T H S K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July, 1940
est beneficent purpose. What we need is not so much a change of circum stances as a changed attitude toward them. Life is no blind whirring of wheels, but a combination of circum stances ordered with meticulous care by a loving Father. —J. Oswald Sanders. 24. The Good or the Best? “But Martha was cumbered about much serving” (Lk. 10:40). Beware of anything that competes with loyalty to Christ. The greatest competitor of devotion to Jesus is serv ice for Him. The one aim of the call of God is the satisfaction of God, not a call to do something for Him. We are not sent to battle for God, but to be used by God in His battlings. Are we being more devoted to service than to Jesus Christ?—Oswald Chambers. Walking with God “He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk, even as he walked” (1 John 2:6). If you and I want to know how to walk, we have to study His ways. I do not know anything more sanctifying, more helpful for the believer, than to read over and over again the story of His blessed lowly ways, as He went through this world. It will stir your heart, it will break your heart some times, but it will encourage you, too, as you seek to go on and walk with God.—Harry A. Ironside. 26. Conquerors in Him “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). He [Christ] overcame the world when it attacked Him in the worst possible shape, for He was poorer than any of you, He was more sick and sad than any of you, He was more despised and persecuted than any of you, and He was deprived of certain divine consolations which God has promised never to take away from His saints, and yet with all possible disadvantages Christ overcame the world. —Charles Haddon "Spurgeon. 27. When I Remember "Forget not all his benefits” (Psa. 103:2). When I remember all Thy mercies, Lord, My countless answered prayers, How strange that, miser-like, my soul can hoard The day’s corroding cares! When I remember how Thy loving hand Has clasped ,mine in the night, I wonder how I fail to understand I need not walk by sight. 25.
All the petty worries, all the griefs That so encompass me, Are lost in sudden triumph, past belief, When I remember Thee. —Ruby Weybum Tobias. 28. Regulation of Speech “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body” (Jas. 3:2). A Christian should seek to make speech spiritually profitable. . . . No themes are intellectually so profound as those which are highly spiritual. As tronomy is the most exalted of studies because it deals with the infinite; and the study of God’s words as well as works introduces us to the infinite, eter nal, immutable. To live to contemplate God is the appetite of a great soul, and converse about Him makes the soul great.—A. T. Pierson. An Impelling Love “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other” (Matt. 6:24). If a river should he turned into some dark cave where unclean beasts have herded and littered for years, the bright waters would sweep out on their bosom all the filth and rottenness. So, when the love of Christ comes surging and flashing into a heart, it will bear out on its broad surface all conflicting and subordinate inclinations, with the pas sions and lusts that used to rule and befoul the spirit. —Alexander Maclaren. 30. God’s Plan “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways” (Isa. 55:9). Cease meddling with God’s plans and will. You touch anything of His and you mar the work. You may move the hands of a clock to suit you, but you do not change the time; you may hurry the unfolding of God’s will, but you harm and do not help His work. You can open a rosebud, but you spoil the flower. . . . Leave all to Him. ■—Stephen Merritt. 31. The Road to Triumph “And Joshua rent his clothes, and fell to the earth upon his face before the ark of the Lord . . . he and the elders of Israel, and put dust upon their heads” (Josh. 7 :6 ).' You say: “What am I to do?” You are to do what Joshua did. You are to get down before God on your face and say: “Oh, God, what it it? ” And He will show you; and when He has re vealed anything displeasing to Him, . . . you are to stone it with the Rock of Ages. And then you are to go forth triumphant and triumphing right through the whole of the rest of your life.—W. W. Martin. 29.
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