BEP's Offer for Schools 2024-25

We are delighted to launch our new offer to schools.


Table of contents



The BEP Mission & Core Values


The BEP Team


Our Offer 07 Excellence In Leadership 12 Pedagogy


15 Curriculum 18 Early Years

Send & Inclusion


Mental Health & Well-being


Birmingham Arts School





We are delighted to launch our new offer to schools.

Birmingham Education Partnership (BEP) was founded in 2013 by Headteachers for the benefit of every child in Birmingham, in order to bring cohesive partnership working to its’ potentially disparate entire school community, for all children and young people. We have excellent relationships with maintained schools, academies, academy groups and independent schools. We work with all phases and providers of education and we aim to replicate our success with the corporate and health care sectors. Ten years on, we are enriching our provision by working with neighbouring authorities and beyond.

Juliet Silverton

We are reaching further, promoting the brilliance of Birmingham beyond our boundaries, and scanning the horizon for nuggets and gems of excellence and innovation to return to our founder city. This September marks the threshold of a new beginning for BEP, as we are now empowered to deal directly with schools. As our Schools offer moves from strength to strength, we can now respond with more agility and neutrality to your needs, prioritising: • High quality • Value for money • Relevance


BEP are a ‘trusted partner’ to Birmingham schools. Therefore, we are not like any other School Improvement Company and we can be agile with our pricing due to our profit for purpose. All of our offers are predicated upon the fact that you need the best, and so we draw our capacity from a combination of experienced, trusted staff and consultants, allowing us to provide consistency, whilst also offering choice and specialism. Everything in this brochure is here by request. It has been a privilege to be an in- tegral part of Birmingham’s fabric for so long. We know this city, we know our craft, we have listened to you and we can continue to provide what you need. We invite you to be a part of BEP through our membership, training and CPD and other services. We would love to hear from you and look forward to working with you.

We remain at your service.

Juliet, Tim & The BEP Team

Tim Boyes

Our mission is to secure a deeply good academic, social and civic education for every child and young person living in Birmingham. The BEP Mission BEP is committed to all schools being included and recognises that local, city and national connectivity is a key to success for schools at every stage of their development. BEP believes it takes a whole city to raise a child. If schools do well, then children do well and if children do well, our city will flourish.

BEP’s Core Values • Integrity

• Inclusivity • Relational


BEP Area Leads


BEP are specialists in School Improvement. Since our creation in 2013 by Headteachers, we have a proven track record in impact and sustainability, evidenced from the power of individual testimony to the external measure of the whole school system which has improved in its’ provision of good or outstanding schools from 77% in 2015 to almost 90% as of March 2024. The 6% gap to National as all but disappeared. Alongside this, 75% of our Keys to Success (KTS) schools that have been inspected in the last 3 months have achieved a good or better grade. Our results speak for themselves.

Claire Williams


Our Inclusion team are a diverse team of highly experienced education professionals with expertise in a range of areas including SEND, attendance, safeguarding and behaviour. Our approach is rooted in evidence-based practice and is designed to support settings in meeting the needs of their pupils. We offer a range of commercial and bespoke services both locally and nationally to support our commitment to improving the lives of children and their families, keeping children safe from harm and giving them the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

Faye Whittle



The BEP Mental Health and Well-being team is committed to offering high quality, evidence informed and practical support for schools. The team bring not only huge expertise but also a level of care and concern that is lived out through how we deliver our training and support to you. That means we offer you a suite of options from which to build your schools’ Mental Health offer, based on our long-standing experience, delivered with passion and integrity.

Anna Robinson


Birmingham Arts School (BAS) is a space to build crea- tive minds. By connecting schools to the Arts we allow chil- dren and young people to think, to imagine, to question and to enable everyone across the City to think about the world openly and explore it with a different mindset. BAS recognises that children and young people face inequalities across the City. We strive to connect them with first class Arts opportunities that not only enhance their learning and wellbeing but develop skills to support them in the future.

Bhavik Parmar


We are building a range of Careers offers based on the strength of our successful delivery of the Birmingham Careers Hub. The creation of these offers stem from recent market research and will be publicised in an individual complimentary brochure in the Autumn of 2024.


• Leadership • Curriculum • Pedagogy • Early Years • SEND & Inclusion • Mental Health • Birmingham Arts School (BAS) Our Offer

Please find an overview below of all our offers for 2024-25, which have been collated by product type under our seven areas of service:














Hover over and click an individual box to see a snapshot summary of the offers available. These are then detailed with descriptions, dates, costs and booking links in the subsequent pages.






