King's Business - 1940-07

July, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Memory Work For July T he C hristian ' s A rmor

Bob was troubled. He was trying to say something that he didn’t know just how to say. At that time, Mrs. Colfax, seeing them standing there, came over. “Hello! It’s good to see you two again. Why, Gloria, you’re crying. What’s the matter?” Gloria pointed to the garden. “Look. And I thought I’d have a nice garden to surprise the folks when they came home. What will they think when they see that? Oh, Bob, why did you send me those seeds?” He turned to Mrs. Colfax, his eyes pleading for her help. She always knew what to say. “I believe he was trying to show you something, dear. Life is a garden, you see. Man is the gardener, and God the Owner. We must plant the right kind of seeds if we want a garden that our Father will be proud to see. You’ve been trying to raise a Christian life from the seeds of selfish pleasure.” “I see what you mean,” Gloria replied. “I’ve been planting weed seeds and ex­ pecting them to grow into beautiful flowers.” Mrs. Colfax smiled, and slipped away to her own garden, leaving the two to continue their talk. “But, Bob,” Gloria said, “I’ve always gone to church and given quite a bit of money. Isn’t that enough? What else can I do?” Bob threw a handful of coins on the spot that had been cleared of weeds. “Will flowers come up there?” he asked. “No, of course not. You need live seeds.” Bob took his Bible from his pocket. “Here’s my seed catalogue,” he explain­ ed, pointing out the value of various verses that had been “planted” in his own life. One of them was John 3:7: “Ye must be born again.” As he continued, Bob told Gloria how Christ had died for the sins of the world and how, through Him, she might have eternal life — a beautiful life-garden which would be everlasting. Tears filled her eyes. She knelt among the weeds and asked God for forgiveness and ac­ cepted Christ as her Saviour. The weeds would need to be pulled out before the garden could bloom, but she did not wor­ ry about that, for had she not given her whole life to the divine Owner who knows how to bring the greatest beauty from life? “We’ll pull and plant as He tells us to,” Gloria explained, her face bright with joy. Answer to Last Month’s Bible Arithmetic Answer worked out: 4 (1 Sam. 3) + 12 (Mk. 5:42) = 16X7 (John 4:52) =112+ 5 (John 6:9) =117+5 (Acts 12:13) =122 —1=121. Psalm 121 is “The Traveler’s Psalm.”

