Ííily; 1940
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The Bible Institute of Los Angeles graduated this June the largest class in four years. Taking as their class motto, “ In Christ’s Stead” (2 Cor. 5:20), these ninety young people are going forth to witness and work for Christ in the homeland and in many foreign mission fields.
C L A S S • of • 1940
TAUGHT IN THE WORD Hie Bible Institute of Los Angeles gives a preeminent place to study of the Bible. The Book of books is the primary textbook. DAT SCHOOL Courses of Study • Three-Tear Courses General Christian Education Music Four-Tear Courses Bible Collegiate (Degree) Christian Education. (Degree) Music Collegiate (Degree) Missionary BIOLA also maintains an EVENING SCHOOL, SUM MER SCHOOL, and CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. Faithful Christian Faculty • The faculty is composed of consecrated men and wo men of highest Christian Ideals, sacrificial in spirit, highly trained, widely experienced, academically pre pared. All delight to give God’s Word its rightful place of preeminence in the classroom. Finest Christian Fellowship • In the carefully selected student body, there are brought together over four hundred young men and i women of one heart and mind in loyalty to Christ and a desire to serve Him.
TRAINED IN THE WORK Definite training in aggressive Christian work is re quired of all Biola students. Extensive work in Sunday-school teaching aids churches throughout Southern California. Music Department students are conducting choirs in many churches. Gospel teams—quartets and other groups—are ministering every Sunday. Student groups conduct regular services at various missions. Sunday afternoons find many students carrying on gospel work at hospitals. Pulpits of many churches are supplied by advanced students. Free Training for Christian Service I No tuition is charged, each student being required to pay only a registration and student benefit fee. Room and board are payable in advance, and it is the In stitute’s aim to charge only the actual cost for these items. Fall Semester Starts Sept. 9, 1940 For Further Information Write Office of Registrar,
S58 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, California
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