School Improvement Services

Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership Excellence in Leadership

Excellence in Leadership

We aim to:

• Inspire and unite existing leaders, supporting their development of school vision and culture. • Invest in succession planning by providing more opportunities to develop leaders, complementing existing national and local provision. • Continue to build the reputation of Birmingham as a place of excellence in leadership.



Excellence in Leadership

Details of BEP’s 2024-25 Leadership offer are listed below.

SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PARTNER* BEP is committed to ensuring that schools develop the highest standard of leadership and management expertise. SIPs will support and challenge leaders in developing all areas within school, focusing on lead- ership and management and the quality of education.

Audience: New HTs| All Phases Date: Starting 25th Sept 2024 Venue: In-person

£269.00 per person (Incl. of 4 network meetings). Click the link to register.

Audience: HTs | All Phases

Standard package: £1500.00 (Incl. 3 visits) Enhanced package: £3000.00 (Incl. 6 visits & Safeguarding Audit)

Email enquiries to:

HEADTEACHER PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT* Designed to provide Governing Bodies with a comprehensive assessment of your Headteacher’s performance, helping to identify key strengths and areas of development. BEP’s experienced and supportive team of education professionals will guide Governors through the Performance Management process, based on NGA guidance to ensure the continued professional development of Heads. A dedicated advisor will provide a detailed report with the feedback and assistance necessary to continue driving your school’s success.

I just wanted to drop you a line to say how good the session was this morning... It was well worthwhile. Each speaker was excellent! Their insights deeply resonated with me. It was also great to have the chance to speak with other Headteachers who are facing very similar challenges - there was a great sense of energy and camaraderie in the room.

Audience: Governing Boards | All Phases

£995.00 Email enquiries to:


Welcome to Birmingham New Headteacher Network

A package aiming to support new Heads, as well as Heads who are new to Birmingham, to thrive in their first year of headship. Includes four breakfast network meetings throughout the year providing a space for networking with peers, discussions and input on common issues faced by Heads, and an opportunity to be paired with an experienced Head who will act as a mentor for your first year of headship.


Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership Excellence in Leadership


ASPECT OF LEADERSHIP REVIEW An in-depth review looking at the depth and breadth of practice in a specific area of school life or a core subject. Activity in a review may include: data analysis, website trawl, stakeholder surveys, analysis of key documentation to inform review, meeting with Middle and Senior Leaders, visits to lessons, monitoring of books and pupil voice exercises.

Last year, a group of leaders across the city devised an inspiring Leadership Development Programme which focused on equipping new or aspiring Heads with confidence, resilience and the relevant skills for a successful headship. Places are limited to enable us to foster genuine opportunities for networking. The programme consists of six meetings over the year with leadership advocacy as a key strand of its provision, with each delegate benefiting from an individual mentor.

Audience: HTs & SLT| All Phases

£1300.00 Email enquiries to:

Audience: New & aspiring HTs| All Phases Date: 1 module per half term Venue: In-person

CEO, EXECUTIVE HEAD, HEADTEACHER & DHT RECRUITMENT Recruiting the right leader in education is one of the most important and challenging respon- sibilities a Governing Body/Board of Trustees will undertake. BEP’s comprehensive and flexible package of guidance is designed to support Governors/Trustees through the process of recruiting first class Senior Leaders; it ensures school improvement is a key focus, is well planned, cost effective and has the school and Governor’s/ Trustees’ vision and ethos at the heart.

Email enquiries to:

DEPUTY HEADTEACHER NETWORK A package designed to support Deputy Headteachers, to develop in their role. Includes four breakfast network meetings throughout the year providing a space for networking with peers, discussions and input on common issues faced by Deputy Heads.

Audience: Governing Boards & Trustees | All Phases Full package: £2995.00 Shortlisting + Interview: £1500.00 Interview only: £680.00 Email enquiries to:

Audience: DHTs | All Phases Date: Starting 24th Sept 2024 Venue: In-person

£269.00 per person. (Incl. 4 network mtgs) Click the link to register.

ASPECT OF LEADERSHIP FOCUSED VISIT* A one day visit from a carefully matched member of our School Improvement Team with a sharp focus on an aspect of school practice. i.e. Reading; individual foundation subjects or Middle Leader development. Activity in a focused visit may include: visits to lessons, pupil voice exercises, monitoring of books, and focused time with colleagues. After the visit, you will receive a strength-based report to support the writing of your SEF and SIP.

