T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July, 1940
China; Esther Burhans (’17), San Cle mente, Calif., formerly of India; Theresa Bush (’31), en route to China (D.V.) on June 15 from Vancouver, B. C.; Grace Byron (’27), French Equatorial Africa; JEva Doerksen (’21), Nigeria, Africa; Pauline Fraas (’15), Congo Beige, A f rica; Maxine McNeal (’23), Hopei Prov ince, N. China; Mrs. Rachel Seiver (’25), Egypt; Zoa Shaub (’28), Honduras, Cen tral America; Mrs. Clarence Sickel (Loree Cutright, ’18), Argentine, South America; Rexford (’27) and Mrs. Smith (Grace Weller, ’26), Mexican work in Coachella Valley, Calif.; Mrs. Verne Swanson (Mayreld Ramquist, ’33), Alaska; A. P. (’16) and Mrs. Uhlinger (Birdie De Hoog, ’16), Congo Beige, Africa; Fred and Mrs. Whale (Grace Feldges, ’28), Nigeria, Africa; Evelyn WoodSworth (’31), Tanganyika Terri tory, Africa. • Male Quartette T o u r o f W e s t Ju n e 7 to A u g . 11 PERSONNEL Edmond Erickson: 1st Tenor, Song1 Leader, Soloist, O rland, C alif. Dean N aum am 2nd Tenor, V ibraharp - ist, Soloist, San D iego, C alif. George Arnold: 1st B ass, P ian ist, O r- / gan ist, O klahom a C ity, O kla. Norman Robbins: 2nd B ass, Speaker, Seattle, W a sh . PROGRAM V o ca l N um bers; T estim on ies; In strum en tal N um bers; C hildren’s * W o r k ; G ospel M essages.
Messages in song were brought by Mrs. Wm. Harllee Bordeaux (Aghavni Hagopian, ’31) and an Institute male quartet. Presented to the Alumni Association for membership and for continuing Christian fellowship was an enthusiastic group of ninety members of the grad uating class of 1940. The President, Lowell Wendt, sjioke fittingly of the blessing which the class of ’40 had re ceived. Before the devotional message was brought by Dr. Hubbard, the new offi cers of the Alumni Association for the ensuing year were introduced: President, Dudley L. Girod (’31); Vice President, Wilbert Regier (’35); Secretary, Helen White (’20); and Treasurer, Avalon Bergstrom (’34), and the entire company joined in prayer that the coming year— in which the Lord Jesus may return— may be even more fruitful than the years that are past. Ordinations Recently several former Biola students have been ordained to the gospel min istry. Among them are: Earl S. Kalland, ’34, on May 7, at the Rock Hill Baptist Church, Jamaica Plain, Mass: Norman Korb, ’34, who is Director of Boys’ Work at the Rug- gles Street Baptist Church, Boston, Mass., read the Scripture at this service. Paul W. Brown, on April 26, at the Cudahy Baptist Church, 4912 Clara St., Bell, Calif., of which he is pastor. Donald E. Spurbeck, ’40, on May 26, at Calvary (Presbyterian) Church, Holly wood, Calif. At the same time, Ray mond S. Larsen, ’40, was licensed to preach. Richard Jantzen, ’32, on April 21, at the Mennonite Church, Paso Robles, Calif., of which his father is pastor. Mamed William Smebye and Bertha I. Palmer, ’27, March 17, Los Angeles, Calif. Fletcher M. Simpson, ’35, and Evelyn Enstrom, June 1, Quinter, Kan. Donald E. Spurbeck, ’40, and Doris Mae Kenyon, ’38, June 8, Oakdale, Calif. Oscar R. Zimmermann, ’40, and Bettye Sherman, ’40, June 8, Los Angeles, Calif. Born To Howard (’34) and Mrs. Riddle, a son, Albert James, April 14, Los An geles, Calif. To David D. (’26) and Mrs. Schultz (Mary G. Jantzen, ’29), a son, Harvey David, May 11, Paso Robles, Calif. To Albert (’37) and Mrs. Wall, a son, Edward Albert, May 17, Redding, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Wall are engaged in gos pel work in Kennett, Calif. To Lester (’34) and Mrs. Wendt (Ger trude Vaus), a daughter, Pollyanna, May 18, Los Angeles, Calif.
WHY HITLER HATES THE JEW! In the July VOICE, one of WM. R. NEWELL’S PROPHETIC series on WHAT'S AHEAD. Each issue of this colorful “ I Find CHRIST Ade quate” BIBLE monthly tells from GOD’S WORD of things to come. Mail 10c stamps or coin for July copy; 25c 3 mo. trial, $1.00 the year; copy past issue free. THE VOICE, Dept. 6 4000 Washington St. Louis, Mo.
GOSPEL SOUND FILMS Beach multitudes of people for God with the aid of 16 mm Gospel sound films. Several films are now ready. It is a most effective way of pre senting the Truth. Write for particulars.
C. O. BAPTISTA Film Laboratory 325 W. Huron St., Chicago, III.
Itinerary: California: Escondido—June 7; San Diego—June 9; Imperial—June 10; Or land—Aug. 7 ; Sacramento—Aug. 8; Oakland—Aug. 9; Modesto and Fresno—Aug. 11. Arizona: Phoenix—June 11; Tucson—June 12; Bisbee—June 13. Colorado: Trinidad—June 15; Rocky Ford—June 16-18; Colorado Springs— June 19; Denver—June 20; Greeley—June 21-23. Wyoming: Cheyenne—June 23-28. Utah: Silt Lake City—June 30 to July 3. Washington: .Jpokane—July 7, 8; Palouse—July 9; Wenatchee—July 12; El- lensburg—July 14; Tacoma—July 17, 18; Seattle—July 19-23; Bellingham —July 24; Lynden—July 25; Port Angeles—July 28; Olympia—July 30; Aberdeen—July 31. Oregon: Portland—Aug. 1, 2; Dallas—Aug. 3; Corvallis—Aug. 4; Eugene— Aug. 4; Grants Pass—Aug. 5; Medford—Aug. 6. British Columbia: Vancouver—July 26; Victoria—July 27, 28. TK j E BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Incorporated 558 So. Hope St. • Los Angeles, Calif.
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