures on subjects prescribed by the Evangelical Teacher^Training Association, the Insti tute is able to meet requirements and to offer certificates for the work done. Each one who attends may take two or three of these courses, and thus earn credit that will be valid wherever the standards of the Association are recog nized. Eight one-week courses of five lectures each are offered for the benefit of those who can come only for that length of time. Because of the class technique, the student expresses his own questions and ideas and has direct con tact with the teacher. Ample time is left free for rest, for sports, or for quiet meditation and pray er. In the evening, having enjoyed a lively song service, usually with a spe cial feature following, and an address by a strong expositor of the Word, one goes to rest with some problem newly solved, some new conviction created, or some new decision made. In order that this program may have definite application to Christian work, all subjects of the one-week series re late either to the Sunday-school lessons for 1940-1941 or to specific problems in the church. Classes are taught by men and women who have had practical ex perience and who are specialists in their respective fields. Would you not like to have a vacation combining all these advantages so that you would go home feeling that time and money had been well invested in mental, physical, and spiritual health? If you desire further information concerning the Institute for Church Leadership, write to Kathryn M. Evans, Registrar, 5 Park Street, Bos ton, Mass.
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