COACHING FOR SCHOOL LEADERS* Supporting well-being, professional practice and strengthening of strategic leadership with qualified Coaches. This highly effective strategy can be delivered to suit individual needs or a group of Leaders. i.e. 1:1 coaching or group coaching.

Audience: HTs & SLT | All Phases

Leadership coaching: £1250.00 | Group coaching: £2000.00 Email enquiries to:

Audience: HTs & SLT| All Phases

£650.00 Email enquiries to:


Excellence in Leadership

GOOD PRACTICE WEBINARS* A series of Leadership Excellence webinars delivered online throughout the year by local leaders on a variety of relevant topics. They are designed to empower and inspire school Leaders in Birmingham, fostering a community of forward- thinking educators dedicated to continuous improvement. Audience: HTs, DHTs & Middle Leaders| All Phases Date: Starting 30th Sept 2024 Venue: Online

INSPECTION PREPARATION FOCUSED VISIT* A bespoke focused visit to help prepare Senior Leaders and staff for an Inspection. Elements to choose from, de- pending on individual needs include: • rehearsal of 90-minute phone call • support for Middle Leaders • analysis of IDSR • inspection overview staff meeting • bespoke aspect of Ofsted or oversight review conversation • inspection overview for Governors/Trustees

£75.00 per session. Click the link to register.

Audience: HTs & SLT | All Phases

£650.00 Email enquiries to:

LEARNING TO SHAPE BIRMINGHAM CONFERENCE* ‘Empowering leaders, connecting our city, driving positive change’. This year’s conference for Birmingham’s school and academy Leaders explores the importance of identity and community building for education settings, as they pursue the best outcomes for all our children. ​This will sit alongside expert input on leadership and national education policy.

300+ Birmingham schools engaged with BEP’s Leadership offer in 2023-24.

Audience: HTs & SLT | All Phases Date: 12th Nov 2024 Venue: In-person

1 Day Conference £259.00 per person 3 Conference Area Events £49.00 pp, per event. Click the link for more information.

90% of attending school Leaders agreed that LTSB 2023 con- tributed to their professional growth and development.

OFSTED PREPAREDNESS ONLINE BRIEFING: INSPECTION PREPARATION TOOLKIT* A briefing held online, to help prepare Senior Leaders for their next school inspection. Rooted in the Inspection Handbook, this session provides a structured guide through the inspection process. It includes guidance on using your IDSR, how to be best prepared for the 90-minute phone call and reference to the most up to date information from Ofsted Blogs and Reviews. Suitable for schools coming into the Ofsted window.

“The consistency of excellent speakers was unparalleled. It was great to feel a part of the wider Birmingham family.”

Audience: HTs & SLT | All Phases Date: Starting17th Oct 2024 Venue: Online


£50.00 per person. Click the link to register.

* Discount available with BEP Membership


Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership Excellence in Leadership

INSPECTION READY REVIEW An in-depth review to inform your preparation for your next Inspection, considering the depth and breadth of school life. A review will include: preparation work to review multiple sources of information; analysis of data and key documentation; and a range of activities during the day’s visit. e.g. meeting with Middle and Senior Leaders, visits to lessons, monitoring of books and pupil voice exercises. Also included is post-evaluative work in the form of a thorough report to inform self-evaluation, evidence impact, support problem solving and inform school improvement planning.

SAFEGUARDING BRIEFINGS* Half-termly briefings designed to provide Designated Safeguarding Leads and Headteachers with up to the minute safeguarding and child protection information. They will include latest updates to guidance and summaries of learning from safeguarding children practice reviews, as well as many practical tips and advice for strengthening and extending safeguarding practice in school. All meetings have an opportunity for Q&A and delegates are also able to request particular topics or areas for discussion across the year.

Audience: HTs, SLT & DSLs| All Phases Date: Starting 17th Sept 2024 Venue: Online

Audience: HTs & SLT | All Phases

£1300.00 Email enquiries to:

£30.00 per session. Click the link to register.


SAFEGUARDING AUDIT This audit assesses a school’s safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure they are comprehensive, up-to-date, and in line with legal requirements.

Triage, training, consultancy and signposting services designed to provide you with the right route of support to effectively manage complaints and maintain a positive school environment. This service includes: • Prevention. i.e. school’s accessibility audit, identifying reasons why a complaint might be made and taking proactive steps to address that concern. • Support with managing existing com- plaints. i.e. Transactional Analysis training for Heads dealing with a parental complaint. • Dealing with the aftermath of a complaint. i.e. support to re-build a relationship that has broken down.

