King's Business - 1940-07


Î I Î Ë K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1940

Fifth Anniud Summer Bible Conference Sponsored b y THE DENVER BIBLE INSTITUTE Special speaker: Rev. John Linton, Pastor, The Peoples’ Church, Montreal, Canada. Special features: Bible study classed for adults. D. V . B. S. for Children. Ydiihg people’s rallies, Missionary messages. Scenic mountain trips. Time: August 14-25. For information and reservations, write Rev. C. Reuben Llhdgtiist, Director of Publicity T H E D E N V E R B IB L E IN S T IT U T E D enver, C olorado *

6f cleansing; héhee he must appeal to GOd, whó aloné could cleanse. Second, David plêàdèd for renewal (vs. 9-11). Here are fivè expressions that should bè considered: hide, create, féñew, cast not, take not. Thèsè touch thé ihñér Ufé, thé valué of which dé­ pends Upon what Gôd Seés therè, as the value ôf a watch dépends Upon its un­ seen works. Finally, David pleaded for reinstate­ ment in service (vs. 12, 13). The very first step- toward acceptable service is the possession of the joy of salvation, without which service becomes profes­ sional. A joyless worker is a fruitless worker. Following the joy there needs to be the upholding, willing spirit (cf. R.V.). And lastly comes the service of teaching and converting others. in . T h e F orgiveness ( P s a . 32:5) First, there is the acknowledgment of sin and iniquity that lead to failure. This means that one must see sift as God views it. Second, there is the deci­ sion contained in the words, “I said, I Will confess . . . unto the Lord.” Man deals With the crime; only God can deal with the underlying sin. David cried to the Lord: ‘‘Against thee, thee only, have I sinned” (Psa. 51:4). There are only two ways of dealing with sin: to cover it, or to confess it. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy” (Prov. 28:13; cf. Isa. 1:18; 57:21; 1 John 1:8, 9). Third, the result was, “Thou forgavest . . . my sin” (32:5). As soon as the déclaration was made and God saw it was the decisión of the heart, then, be­ fore the actual words of confession were spoken, David had forgiveness. In like manner the Lord always deals with His repentant children. Points and Problems ' 1. “And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord” (2 Sam. 12:13). Now we must keep clearly in mind that the sin of which David speaks was his awful crime against Uriah— planning his murder in order that he might have Uriah’s wife. In modern language, we would call this a social sin. But David in his confession goes deeper and sees it as a sin against God. In fact, from his confession recorded in Psalm 51:4 (unfortunately not included in the printed lesson selection), we may learn how deeply the king felt about this dreadful aspect of the crime: “Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, arid done this evil in thy sight.” From this we might easily suppose that Uriah has been callously forgotten, but that would be a superficial view of the matter. David’s sin against Uriah was against God above all for two rea­ sons: First, the crime against Uriah could never have been committed if

Zidtdt and thou fo rg a v est th e Iniquity Of m y i i à Selah. LE SSON T E X T : 2 Sam . 12:13, 14; Psa. 5 1 :1 -3 , 9 -1 3 ; 32:5. G O L D E N T E X T : ‘‘C onfess you r fa u lts ohé to another, and pray ohé fo r another, th a t y é m ay be healed” (Jas. 5 :1 6 ). D E V O T IO N A L R E A D IN G : 1 John 1:7 to 2 :2 . Outline and Exposition I; T he C onfession (2 S am . 12:13, 14) ’W AVID spent many weary months R under the chastening hand of \ . æ God before he was ready to con­ fess his sin. But when Nathan, the prophet, spoke to him the parable of thé one ewe iamb, David condemned himself and came to the acknowledg­ ment of his sih. In his confession there is no hint of palliation of his wickedness; he pleaded no extenuating circumstances, offered nô èxcuses, but simply and sincerely he confessed, “I have sinhèd against the LOrd” (v 13). He was thus taking God’s side against himself, being more exer­ cised concerning the sin than its consé­ quences tô himsèlf. Thé causé, not the consequences, boré heavily Upon his héart. And this is always the only true pathway back to the Lord after depar­ ture from Him. David was at once told that his sin was put away. This was done, not by himsèlf, but by God. None but God could put sin away; the thing had, been done and could not be undone. But the sin ­ n in g must be abhorred by man before the sin Is put away by God. Even though his sin was put away, results of it would follow in David’s house. The child of the unholy union would die. The record reveals that David did what he could to have the Sentence repealed, but once it was exe­ cuted hé made no more complaint. His confession was full and complete, and he was once again on God’s side. n . T he P lea (P sa . 51:1-3, 9-13) First, David pleaded for cleansing (vs. 1-3). He did not ask for Justice, but looked to the loving-kindness and the tender mercies of his God. This is the only ground upon which any plea concerning wicked doings may be made. If justice were asked and given, no one could stand before the Lord (cf. Psa. 130:3). David uses three words to describe his wickedness: transgression, iniquity, and sin. Transgression means doing what is prohibited; it is rebellion. It means be­ ing out of bounds, or beyond the boun­ dary. Iniquity means to be crooked or perverted, useless for the intended pur­ pose. Sin means missing the mark, as a rifleman might miss the target. The reason David gives as the back­ ground for his plea is: "I acknowledge [or, ‘know’] my transgressions; and my sin is ever before me” (v. 3). But in himself or in others there was no hope

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