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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July, 1940
Bible Institute CÀMILY CIRCLE
Furloughs Genevieve Hinote, ’34, has been for three years in Honolulu in missionary work, reaching people of over eighteen different nationalities, and teaching Bi ble once a week to oyer 600 students in the Farrington High School there. She expects to sail from Hawaii July 5, to spend two months in America. She may be addressed at 1034 W. Third St., Pomona, Calif. Fred and Mrs. Whale (Grace Feldges, ’28), with their little daughter, Mar jorie "Linda, have just arrived from Ni geria, West Africa, where they have spent two terms under the Sudan In terior Mission. They are staying with Mrs. Whale’s parents at 7410 Brighton Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Katherine Baerg, ’28, returned from China in May, for her furlough in the United States. As a part o f the thirtieth annual com mencement exercises of the Bible Instt* tute of Los Angeles, a total of 371 alumni members with their friends met on the evening of June 3, in the Institute dining room to celebrate “ thirty years of blessing at Biola.” The program fol lowed the plan of a “birthday” gather ing. There was lively competition among members of various classes. The class of 1911 boasted the longest history, and two members of the original group of six were present at this year’s reunion. The class of 1939 showed^he'second largest percentage of members present—four teen from the total of seventy. The larg est group came from the class of 1925 -— eighteen of the one hundred and five class members. The program for this unique "thir tieth birthday party” was ably super vised by Peter F. Wall (’21) retiring President of the Association. In ad dresses of the evening, the Institute was officially represented by Loui3 T. Tal bot; President; Kenneth M. Monroe, Dean; Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Member of the Board of Directors; and John A. Hubbard, Faculty member. A. J, Johnson and Paul F. Ruske spoke for the class of 1911. Jay O. (’14) and Mrs. Bovee (’14) traveled the long est distance, in order to attend the re union—1,400 miles, from Tacoma, Wash. Other speakers were Katie Dick (’33), Newton, Kans.; John W. Falconer (’24), Alameda, Calif., whose daughter Lucille is a member o f the graduating class of 1940; Natalie Gordon (’25), Washington, D. C.; Earl F. Morgan (’22), Escondido, Calif.; Leslie E. (!22> and Mrs. Smith ' ((Mildred L. Crump, ’21), New Westmin ster, B. C., Canada. Missionary guests included Marion Adams (’33), Venezuela, South Amer ica; Katherine E'r.erg (’28), Yunnan, Celebrating Three Decades Of Blessing
of the Mission headquarters at 1531 Sinza Rd., Shanghai. Timothy (’33) and Mrs. Pietsch, in writing from 15 Uenohara, Nakano, Tokyo, Japan, spoke of the increasing difficulty of preaching Christ in that land. ‘‘In April,” they said, “when the new religions bill goes into effect, it seems that every church that is going to be recognized by the government must bow down to the palace at every service . . . We ask your most earnest prayers on our behalf and for the Chris tians, that they may have courage to stand against evil and not compromise.” Lois Prosser,' ’23, writes from P6chow, Anhwei, China: “We went to Yung Ch’eng. As we approached the city there were signs of poverty, wretched ness, and filth on every side. . . . Wing ing planes overhead, the sound of rapid repeating guns heard early in the morn ing before daylight, which meant execu tions, the tread of horsemen ■following that, going out to battle, tanks rolling by, and loaded trucks moving through the streets, so very narrow and crooked, of this old Chinese city, sandbags and bombardments, signs of wreckage on every hand, and terrified people—bur hearts ached for them . . . We taught a Bible class at this place, and it was sweet to bring them the comfort of the gospel. Oh, what a Book and how it meets every need of the human heart!” E. W. Peters, ’23, who may be ad dressed at 1021 Wellington Ave., Wind sor, Ont., Can., is an active member of the Macedonian and Armenian Gospel Mission. He reports'the printing and dis tribution of thousands of gospel tracts, pamphlets in various languages, and Bible portions, to Jews, Greeks, and Armenians in and near Thessalonica, Greece. In Europe Those who belong to. the Biola family will want to remember in prayer fellow members who are in Europe at this critical time. Pray that they may be sustained and protected, but ,most of all that they may bear such witness to their Lord and Saviour that other needy, ter ror-stricken ones, around them may be drawn to Him. Pray for: Karl H. Faulkner; ’37, in Budapest, Hungary; Tordis Christoffersen, ’29, in Denmark: Eric (’25) and Mrs. Horn (Syvilla Ferron, ’25) and Bobbie, in Lon don, England; Mabel W.- Jones, E. S„ '28, in Norfolk, England; Robert and Mrs. Pierre (Helen M. Lapp, ’26), in Bruss'ls, Belgium; Henry and Mrs. Weber (Jeanne Saucy, ’25), with their children, in Switzerland; Andrew Derch- ar, in Jugoslavia.
Serving in America Robert M. (E. S., ’28) and Mrs. Wright (E. S., ’28) are living at 6930 Muriel Ave., Long Beach, Calif., and are opening a new work in a district at the extreme northern end of Long Beach. They are beginning with serv ices in their own home, and are praying that a Baptist church may develop to serve the community there. Mrs. Wright expects to conduct week-day children’s classes, following the plan of the Child Evangelism Fellowship. Juanita Wright, ’37, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wright, has been attending the Chaffee / Junior College in Ontario, Calif. Rexford (’27)' and Mrs. Smith (Grace Wells, ’¿6), who for ten years have been working among the Mexicans at Coachella, Calif., have found a compe tent Mexican pastor to take over their work there, so that they will be free to visit other Mexican communities in California for evangelistic work. This summer they hope to go first to Hemet Valley, and later to parts of the San Joaquin Valley that have had little gos pel light. Lawrence (’39) and Mrs. Powell (Meta, Schroeder, ’39) have gone to Jackson, Ky., where they will be associated with Annie Bethke, ’19, in the work of the Kentucky Mountain Mission. Elwood and Mrs. Foy (Mary Frances Hixon, * ’34) are living at Rt. 2, Box 128-A, Escondido, Calif. Mrs. Foy writes of opportunities for service in the time that she can spare from her home and two children: “I have a Bible story hour in our home each week for the children of the neighborhood. . . . There are about twenty-two on the roll, with an average attendance of about fifteen . . . . There are Mormon and Catholic children in class, and my earnest prayer, is that, as we memorize the Scripture together, they may carry it home to their parents and that it will fall on fertile ground.” Among the names of those who are being graduated from other educational institutions this year, we find those of the following former Bible Institute stu dents: Edward E. Bollinger, May 29, from the University of Arizona; Dor othy Caswell, April 18, from the Moody, Bible Institute; and Magnus Vernon Gonnsei., ’35, May 6, from the West minster Theological Seminary, West minster, Md. In F oreign Fields Marian E. Car-leson and.,Ruth Elliott, ’27, sailed from Vancouver, B. C., on May 18, to enter upon their second period of service-under the China Inland Mission. They may be reached in care
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