July, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
18 40
Lyman Stewart Centenary
19 40
Founder and First President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles
Lum an S tew a rt
God has never failed to have leaders, and He has . always had His own way in selecting them. Our beloved friend and brother, Lyman Stewart, was a man chosen of God to fill a unique place in the world and the church. Shrinking from any suggestion of prominence in his Christian life, he possessed a remarkably resourceful mind— keen, intuitive, and with the vision of a prophet. Mr. Stewart was a man of one Book— THE BIBLE. He believed it. He was never moved by the opinions of men concerning it. He had tasted its sweetness. He had tested its strength. He had triumphed in its sovereignty. He found in it the supply for every need of life, the solution for every problem. He believed that it spoke the truth when it said, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” He believed that the only remedy for sin was to be found in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, as revealed in that Book, and because he believed it, he desired that all men everywhere might hear its message and, receiving Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, have eternal life. To this end, he gave the best of his life. If he needed a visible monument, it is here in our midst in the splendid buildings of the Bible Institute— but his immortal monument has been erected in the hearts and lives of men and women. Could we call from heaven and from the ends of the earth those who have been blessed by his ministry, the shout of thanksgiving and praise would vibrate wherever man is found, for every country on the globe has felt the touch of his great, pulsing heart. T. C. HORTON.
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