Audience: HTs & DSLs | Prim, Sec, Spec

£850.00 Email enquiries to:

WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS BEP will provide an impartial, experienced and fully trained investigator to carry out a workplace investigation on your behalf. Your investigator will work with you to plan and conduct an impartial and fair investigation thoroughly and sensitively and report to you at its conclusion, allowing you to take appropriate actions with confidence.

Audience: HTs | All Phases

Email for enquiries & pricing:

Audience: HTs & SLT| All Phases

From £595.00 per day. Email enquiries to:

For further information on any of the above offers, email:



* Discount available with BEP Membership

Tier 2: Pedagogy School Improvement Services

Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership Excellence in Leadership Pedagogy, Curriculum & Early Years

Pedagogy, Curriculum & Early Years

We aim to:

• Equip schools with effective curriculum-focused CPD and specialist-led networking opportunities. • Support schools in developing strong, research-informed teaching and learning opportunities to enable staff to become the most effective practitioners they can be. • Provide a range of professional development activities to support primary colleagues in delivering high quality Early Years education for their youngest pupils.




Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership TPiedra1g: oEgxcyellence in Leadership

A sound understanding and application of pedagogy is key to schools achieving successful outcomes for all pupils. Our focus is to support the school in developing strong research-informed teaching and learning practice so that their staff can become the most effective practitioners they can be. Details of BEP’s 2024-25 Pedagogy offer are listed below .

WALKTHRUS SUBSCRIPTION High impact, professional development that successfully builds knowledge, motivates staff, develops teaching techniques and embeds practice. Following subscription, you can implement this in school via: • in-house (school) development • BEP consultant focused visit or training (at an addition- al cost) • WalkThrus accredited facilitator (at an additional cost)

PEDAGOGY SHOWCASE A summer term event, featuring guest speakers, designed to share wider research based pedagogical practises.

Audience: SLT| Prim, Sec, Spec Date: Summer Term Venue: In-person

Tickets available Summer Term 2024-25.

Audience: SLT| Prim, Sec, Spec

Starting at £366.00 Click the link to register.

WALKTHRUS DEVELOPMENT DAY Hear from the WalkThrus team who will focus on the ongoing implementation of the toolkit as well as the use of Instructional Coaching to support its development.

Audience: SLT| Prim, Sec, Spec Date: 8th Oct 2024 Venue: In-person

A really useful training day, providing me with real clarity on the coaching and monitoring of Walkthrus. I am looking forward to the WalkThrus Learning Communities as I am confident they will provide useful ongoing support.

£175.00 per person. Tickets available Summer Term 2024-25.

PEDAGOGY FOCUSED VISIT* A one day visit to focus on the current pedagogical approach used across the school. The school will be provided with a brief report to identify the current successes as well areas of improvement.


Audience: Teaching and Learning Leads & SLT | All Phases

£650.00 Email enquiries to:

* Discount available with BEP Membership


Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership TPiedra1g: oEgxcyellence in Leadership

TEACHING AND LEARNING COMMUNITY PRIMARY Three network meetings throughout the year, facilitated by a BEP colleague. Including up to date sharing of best practice, pedagogical approaches, case reviews, SEND approaches, WalkThrus and beyond. Audience: Teaching and Learning Leads | Prim Date: Starting Autumn term Venue: In-person

350+ leaders from across the City attended our highly successful WalkThrus ‘Development Days’ with Tom Sherrington. 77 additional schools benefitting from WalkThrus’ effective, flexible and engaging toolkit.

£150.00 per person Email enquiries to:


Three network meetings throughout the year, facilitated by a BEP colleague. Including up to date sharing of best practice, pedagogical approaches, case reviews, SEND approaches, WalkThrus and beyond. Audience: Teaching and Learning Leads | Sec Date: Starting Autumn term Venue: In-person

Over 50 Birmingham school staff collab- orating, supporting and sharing best practice though WalkThrus Learning Community meetings.

£150.00 per person Email enquiries to:


Training course for unqualified Teachers in universal, high-quality teaching and reflective practice on their journey to QTS through the ‘assessment- only’ route. This includes: • what is great teaching and the science of learning

• adaptive teaching practice • deployment of support staff • phonics and early reading • CPA approach in maths • lesson visits and feedback • staff resilience and well-being

Audience: Unqualified teachers using the AO route to QTS | Prim, Sec, Spec

For further information on any of the above offers, email:

Email enquiries to:


Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership TCiuerr1ic:uEluxmcellence in Leadership

Curriculum lies at the heart of education: it determines what children will know and what they will be able to go on to do. Our improvement offers address the predominant curriculum development points often highlighted by Ofsted and are essential for maintaining high standards of teaching. Details of BEP’s 2024-25 Curriculum offer are listed below.

