King's Business - 1940-07

TH E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S

J u ly ,. 1940


18. Humanity’s Common Lot “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world” (John 17:15). All forms of trouble affect the Chris­ tian equally with the rest of mankind. He is in the world in that sense of it. He cannot contract himself out of the common lot of humanity. The Christian is to be in the world as salt, and as light, to exercise an influence antisep­ tic and illuminating. And for this min­ istry he must needs share the common experience of his fellows.—Colin C. Kerr. 14. True Love “Add . . . to brotherly kindness, char­ ity” (2 Pet. 1:5, 7). Much of what I call my love is but disguised selfishness. I seek others be­ cause I find myself in them. My heart goes out to- the hearts that go out to me, my sympathy expands to the sym­ pathies that agree with me, my kindness is but brotherly kindness. I want more than that. I want kindness for the un- brotherly, sympathy for the erring, ten­ derness for the fallen, love for the*lost. —George Matheson. 15. No Man Likeminded “For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. For

To satisfy means to gratify to the fullest degree and to make atonement. There is only One who can measure up to this definition in regard to the need of humanity. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. If you lack satisfaction, -yield yourself completely to Him and His* will; be filled with His Spirit. Fullness brings satisfaction. Contentment of spirit is available only through Christ. —Beulah Jorgensen. Conformity “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2). Beloved, identification with this pres­ ent order of things must render us ineligible for the future o r d . . . But, being renewed in our minds, our outlook, our estimates of things, our desires, we will be enabled to hate this present evil order which slew our Prince of Life, our Lord of Glory. Then will we repudiate as foreign to ourselves this present world-system, as it was foreign to our Lord.* —James R. Graham, Jr. 12.

When Fred Arnott was dying, he said, “I may not have fought a good fight, but I have fought in a good fight!” Warfare unto victory! What are the guarantees given to us for this? They are the cross, for it was there Christ triumphed over the powers of evil; the resurrection, for “death hath no more dominion over him” ; and His reigning authority,’ for He is enthroned far above all principalities and powers. . . A11 this is surely “the wisdom of God in a mystery.”—George Harper. 10. A Present Promise "All things work together for good to them that love God” (Rom. 8:28). Simple to read, easy to repeat, but most difficult to get down tosfhe be­ lieving heart, is this great present promise of the God of all grace. . . . But how difficult it is to realize it under all circumstances, to count that really “ all things”—good and bad, bright and gloomy, pleasant and unpalatable, sad and glad—all, all are working for our good and for His glory in the lives of all His own..—Hy. Pickering. 11. - Satisfaction “For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with good­ ness” (Psa. 107:9).

*Printed by permission of Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Dan Gilbert is one of America’s few Christian writers whose books have been widely reviewed in the great news­ papers of the nation. Leading city papers with a combined circula­ tion of more than 20,000,000 have favorably reviewed books by Dan Gilbert. The following is taken from » two-column review of " Our Retreat from Modernismpublished Nov. IS, 1939, in the Chattanooga F r e e P r e ss , one of the leading papers of the South: New Book Reveals Modern Attitude On Christianity ‘Our Retreat from Modernism’ Sets Out Origin, Viewpoint of Leaders, Members of Church by W. G. Foster, Jr.

Dan Gilbert has recently pub­ lished a book, “Our Retreat from Modernism,” which clearly sets forth the origin, nature and re­ sults of a new attitude that has been gradually but effectively obtaining more and more advo­ cates among the leaders and members of our churches. Most of us have been more or less conscious of the changing emphasis of our church pro­ grams, but not until now has there been a clear, concise, ac­ curate, logical work that sets forth in terms that the layman can understand the real differ­ ences between the new view and historic Christianity. Now it has been done in a book with which every professing Christian and every professed agnostic should be familiar. In this book, Dr. tJilbert gives the best analysis that has ever

been written of the causes, ef­ fects, and end of the modern attitude, and he sets down the real underlying cause of such un­ belief and points to the only course by which we can find our way home. Every Christian who is leaning toward religious l i b e r a l i s m should read this book that he might know the road he is on and where it leads. Every liberal shoul*i>read this book that he might ’fully realize where he is. And every Biblical Christian should read this book that he might understand the attitude of modernism, recognize the fruits of it, and know how to deal with, it.

OUR RETREAT FROM MOPERNISM by Dan Gilbert Cloth, $1 Paper, 75c At your bookstore or

No person can be intelligently informed, on what is really hap­ pening in the world today until he has read this analysis. The Danielle Publishers, 4766 Norm a Drive, San Diego, Calif.

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