King's Business - 1940-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1940

NOTES on Christian Endeavor


until now” (Rom. 8:22). Consider soma of the havoc sin has wrought: a. Civilization’s proud achievements destroyed by war. Illus.: Damage to central portion of the Parthenon, Athens, when Turks used it as a powder magazine during bom­ bardment by the Venetians in 1687; burning of Moscow, 1812; burning of li­ brary and university at Louvain, Bel­ gium, 1914 and 1940; the later destruc­ tion of the Alhambra in Spain, of pala- tian ocean liners—and perhaps still more recent disasters of the kind by the time these notes will be used. b. The French Riviera, yes, and Southern California, among the beauty spots of earth, have been popularized as playgrounds where the wealthy and the pleasure-seeking can live a life of in­ dolence and sin. 2. In man. Read Romans 1:18-21 for a descrip* tion of unregenerate man, and note especially the words “they are without excuse.” a. God’s highest creation, man, is of­ ten bent on self-destruction (noté the large number of suicides reported among people of many nations). b. Morality—not to mention holiness —has not kept pace with the “progress” of civilization. That God should give any beauty in this world that has resisted His right­ ful control is, in itself, an evidence of His wonderful grace. Mention some of these “grace tones.” ITT. A GREAT “ SYMPHONY” IS COMING. The time is coming when resistance to the divine touch will be done away. To Christ, in that day, “every knee shall bow” (Rom. 14:11). Of the rebel­ lious, persecuted chosen people it will be true that “all Israel shall be saved” (Rom. 11:26), for they shall “look upon” Him "whom they have pierced” (Zech.

AUGUST 4, 1940 GOD IS AT THE ORGAN P salm 19:1-6; R omans 1:18-21 The Leader’s Opening Remarks The same instrument—if it is well constructed and in tune—is capable of producing either majestic music or grat­ ing dissonances. If there is harmony, it is traceable to two underlying facts: The one who plays is skilled in his art, and the instrument he uses is wholly responsive to his touch. The Speakers’ Outline I. GOD IS THE AUTHOR OF PER­ FECT HARMONY. 1. His work of creation was perfect —‘‘it was good” (Gen. If':10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31). 2. His plan for man was perfect—in­ volving ideal surroundings (Gen. 2:9-12), responsibility and scope for initiative (Gen. 1:26-30; 2:15), volition and choice (Gen. 2:16, 17), human comradeship (Gen. 2:18-25), communion with God (Gen. 3:8a). Spend a little time in con­ templation of that glorious time when the Master Musician “played,” as it were, upon the organ of the universe, when “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (Job 38:7). n .' SIN CAUSES DISCORD AND RUIN. 1. In nature. Flashes of beauty shine forth in God’s universe for comfort and for a witness (read Psalm 19:1-6), but it still remains true that creation as a whole has par­ taken of the curse. “The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together

12:10). Iniquity shall be wiped out (Rev. 21:8). What music will issue forth when the mighty Redeemer touches the chords of His redeemed creation! IV. ARE YOU RESPONSIVE TO THE MASTER’S TOUCH TODAY? Illustrative Material Study the great works of music for instances in which the theme of redemp­ tion is used. 1. The “Messiah”—Handel. 2. “The Crucifixion”—Stainer. 3. “The Redemption”—Gounod. 4. “The St. Matthew Passion”—Bach. AUGUST 11, 1940 MANAGING MY TIME E phesians 5:15-17; C olossians 4:2-5 The Leader’s Opening Remarks Add two, words to the lesson topic, and you have a very significant declaration. But first you must choose whether the words shall be “I AM Managing My Time” or “CHRIST IS Managing My Time.” If you recognize that “ye are not your own,. . . for ye are bought with a price” (1 Cor. 6:19, 20), then to “glo­ rify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” you must allow Him to control every portion of your life and of your days. Is Christ managing your time ? The yielded believer can say with assurance, “My times are in thy hand” (Psa. 31:15), Does this attitude make for lackadaisical indifference toward the budgeting of one’s time? On the con­ trary, it creates a positive yearning that every moment shall be wisely employed, for the Lord’s sake! Having before us

Only In Thee, Lord

Where can my restless soul abide Save in His bleeding, riven side? There is no other home for me Only in Thee, Lord, only in Thee. This is my prayer, and this my pleat Open my eyes that I may see There is no other life for me Only in Thee, Lord, only in Thee I — Martha Snell Nicholson.

When terror’ s dark wing brushes me, And only shapes of fear I see, There is no other help for me Only in Thee, Lord, only in Thee. When I am fouled with sin’s black stain, What can wash me white again? There is no cleansing flood for me Only in Thee, Lord, only in Thee.

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