King's Business - 1940-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1940

Andrew Murray in The Ministry of In­ tercession, pages 37 to 47): (1) urgent need; (2) willing love; (3) sense of im­ potence; (4) faith in prayer; (5) impor­ tunity that prevails; (6) certainty of rich rewards. Remember — “Prayer [this kind of prayer] changes PEOPLE.” 5. Witnessing—"Walk in wisdom to­ ward them that'are without” (Col. 4:5). One’s walk as well as one’s words must bear testimony. Ulus.: Korean coolie, saved at 67, in three months spoke to 58,000 people about Christ and “opened up four is­ lands” to the gospel.—Christian Read­ er’s Digest, April, 1940, p. 49. Illustrative Material A university student, working for his Ph.D. degree, wrote to James M. Gray, then President of the Moody Bible In­ stitute of Chicago, asking, “How do you live a day?” A most illuminating answer is contained in a booklet which the Institute' will send to inquirers (ad­ dress: 153 Institute PI., Chicago, 111.). It is possible to give a person the free use of one’s house, without turning over to him the deed to the property. In that case, the house is his in a sense, but not completely his. It is possible for a young person to give the use of his “ talents” in Christian work without yielding to the Lord Jesus Christ his en­ tire life. But Christ does not ask for laudable service; He asks for “living sacrifice”—the offering of one’s whole self to Him for His complete control. The verses of today’s lesson (Rom. 12: 3-8) have1no meaning at all if divorced from the truth of verses 1 and 2. Ask four members of the group to present the task of “Managing My Tal­ ent,” covering the four steps that the Scripture passage suggests. AUGUST 18, 1940 MANAGING MY TALENT R omans 12:3-8 The Leader’s Opening Remarks The Speakers’ Outline I. YIELDING ONE’S LIFE (1, 2). To “present,” in verse 1, means to “yield.” Bring in various definitions of this action: (1) from the dictionary; (2) from Jacob’s experience—Gen. 32:24-32; (3) from Paul’s experience—Acts 9:1-6, 18-22; (4) from your own experience. 1. What are we to yield? The body is the visible center of every department of life. For the believer, the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19). 2. Why are we to yield? Paradoxical as it, may seem, he wh® yields (to the Lord Jesus Christ) is the one who conquers (Rom. 8:35-37). 3. Some results of yielding. a. George Matheson, with a brilliant unverslty record, submitted to Christ in

the Scriptures assigned, we find two main considerations.

Dr. Rodney O. Lilyquist DENTIST

The Speakers’ Outline I. THE, NECESSITY FOR MANAG­ ING ONE’S TIME. 1. “ The days are evil” (Eph. 5:16). Do you think it is harder to find time for spiritual pursuits than it used to be ? If so, consider some underlying causes: (1) the multiplicity of attractions; (2) the sterner requirements in school and business; (3) the increased power of Satan as this age of grace draws to a close. (Note: Valuable Biblical infor­ mation concerning the great extent— and the limitations—of Satan’s power may be found in the “Points and Prob-. lems” column on page 218 of last month’s KING’S BUSINESS.) Ask the members of your group to make out a time budget—indicating what periods they spend in pursuit of business, rest, etc. Suppose these ac­ tivities consume twenty-three of the day’s twenty-four hours. If the remain­ ing one hour is not given to the Lord FIRST, will He get it at all? 2. Time-wasters actually behave “as fools” (Eph. 5:15). What is your defi­ nition of wasted time ? 3. No time-squanderer caii get an "understanding [of] what the will of the Lord is” (Eph. 5:17). II. THE C H R I S T I A N ’ S WELL- - PLANNED DAY SHOULD IN­ CLUDE: 1. Bible study (Psa. 119:11; 1 Tim. 4:13). John Ruskin said: “Study the Bible; make it your first dally business to un­ derstand some portion of it, and make it your business the rest of the day to obey what you understand.” Study the Bible synthetically—using a telescope; analytically—using a micro­ scope; dispensationally — using a yard­ stick. What method of Bible study, do YOU find most profitable? 2. Prayer — "Continue in prayer” (Col. 4:2). There is a motto-which reads: “You can do more than pray AFTER you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray UNTIL you have prayed.” Prayer, in its various aspects, takes the form (1) of regular, daily communion with Christ (John 15:7; cf. Psa. 91:1, 9); (2) of waiting on Him for light and guid­ ance (Psa. 18:28; 62:5; Jas. 1:5); (3) of crying to Him in time of sudden need (Isa. 37:14-20; Acts 4:18, 24, 29-31). Name other kinds of prayer, and illus­ trate from personal experience. 3. Praise—“Watch . . . with thanks­ giving” (Col. 4:2). 4. Intercession—“Praying . . . for us” (Col. 4:3). Intercession is prayer with the “I” left out. From Luke 11:5-8, we learn that intercession involves (according to

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