T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July, 1940
sins, hidden from the sinner himself, but often well known to others. Third, the sins of presumption or high-handed pride, for in every other passage this Hebrew word is rendered “pride.” Fin ally, and worst of all, there is the sin of rebellion against God, rightly called “ the great transgression.” Golden Text Illustration P salm 19:14 A nose and throat specialist had to operate on a little girl who was unable to take any anesthetic. He took a fifty- cent piece from his pocket, and said, “That’s for you, to spend exactly as you wish. I’m going to hurt you a little, but take a good look at this coin before I begin and remember what you saw, and it won't hurt nearly so much.” When the operation was over, the doctor pat ted her on the head and said, “You are a brave little girl. Now tell me what you thought about while I was at work.” “ Oh, I thought about the words on the top, ‘In God We Trust,’ ” she said quite simply. “It was the first half dollar I ever saw, so I did not know they were there; but it’s lovely to have them so the folks who have half dollars can think about them all the time.” —Selected. MEMORY VERSE: “The day is thine, the night also is thine” (Psa. 74:16). APPROACH: When God made the world, He said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night” (Gen. 1:14). God made the sun to give us light and warmth on the earth by day and the TOoon and stars to give light by night. I Our sun is a star | ■ H j g l l g M more than a million L jr ..■ times larger than | B f l our earth, and yet it , Jj^H} is small compared & i » with other g r e a t ' T g j j l H stars which are very 5 io rv far away fromus- U U I S IW I t when the stars shine out at night, they, tell us of the glory and greatness of God. LESSON STORY: “Great is our Lord, and of great power” (Psa. 147:5). He hangs the earth,1sun, moon, and stars upon nothing. Why do they not fall down? God made ¡gravity and told it to uphold them. “For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast” (Psa. 33:9). Although God is so great and won derful, yet He loves us and knows each of us by name. God calls all the stars by their names. It would be as impos sible to count the stars in the sky as to count the grains of sand by the sea. Only God can number the stars. He sent them whirling through space, each in its own great circle. When the Stars Come Out P salm 19 5 *bivi
In the beginning, when God the Father created all things by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, everything was so lovely that the angels rejoiced and the morning stars sang together. Our ears cannot yet hear the music of the stars, although some men have late ly caught it by radio. The song of the moon is like the deep tolling of large bells. The bright star Vega sings like the shouting of a great csowd. Every star, as it moves through the sky, sings a glorious song of praise and thanksgiv ing to God. “Praise ye him, sun and moon; praise him, all ye stars of light” (Psa. 148:3).
people. Two ways are apparent, and one will be revealed later. Attractive children are often spoken of as being "sweet.” That is one way the jar might be like an individual, and the other way is that it has a mouth. We will pour the sugar out to see whether we can find the other way in which it might be like a person. It has a heart, which is the third way it re sembles a person. But th'e word “LYING” is written on this black heart. Is it possible that a jar of sugar could have "LYING” in it? Yes, and it is also possible that a person who might be called “sweet” could have in his heart the sin of lying. As we continue to pour out the sugar, another black heart appears. It has “STEALING” written on it. More are c o m i n g ! “ H A T E , ” “ D E C E I T , ” "SWEARING,” and “ANGER.” All these evil things came out of the mouth of the jar. Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Matt. 12:34). David realized that the natural heart was sinful, and he prayed, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer” (Psa. 19:14). We will move this jar near the cross, reminding ourselves that only when we accept Christ will the heart be changed. [Gather up the black hearts and pin them to the red cross.] Now as we continue to pour the sugar out, we see clean hearts, with “LOVE,” “JOY,” “PEACE,” “LONG - SUFFER ING,” “GENTLENESS,” “GOODNESS,” “FAITH,” “MEEKNESS,” and "TEM PERANCE” written on them. an oin test m y head w ith o il; m y cup ru n neth over. 6 Surely goodness and m ercy shall fo l low m e all the days o f m y life : and I w ill d w ell in the house o f the Lord fo r ever. G O L D E N T E X T : “T h e Lord 1« m y shep h erd ; I sh a ll not w an t” (P sa. 2 3 :1 ). D E V O T IO N A L B E A D IN G : P sa. 34:1-8. Outline and Exposition I. T he B eliever ’ s P ossession (1) I N THE expression, “ the Lord is my shepherd,” is a claim that brings assurance to the weakest s a i n t . This Shepherd is omniscient, know ing all that lies in the past, the present, and the future. Hence nothing can take Him by surprise, nor find Him unpre pared. He is omnipotent, never to be overcome or defeated. “The Lord is mÿ shepherd”—a pres ent possession. It is not that He has been, nor that He will be.
OBJECTS: A quart jar filled with su gar, and a large red cardboard cross. (When filling the jar, place close to the bottom the white hearts on which vir tues listed in this lesson are written. Near the top, place black hearts on which sins are written.) LESSON: Who can guess what is in this jar? “It is white, and might be sugar, salt, or flour.” The first one you named is correct— it is sugar. There are three ways in which this jar of sugar is like some
P sa lm 23:1 T h e Lord Is m y shepherd; I sh a ll not w ant. 2 H e m aketh m e to lie down In green p a stu res: he leadeth m e beside the still w aters. 3 H e restoreth m y so u l; he leadeth m e In the paths o f righ teou sn ess fo r his nam e’s sak e. 4 Y ea, th ou gh I w alk th rou gh th e v a l le y o f the shadow o f death, I w ill fear no e v il: fo r thou art w ith m e ; th y rod and th y s ta ff th ey com fort m e. 5 Th ou preparest a tab le before m e In th e presence o f m ine en em ies: thou B LACKBOARD LESSON
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