King's Business - 1940-07




EXPRESSION I T WAS for this purpose that Stony Brook was founded—to provide thorough college preparation in a truly Christian atmosphere. The boys have numerous opportuni­ ties for a natural expression of Chris­ tian faith, and the School tries to avoid the extreme of piousness on the one hand or mere formality on the other. Bible is taught throughout the entire course o f studies and the Headmaster himself is in charge of this depart­ ment. The daily service of worship in the School Chapel, the voluntary prayer meeting on Tuesday evenings, the in­ fluence o f the School’s Christian As­ sociation, and messages from noted visiting preachers at the Sunday morning service furnish a real inspiration to the Stony Brook boy. Please Mention KING’S BUSINESS O ftonyJîroohJchoo l FRANK Ë . GAEBELELN, Litt. D ., Headmaster, Stony Brook, Long Island, N . Y. t -, Æ* ) I i P E C / A l R A T E S F O R S U M M E R Æ K MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES THIS YEAR why not take advantage of these special rates . . . enroll for that course you have been longing to take. D o something that COUNTS . . . make your life RICHER and HAPPIER. Regular Special Price Price BIBLE CHAPTER SU M M A R Y ............$7.00 $5.00 A bird’s eye view of the entire Bible. 66 inspiring lessons. 8 textbooks. Stationery. $1.45 extra.* FUNDAMENTALS OF CHRISTIAN FAITH............................................................... 5.00 4.00 Understand the great % doctrines of the Bible. 4 textbooks. Stationery, 49c extra.* INTRODUCTORY BIBLE COURSE.. 3.50 2.50 A short course covering the Bible book -by book. Onetextbook. Stationery, 39cextra.* CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES....................... 3.50 2.50 Evidences in support of the truth of the Bible and Christianity. One textbook. Stationery, 40c extra.* WORLD-W IDE M ISSIONS..................... 6.00 3.75 The work of evangelism and evangelists from the apostles to the present time. 8 textbooks. Stationery, 80c extra.* ♦Stationery for your convenience, but not required. F Dept. K371 153 Institute Place ------------------------1 Please enroll me in the following M.B.I. Correspond­ ence Course at the special summer rate of__________ 1 N a m e _____________________________________________________________ 1 A d d ress ............................................................................................................................. 1 1 . f i x C it v and. S ta i* 1 ______ 1 f t ■ M m The MOODY Bible Institute CORRESPONDENCE SCMOOl 153 IN S TITU TE P LA C E . C H IC A G O , IL L Please Mention The King’s Business

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œteed frase m er LONGLIFE/

Ahe peace of mind which comes from a regular income and provision for the future may add years to your life. F igu res p r o v e that o w n ers o f a n n u ities a re lo n g e r liv e d than th e a v era g e p erso n . As a holder of an Annuity Agreement of the American Bible Society you receive a check at stated intervals, regardless of disturbing or perplexing world conditions. Such checks have never failed though they have been issued regularly for more than 90 years.. You enjoy protection in old age through a steady income. You enjoy also the permanent satisfaction of taking part in the increasingly important work of making the Bible more widely available throughout the world.

JV1AIL T H I S C O U P O N T O D A Y American Bible Society, Bible House, New York, N. Y. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-98 entitled “A Gift That Lives.’*

M a y w e s e n d y o u “ A Gi f t That L ives '; a little book­ l e t th a t ex­ p l a i n s t h e plait and how y o u m ay en jo y i t s t w o - fo ld a d va n ta ges?

-L City


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