T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July, 1940
CAMP PINNACLE In the b ra cin g H e ld e rb e rg s nea r A lb a n y, N. Y .— June 15 to A u g . 26, 1940. B ible S tu dy and In sp ira tion a l m eetin g s un der tru e C hristian L ead ers and S peakers V ision and b le ssin g a w a its you fo r L ife ’s* prob lem s. G ood tim es and happy f . C hristian fe llo w sh ip . $10.00 p er w eek . W rite fo r circu la r— Address— R.F.D. Voorheesville, N. Y. Conferences for all ages of girls, young women j families, and young people.
Work of Christian Business Men The Christian Business Men’si Commit tee has opened its own auditorium build ing in San Francisco, on 11,000 square feet of exhibit space next to the giant National Cash Register, at the 1940 Golden Gate International Exposition. This auditorium houses the exhibit "Sermons from Science” given by Irwin A. Moon. In 1939, the building was crowded to capacity every day for the last months of the Fair, and there is every indication that the same result will be experienced this year. The Christian Business Men’s Com mittee is "an association of Christian business men of evangelical faith whose purpose and aim is to make Christ known as Saviour and Lord.”'Many key cities are becoming interested in the establishment of the work—Philadelphia, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Portland, Tor onto, and Winnipeg. A score of other cities likewise have indicated interest. Information is available through the sec retary, Arnold Grunigen, Jr., Box 4030, San Francisco, Calif. Plan now to make known this worth-while gospel work to persons of your acquaintance. Prophetic Fulfillments in Palestine Today B y D A V ID L . COO PER T h e la n d o f the B o o k— past, p resen t and fu tu re— Is p resen ted h ere w ith s p e c ial a tten tion to the Z io n ist p ion eers. M ore than on e hu ndred p ictu re s P ortra y p r e s e n t-d a y ' J ew ish and A ra b life . T hese v ie w s w e re o b ta in ed d u rin g the a u th or s v is it to P a lestin e la st sum m er. T h is re v ie w e r a lso spen t som e tim e in th e H o ly L a n d in 1939, and he can te stify th a t D r. C oop er’s h o o k re fle cts w ith m a r v e lo u s a ccu ra cy the P a lestin e o f tod ay, i T h e vo lu m e w ill be in d isp en sa b le to those w h o seek re lia b le In form a tion re g a rd in g p ro p h e tic fu lfillm e n ts . 125 p a ges. B ib li ca l R e se a rch S ociety , 4417 B eren ice A v e „ L os A n geles. P a p er. P rice $1.00. When Gog’s Armies Meet the Almighty B y D A V ID L. COOPER In th e lig h t o f the tu rm oil in E u rop e tod ay, w ith th e p o ssib le in v olv em en t o f th e la n d o f P a lestin e, e v e ry C hristian w ill p r o fit b y a stu dy— su ch as this on e—- o f an e x p o sitio n o f E ze k ie l 38 and 39. T h e a u th o r p red icts th ree in v asion s o f P a lestin e in rela tion to th e seven tieth w eek o f D aniel. H e p la ces th e one o f E zek iel 38 and 39 b e fo re th e trib u la tion , the one o f J oel 2 and D an iel 11 in the m id d le o f the trib u la tio n period , and the on e o f Z ech a riah 14 a t th e end o f the trib u la tion . T h e rea son s a d va n ced fo r this an alysts are th o u g h t-p ro v o k in g . W h e re the m ea n in g o f th e W o rd o f G od is clea r. D r. C oop er h as been strong^ in his sta tem en ts; w h ere it is n o t d efin ite, he has been cau tiou s. T h e b o o k is w ell w ritte n and fille d w ith S crip tu ra l illu s tration s. 112 pa ges. B ib lica l R esea rch S o ciety. P a p er. P rice 50 cen ts. JUNIOR KING’ S BUSINESS [Continued from Page 258] L EW IS B U R G , W . V A .: O rth a L ee B urris. STOCKTON , C A L IF .: R u b y A rb a u g h ; E v a L u sia n i; B e tty and E v e ly n W a g e n - m an ; A rth a M ae W e lls (B la n ch e S hort, tea ch er). , i W E A T H E R F O R D , O K L A .: V e r n o n D u erk sen ; L lo y d H e n ry D y ck ; P au l F ie - sen ; H a rv e v K lie w e r ; E lv ern N ik k e i; J a co b P a u ls; H a rold R e im e r; C la ra n ce W a r - ken tin e (A rth u r J. W ieb.e, te a ch e r). W IND SO R , V T -: V e lm a B u xton , V ir gin ia F u lle rto n ; M a rjorie Irw in ; B len or a R ook (C e d i F . P etrie, p s to r ).
The LAST WORD in substan tial, convenient folding organs. Marvelous vvolume, resonance and purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A. L.WHITE UFO. CO.
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foun ded a M ission fo r the e v a n g e liza tio n o f C entral A m erica, and ipon lines w h ich he b eliev ed to b e B ib lica l. T h is M ission con * tinues to la b o r to w a rd th a t end. Y o u r C hurch, S unday sch o o l, or B ible cla ss o u g h t to k n o w a b ou t this w o rk . Send fo r fre e lite r a ture an d in fo rm a tio n to Central American Mission, Dept. K, 3611 Congress Ave., Dallas, Texas
GOOD BOOKS ABE ABIDING FRIENDS Here are some "friends” of DR. HERBERT LOCKYER, renowned English preacher and author. Make these books your "friertds” also. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST says: "No mistake is ever made by Bible-believers when ordering books from the pen of Herbert Lockyer, that great Eng lish preacher who has made such valuable contributions to the reading public." • THE FAIREST OF A LL.............................One Dollar “Practical, vibrant with life, warm life, glowing life.” Calvin Forum • SORROWS and STARS.............................One Dollar "This is not just ‘another book of sermons.’ It is a book of unusual sermons. I have never read a book that gripped me more.”
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