T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
J u ly , 1940
man who stole the lamb, because David stole another man’s wife and made Uriah die. God said: “Thou shalt not steal.” “Thou shalt not kill.” “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.” Those who do such things cannot go to heaven; their souls will die because of sin. David was truly sorry he had done wrong. God forgave and took away his sins sc David did not die be cause of them. God does not want our souls to die. He is always ready to for give and forget our badness if we are sorry, but He will not take away our sins unless we hate being bad. Sin always makes trouble. It brought David lots of trouble. He thought no one knew about his sins, but every se cret shall be known. God knows our se crets before others find us out. He loves us and wants us to tell Him every sin so He can take them away and make us happy. When David was sorry for his sins, r he pleased God and became one of the very best and greatest of men.
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Object Lesson C o n f e s s io n a n d C l e a n s in g
Please Mention The King’s Business
OBJECTS: A drinking glass, a gold fish, a piece of thin black silk, a piece of red cloth about a yard square, a small piece of white paper, and a small piece of black paper. (The glass should be ribbed on the outside. Make a sleeve of the silk to fit exactly inside the glass, reaching to within an inch.vof the top. To this silk attach a silk thread that will reach over the side of the glass and about halfway down the out side. Attach a button to the outside end of the thread. Cut a piece of white paper about three inches long and three-quarters of an inch wide. Cover half of one side of this paper with black paper. Put enough water in the glass to bring the level up to the top of the silk. Shortly before the lesson, put the goldfish in the glass. A flower could be substituted for the fish.) LESSON: Would any of you like to have a drink from this glass? “No, it looks like ink.” You cannot always tell by looking. We will stick this white card down in the glass. [Insert the card with the white side toward the audience, and while the card is in the glass, reverse the sides with a slight shifting of the fingers, causing the side to show which has the black on it.] Now what do you think? “I think it has ink in it.” This glass reminds me of David. He had committed a great sin. In the sight of God, his heart was as black as ink. He tried to act as if he had done noth ing wrong. God sent His messenger to tell David that he was a great sinner. David acknowledged his sin to God, and was forgiven. After he had been forgiven, we find him saying in Psalm 32:1, “Blessed is he whose transgres sion is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” As we place this red cloth over the glass, let us remember that God cov ered David’s sin with the blood of a lamb, representing the coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus. [Catch the button hanging on the outside of the glass, and pull the black silk out of the glass as the red cloth is removed.] The water in the glass is clear and has a goldfish in it. After David’s sin had been covered, he was cleansed and had a new life within.
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