T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July, 1940
alone can deter one from following the dictates of pride in-the heart, can pre serve from sin’s dominion, and keep from great transgression. Third, grace is needed to meet the needs of the human heart (v. 14). The words of the mouth are an expression of that which is in the heart. Even in prayer, the power of grace is needed to dictate the thoughts and formulate the words. The Lord, “my strength and my redeemer,” is sufficient, by grace, for all human needs. Points and Problems 1. “The heavens declare the glory of God” (Psa. 19:1). Notice two things here: First, that thé created universe is a revelation of the true God, so clear that men who have never heard of Christ or read the Scriptures will be held morally responsible for knowing that there is a God. The Apostle Paul referred to this revelation when he wrote, “The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Rom. 1:20). But, second, no tice. that this revelation in the created universe, great and clear as it is, falls short in one respect. The heavens may declare the glory of God, but they do not declare God. This is no trivial, word- splitting distinction. Looking at the heavens, any man in his right senses ought to know that there is a God and that He is a God of power and wisdom. But you may study the heavens until your eyes grow dim, and you will never by this revelation alone come to know God. Through the heavens we know there is a God. But only through our Lord Jesus Christ can we know God. “The heavens declare the glory of God.” 2. “ There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard” (v. 3). Here tfie language of our Common Ver sion seems to say that this revelation of God in the universe is to be found in all the languages of the nations. There are philological evidences, I think, to show that this is so. But it is not of this that Psalm 19:3 speaks. The reader should notice that the words “There is” and “where” are in italics, which indicates that they are sup plied. If we omit them, the verse reads, “No speech nor language; their voice is not heard.” Undoubtedly the meaning is that the created universe utters its revelation in an inaudible language, a language of the mind and idea. 3. “Errors . . . secret faults . . . pre sumptuous sins . . . great transgres sion” (vs. 12, 13). Here we have four kinds of sin to be feared by the child of God. First, here are the little sins which some Christians call “infirmities” and mistakes, but only an omniscient God can understand the depravity from which they spring. Second, the secret
law is perfect, that is, complete, fin ished, and incapable of improvement, but it is, at best, the “schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ” (Gal. 3:24). The “testimony of the Lord” (v. 7) is that body of truth which serves in “making wise the simple”—not simple in the sense of being foolish, but in the sense of simplicity of character that welcomes instruction from the Lord. The “stat utes” (or psgeepts) and the “command ment” of the Lord (v. 8) are those means of developing the moral charac ter, by which the heart rejoices and the understanding is enlightened. The “fear of the Lord” (v. 9) is reverential awe and trust, which, in the light of what God is, is the purest wisdom. Under neath all is the righteousness of the Lord, which forms the foundation of His throne and which necessarily must be recognized before His love and grace and kindness can be manifested. ,The law, the testimony, the statutes are to be desired more than material riches, and when secured, they prove sweeter to the spiritual taste than honey to the natural taste. By them the Lord’s servant is warned, and in the keeping of them there is great reward. The re ward for keeping them does not lie in the future, as though God said, “You do this for Me now, and by and by I Will reward you for it.” While it is true that rewards for service will be given to the saints at the judgment seat of Christ, yet it is also true that the keep ing of the statutes, law, and so forth, brings present reward; the text says “in keeping of them [not ‘for’ ] there is great reward” (v. 11). The yielded soul finds the will of God more delightful than"all other pleasures of earth. Christ Jesus, the perfect Man, could say, “I delight to do thy will, O my God,” and “My meat is to do> the will of him that sent me” (Psa. 40:8; John 4:34), and be lievers may share His spirit and echo His words. H I., T h e W it n e s s o f G r a c e ( f2-14) First, grace is needed to meet the needs of human ignorance (v. 12). No one can clearly discern his own errors, nor know his hidden faults (cf. R.V.). The fall in Adam utterly ruined the natural man. Grace alone can reveal to man his true nature. , Secohid, grace is needed to meet the needs of human actions (v. 13). Grace
5 W h ic h I» a* a bridegroom com ing out o l his cham ber, and rejoiceth as a stro n g m an to run a race. 6 H is g o in g forth Is from the end o f th e heaven, and his circuit nnto the ends o f it; and there is n oth in g hid from the h eat thereof. 7 T h e la w o f the L ord I» p erfect, con vertin g the so u l: th e testim o n y o f the L ord is sure, m a k in g w ise th e sim ple. 8 T h e statu tes o f the L ord a**e righ t, rejoicin g the h eart: the com m andm ent o f the L ord is pure, en ligh ten in g the eyes. 9 T h e fe a r o f the L ord Is clean , en du ring fo r e v e r: the ju d gm en ts o f the Lord a r e 't r u e and righ teou s altogeth er. 10 M ore to be desired are th ey than gold , yea, than much fin e g o ld : sw eeter also than honey and the honeycom b. 11 M oreover b y them is th y servant w arn ed : and in k eep in g o f them there Is g rea t rew ard. 12 W h o can understand his errors* clean se thou m e from secret fau lts. 13 K eep back th y serva n t also from presum ptuous sin s: let them not have do m inion over m e : then sh a ll I be up right, and I shall be innocent from th e grea t tran sgression . 14 L et th e w ords o f m y m outh, and the m editation -of m y heart, be acceptable in thy sigh t, O Lord, m y stren g th , and m y redeem er. G O L D E N T E X T : “ L et the w ords o f m y m outh , and the m editation o f m y heart, be acceptable In th y sig h t, O Lord, m y stren g th , and m y redeem er” (P sa . 19:14). D E V O T IO N A L R E A D IN G : P sa. 119:9-16. ' Outline and Exposition $ T h e W it n e s s o f C r e a t io n (1-6) T HE WORKS of creation proclaim else are those works more majestic than in the heavens. Considering the innu merable heavenly bodies, and remem bering that God calls them all by name (Psa. 147:4; Isa. 40:26), one can grasp something of the greatness and glory of their Originator. If every word of ev ery language, ancient and modern, were placed in one huge dictionary, there would not be enough words to give one word each to even a comparatively small number of those heavenly bodies, to say nothing of giving them actual names. God gives names, suitable names, to each of them. But proud, puny man, himself a mere created be ing, presumes to sit in judgment upon God’s wisdom and righteousness. The testimony of God’s creation goes forth at all times and to people of all tongues (vs. 2, 3). Though the speech is not understood by the natural man because of his limitations, nevertheless it is present. Not until the mind is enlightened by the Spirit of God can the speech of the heavens be heard or that knowledge acquired. Moreover, this testimony reaches even to the ends of the earth, and it is as continuous as the sun’s regular movements (vs. 4-6). II. T h e W it n e s s o f L a w (7-11) In this section, God’s holiness, jus tice, and righteousness are set before the reader in striking language. The ‘flaw of the Lord” (V. 7) is that which shows the need for and the means of obtaining true restoration of soul. The
God’s eternal power and Godhead, making known His wisdom and providence (v.l; cf. Rom. 1:20). Nowhere
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