QUALITY ASSURE YOUR CURRICULUM WITH AN EVIDENCE INFORMED GUIDE TO PUPIL BOOK STUDY A systematic toolkit that enables Leaders and Teachers to focus on evaluating their curriculum, teaching and learning in a precise, evidence-rich environment. This training includes three live webinars plus one day observation of Pupil Book Study in practice.

PUPIL BOOK STUDY - READING Understand how this highly-acclaimed evaluative toolkit reveals how well the curriculum, teaching and learning is impacting on pupils’ reading comprehension and word recognition; know more about the 8 essential spotlights that affect and influence how well pupils read; and learn how to implement this in your school to identify reading strengths and limitations across the school. This training includes three live webinars plus one day observation of Pupil Book Study - Reading in practice.

Audience: SLT| Prim Date: Starting 11th Sept 2024 Venue: Online & In-person

Audience: Engish Subject Leaders| Prim Date: Starting 27th Jan 2025 Venue: Online & In-person

£249.00 per school (incl. 4 sessions). Click the link to register.

£249.00 per school (incl. 4 sessions). Click the link to register.

PUPIL BOOK STUDY - THE NEXT STEPS FOR SUBJECT LEADERS Taking Pupil Book Study to the next level with actionable implementation strategies for your Subject Leads. This training includes three live webinars plus one day observation of Pupil Book Study in practice. Delegates must have a good understanding of Pupil Book Study before attending this course.

ENGLISH CONFERENCE Build on the strengths of your school’s reading curriculum to both boost reading outcomes and max- imise writing attainment. In the pursuit of excellence, a shift in focus from writing to the writer has enabled some schools to embed a writing for pleasure approach and, in turn, increase writing attainment. Hear how reading fluency can be reinforced to promote deeper text comprehension and support your pupils in making that leap from learning to read to reading to learn. Lesley Sullivan, Ofsted HMI, will deliver the presentation “What next for English: findings and reflections for curriculum development from the 2024 English subject report”. Audience: SLT & English Subject Leaders| Prim, Sec Date: 14th Jan 2025 Venue: Online

Audience: Subject Leaders| Prim Date: Starting Autumn Term Venue: Online & In-person

£175.00 per school (incl. 4 sessions). Tickets available Autumn Term 2024-25.

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

* Discount available with BEP Membership



SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS. We know that it can be a challenge to release your Curriculum Leaders for three separate sessions but research shows that it is more effective and more likely to have a lasting impact across the whole school than a one-off course. Each of our specialist led subject networks will equip Curriculum Leaders with leadership skills as well as substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Buy 3 Specialist Led Networks and get our Languages Network for Free.

OPENING DOORS TO AMBITIOUS PRIMARY ENGLISH (SPECIALIST LED ENGLISH NETWORK) This three-part course unpicks the principles of high- quality English pedagogy and instruction, regardless of how English is approached in your school. It will support the development of an ambitious English curriculum for every pupil. All sessions are interwoven with practical ideas to take away. New delegates will receive three of Bob Cox’s ‘Opening Doors’ books. Audience: SLT & English Subject Leaders | Prim Date: Starting 15th Oct 2024 Venue: In-person

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION* Led by Daniel Martin of St. Michael’s CofE Primary Academy. 5th Dec 2024: Leading, managing and monitoring Religious Education; 30th Jan 2025: Using Key Religious Concepts to drive the RE Curriculum; 3rd June 2025: Harnessing the multi-disciplinary nature of RE.

Audience: RE Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person & Online

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

£175.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - HISTORY* Led by Andrew Wrenn. 26th Sept 2024: Ofsted: Rich Encounters with the past; 23rd Jan 2025: Building pupil knowledge through schema; 22nd May 2025 Assessing progress. Audience: History Subject Leaders | Prim Date: Starting 26th Sept 2024 Venue: In-person £150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - GEOGRAPHY* Led by Jon Cannell of the Geographical Association. 3rd Oct 2024: Thinking Like a Geographer; 16th Jan 2025: Leading & Managing Geography; 12th June 2025: Monitoring Geography.

Audience: Geography Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - SCIENCE* Led by the Science Learning Partnership. 23rd Oct 2024: Sequencing your Curriculum;

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY* Led by Lol Conway of the DT Association. 25th Sept 2024: Computer Aided Design (CAD); 21st Jan 2025: Control & Programming; 20th May 2025: Mechanisms.