Discussion: Armor is worn by soldiers who engage in warfare against the enemy. The Christian’s enemy is Satan, and in order to meet him vic­ toriously, God has provided a wonder­ ful armor for every Christian. We read about this wonderful armor in Ephesians 6:10-17. Name the pieces as listed here. You might like to draw these pieces of armor on heavy paper and print the name on each piece. You will notice that there are no pieces named to cover the back. Some one has sug­ gested that God’s soldiers are never to turn their backs on the enemy. There is no retreat. Memorfce verses 13 to 17 and, as you say these verses, display the pieces of armor which you have made as indi­ cated. NEW K.Y.B.C. MEMBERS A H W A H N E E , C A L IF .: M able and L u - cile B ry a n ; F lo re n ce P e rry ; J im m y P ip ­ pin (M rs. D on ald E. F len tge, lea d er). A RM OU R, S. D A K .: Suzan B lu m e; L u - verrie B o b e ld y k ; G eneva, P ea rl, R o w ly n , and R o y ce D eV ries; M ary G roen ; L u v ern e H a m b u rg ; B oyd and R o b e rt K ie l; A ria M ae and Jennie L ig te n b u rg ; D arlen e. Jam es, and R ik a R o ze b o om ; H en riette R u s; G eraldine, L orn , and R o y S ch olten ; S tan ley Storm (A lb e rt B ak er, p a sto r). D INU BA , C A L IF .: T om m y B lu n t; D o r­ o th y and M ary C lin e; E v e ly n an d M a ry H a lb e rt; G racie and R u b y R e im e r; E v e ­ lyn , M arion, and M atilda T h iessen ; C har- lesetta and G eraldine T un nel (E lsie F rie - sen, lea d er). E V E L E T H , M INN .: M a rjorie E v e rso n ; D o ris Seam an (M rs. E v e re tt E . B ack lin , lea d er). F O R E S T C ITY , IA .: N adine H o cu m ; Ila H o lco m b ; D a rlen e N elson : L u cille P itk in ; D oras and F ra n ces Sm ith (E v e ly n E . Schram , le a d e r). F R E D O N IA , A R IZ .: A rlen e and R a ­ m on a J udd; L eon ard O w en ; Jesse and M ildred P ea rson (G race M. H unt, lea d er). FRE SN O , C A L IF .: L o is D am m : D oris and M a rcella V e rco e (P a tricia G ruenw ald, le a d e r). G R A N D JUNCTION , COLO.: D o r o l e s C o w sle tt; F ra n k and O ra G u id e; E velyn S ch ippers (B erth a L. B arn ett, le a d e r). H A Z E L V A L L E Y , A R K .: C orine and In a M ae F ra le y ; B onnie, F a e H ope, Irene, and V iv ia n N ick e ll; Im o g e n e and L oretta W ilso n (M rs. F lo y d W . P a rk er, le a d e r). L A V E R N E , C A L IF .: M a rgaret C ron izer; S h irley D a v is; V irg in ia D u n d ee; H elen H o o d ; R u b y H h b b s; B a rb a ra and C onnie K n u d son ; D o ro th y L ittre l; C h a rlotte and H elen e L o rd ; P earl N ielsen ; F ra n k ie P a u li; D on n a P ick e tt; V irg in ia L ee P o l­ in g ; P a tricia S ch ip p er; M ary L ois S ch w a g ­ er; M aurine S pier; L orra in e S te w a rt; M a rg aret T ra v is ; M adge W o o d (S arah R . C harles, lea d er). [ Continued on Page 279] How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o becom e a m em ber o f th e K n o w Y o u r B ib le C lub, read throu gh the G ospel ac­ cord ing to John u sin g either you r ow n B ib le or a G ospel o f John w hich w ill be sen t upon request. W h e n th e G ospel has been read , and a statem en t to th is e ffe ct, signed b y parent or Su n day-sch ool teach­ er, has been sen t to the E d ito r o f th e Jun­ io r K in g ’s B u sin ess, a K . Y. B . C. pin w ill be m ailed. Su n day-sch ool classes or clubs desirin g to ord er ten or m ore G ospels o r pins m a y w ish to share the cost o f these supplies, as th e Lord d irects: G ospels, postp aid, fiv e cents each — « in qu antity, th ree ce n ts; pins, w ith ou t p o sta ge, tw o cen ts each. H ow ever, no -one is to do w ith ou t a G ospel or pin because o f laefc o f m oney. A d d ress: Junior K in g ’s B usi­ n ess, 558 S. H ope St., L os A n g eles, C alif.

Jessie’s Friend Little Jessie, darling pet, Do you want a Friend? One who never will forget, Loving to the end; One whom you can tell when sad Everything that grieves; One who loves to make you glad, One who never leaves. Such a loving Friend is ours, Near us all the day, Helping us in lesson hours, Smiling on our play; Keeping us from doing wrong, Guarding everywhere, Listening to each happy song

And each little prayer. Jessie, if you only knew What He is to me,

Surely you would seek Him, too, You would “ come and see.” . Come, and you will find it true, Happy you will be; Jesus says, and, says to you, “ Come, oh, come to Me.” —Frances Ridley Havergal.

“You don’t know how much I appre­ ciate your help, Bob,” Gloria said, when they were settled in the car. “And to think that I didn’t even take time to call you up when I was in your city! I haven’1»even thanked you for those seeds. It was so nice of you to send them. Let’s take a look at the garden as soon as we get home. I haven’t seen it since I planted it. Would you like to see it? ” He nodded, and before long they were there and Gloria was all excited. There was the garden. But it was a patch of weeds, with a lone flower grow­ ing off to one side. Gloria began to cry. “Oh, Bob, I’m so sorry, I should have taken care of it. I thought I’d be right back and have a lovely garden to show you when you returned. It’s all my fault.” “Did you plant all the seeds I sent you ?” “Why, yes, of course. That’s all I planted besides a slip that Mrs. Colfax gave me. See, there it is over there,” she said, pointing to the lone flower. “Then, it’s my fault. I sent you a package of weed seeds that I gathered. I didn’t want them in my garden any more, and I thought perhaps you’d like them.” “But, why?”

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