T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July, 1940
grace of God is operative in our hearts that we are saved (Eph. 2:8, 9), that we are kept (2 Cor. 12:9), and consequent ly that we are used (Rom. 12:6). Whether we are one-talent or five-tal ent Christians is God’s choosing; wheth er we are faithful in the exercise of di vinely given gifts is our responsibility (Matt. 25:14-30). Illustrative Material So-called holy men jf India render certain members of their bodies use less (hands, arms, etc.) by nonuse. AUGUST 25, 1940 MANAGING MY POSSESSIONS 2 C o r in t h ia n s 9 : 6-15 The Leader’s Opening Remarks “What a gifted fellow indeed,” de clared Lord Chesterfield, “is he who has the gift of giving gifts graciously!” Giv ing is a grace, to be exercised with sim plicity (Rom. 12:6-8). It is impor tant that we bear in mind that blessings —whether material or spiritual—never are bought with money or with sup posed good works. The Christian’s giv ing is, rather, the outgrowth of grati-
his dark hour of lost love and lost eye-' sight, and was enabled to write “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go.” b. R. G. LeTourneau, head of a large manufacturing plant in Peoria, 111., de cided to "give God everything”—which now includes a thriving business em ploying about 1,000 men. (See his story in Oct. and Nov., 1936, issues of THE KING’S BUSINESS.) e. Vaughn Shoemaker, “chief car toonist for the Chicago Daily News,” is a winner of a Pulitzer Prize and a “born-again Christian who believes in a prayer-answering God.” (See Sunday School Times, Apr. 20, 1940.) II. APPRAISING ONE’S LIFE (3). It has been said that the negative ex pression, “not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think,” implies also the positive truth: As a believer in Ohrist, do think of this relationship as highly as you ought to think! In other words, while shunning all self-glorify ing, magnify the merits of the indwell ing Lord. When a Christian thinks of his talents—of his whole life—there are: 1 . Reasons for humility. a. Apart from Christ and His keep- power, we are utterly devoid of good ness (Rom. 3:10; 7-18, 19). b. Apart from Christ, we are doomed (Rom. 7:5; Acts 4:12; cf. Rev. 20:11-15). ' c. Apart from Christ, all our good works are valueless (Isa. 64:6). 2. Reasons for exaltation. a. Believing in Christ, we are pos sessed of HIS righteousness (1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21). b. Believing in Christ, we are heirs of God, joint-heirs with Christ (Rom. ■8:17). c. Believing in Christ, we are en abled to accomplish that which is ac ceptable service to God (John 14:12; Eph. 2:10). HI. SHARING ONE’S LIFE (4, 5). Ask a doctor or a nurse to give a brief talk on the response of the mem bers of the human body to the com mands of the brain. Follow this with a spiritual application, showing how Chris tians should function in happy har mony, in obedience to the commands of Christ, their living Head. This would be a good opportunity for a study of the Scripture teaching con cerning the blessed truth of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12; Eph. 1:22, 23; 4:8-16; Col. 2:18, 19). The functions of the indi vidual members are not for their own enjoyment, but for the good of. the whole body. IV. DEVELOPING ONE’S LIFE (6-8). Note that one’s talents, or “gifts,” are “according to the grace that is giv en to us.” It is because the wonderful
REMEMBER YOUR BRETHREN IN POLAND Latest new s: Christians in German Poland are able to do more m issionary w ork than before the w ar, but living is six times higher. W e have again •sentr -our workers there 125 food packages with butter, etc.» which were opened with tears o f gratitude to . God and all donors. The Orphan children and adult refugees send hearty thanks to everyone who helped to prepare this joy fo r | them. Please, help us further to m ake more of the suffering brethren happy. Send your gift for buying food for them as well as for carrying on Gospel work to the 1844 W. Monroe St., Rm. 2, Chicago, III. “ ThiT Friend o f Russians,” with details about our work, will be sent free for a whole year for a gift of $1.00 or more to- the work. Sample copies free on request'. Y ou A re In v ited to O pen Y o u r. S avin gs A cco u n t w ith EQUITABLE PLAN COMPANY “ A S av in gs In stitu tio n ” NOT a B u ild in g -L o a n A sso cia tio n 4% Per Annum Interest C. O. A N D E r.S O N . Mgr. Suite 302. F in a n cia l C enter B ldg. Ph. VA -3936 L os A n g e le s 704 S.- S prin g Russian Missionary Society, Inc. Miss M. N. Fetler, Secretary
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