King's Business - 1940-07


"THE FUNDAMENTALS" Edited by R. A . Torrey— Four-vol­ ume Set FREE with Five Annual KING’S BUSINESS Subscriptions at $1.00 each.

In Honor of the 100th Birthday Anniversary of LYMAN STEWART, Fonder of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE O F LOS ANGELES, INC.

T H E B U S I N E S S JULY and AUGUST Offer Limited to Supply of Books K I N G ’ S

Occasionally important historical events are iden­ tified with individuals, institutions, magazines, and books. In 1909, God moved two Christian laymen, Messrs. Lyman and Milton Stewart, to set aside a large sum of money for the printing and distribution of “THE FUNDAMENTALS,” edited by R. A. Torrey, that would set forth the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and be a testimony to the infal­ lible truth of the Bible. “THE FUNDAMENTALS” were sent free to min­ isters of the gospel, missionaries, Sunday-school superintendents, and others engaged in aggres­ sive Christian work throughout the English-speaking world. We have a limited supply of these sets of “THE FUNDAMENTALS” — four volumes bound in paper covers (over 350 pages to the volume) for those sending in FIVE yearly SUBSCRIPTIONS to THE KING’S BUSINESS at $1.00 each— new, renew­ als, extensions. Enclosed find $........ ............. for ______ .......______ ____ ._ subscriptions. Name _____________ .....___ ________________________ ______________ ___

To Those Unable to Secure Five Subscrip­ tions . . . You May Have Your Choice of One of the Following Three Books for Send­ ing in THREE Subscriptions at $1.00 each: □ STREAMS IN THE DESERT, by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. The most popular devo­ tional book ever printed. □ THE READERS’ BIBLE, King James Version. Simulated leather covers, flexible, gold stamped front and backbone, 1,100 pages, boxed. □ WEBSTER DICTIONARY, bound in black simu­ lated leather, semi-flexible, printed on white eggshell paper; 928 pages, 38,000 words. Synonyms and antonyms. Other features. 1 Name.___:_____ ___ _________....._____ ........._______....___ ...._____ Address_________________ __________ ________________ ....____________ City.........------ ....-----......._______ State_________...________ .... 2 Name_________________________ ______ _____________ _____________ _ Address_____ ........_______ ______......_________________......_______ City-------------------------------- - State____________ _________ _ 2> Name_______________ _____ ___ ________ ___ ________ .......__________ Address________ ........_________________ ___________________________ City---------------------------------- State______________________ A Name________ ....__________________ ....— ___________ ........_____ _ Address._______________________ ......__________________ „.._____ _... City.......____ .___________________ State______________________ C Name.............___....___________________ ____ ...__ .....____....____ Address_______________ __________ ..._______...__ .._....____________ City._______ _______ - ____________ __ State________________________

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