20th Jan 2025: Establishing Priorities; 29th April 2025: Impacting Change.

Audience: Science Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person & Online

Audience: DT Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person & Online

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

* Discount available with BEP Membership


Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership Curriculum


Audience: SLT & Art Subject Leaders | Prim Date: 2nd Oct 2024 Venue: In-person

Led by the Sport BIrmingham. 25th Oct 2024: Swimming; 27th Feb 2025: Gymnastics; 24th June 2025: Dance.

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - ART* Led by Andrew Fox. 20th Nov 2024: Traditional Art – Spotlight on Renaissance; 5th Feb 2025: Modern Art – Spotlight on Abstract Art; 14th May 2025 Contemporary art – Spotlight on conceptual art.

Audience: PE Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person & Online

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - COMPUTING* Led by Sarah Vaughan of the West Midlands Computer Hub. 24th Sept 2024: Curriculum Mapping DFE Computer Quality Framework; 28th Jan 2025: Algorithm and programming progressions from EYFS to Y6; 12th June 2025: Raising the profile of computing in your school.

Audience: Art Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person & Online

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - LANGUAGES Led by ATLP. 17th Oct 2024: Setting the scene for Language Learning; 6th Mar 2025: Leading language learning with confidence and credibility; 19th June 2025 Raising the profile of Languages.

Audience: Computing Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - MUSIC* Led by Sarah Baker, Baker Tunes and Keith Farr. 19th Nov 2024: Exploring Timbre; 11th Feb 2025: Using external Stimuli for composition; 13th May 2025: Storytelling through composition

Audience: Languages Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person

Free when you buy 3 Specialist Led Networks.+ Click the link to register. + The cost of this course is being met by the National Consortium for Languages (NCLE) SUBJECT PEER REVIEWS - UNDER REVIEW BEP’s successful coaching model of Subject Peer Reviews have supported schools over the last two years by providing a self-led system of sustainable, continuing school improvement. They have enabled schools to build strong, supportive, and mutually beneficial relationships, providing both challenge and identification of priority areas for development, as well as a celebration of strengths and a culture of collective accountability. The training and facilitation model is being refreshed and updated with the most current research-in- formed practices for the next academic year. Further details to be announced for the Autumn term.

Audience: Music Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.


This comprehensive CPD will offer delegates a broad and deep insight into best practices in developing and main- taining a high-quality Art & Design curriculum, aligned with Ofsted expectations. This one day course will lead into and complement the three part Subject Leader continuous professional development network.

* Discount available with BEP Membership


Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership Early Years

A strong foundation in the Early Years is essential to a child’s success throughout their education and beyond. Our aim is to provide a range of professional development activities to support primary colleagues in delivering Early Years education of the highest quality for our youngest pupils. Details of BEP’s 2024-25 EYFS offer are listed below.

MEETING THE STATUTORY DUTY FOR SUPERVISION IN EYFS As outlined in the EYFS Framework 2024, schools must put in place supervision for staff who have contact with children and families. This practical session ensures that delegates understand the legal requirements and can conduct effective supervision sessions, working within the parameters of the role. We will also provide exemplar materials, supporting you to implement the process in school. Audience: SLT & EYFS Leads| Nurs, Prim, MATs Date: 17th Oct 2024 Venue: In-person

help children absorb new vocabulary, expand their knowledge and extend their thinking. Gain an understanding of the importance of adult-child interactions and build confidence using approaches to improve the quality of these interactions, to support learning across the curriculum for all children. Audience: EYFS Teachers & TAs | Nurs, Prim, MATs Date: 21st May 2025 Venue: In-person

£75.00 per person. Click the link to register.

£75.00 per person. Click the link to register.

UNDERSTANDING QUALITY AND MONITORING TO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT PLANS IN THE EYFS This course will enable the Headteacher and EYFS Lead to develop a joint understanding of what quality looks like in Early Years education. There will be an opportunity to consider different monitoring tools and to consider the school’s current self-evaluation and development plan for Early Years during the session. Audience: EYFS Lead, HTs & SLT |Nurs, Prim, MATs Date: 9th April 2025 Venue: In-person £150.00 per school (price includes 2 members of staff EYFS Lead & HT). Click the link to register.

Amanda was a strong and knowledgeable presenter! The training was well presented and consise. Lots of examples of good practice and links to useful documents gave practical support. The emphasis on the whole teams involvement was useful because it will help me focus on supporting the team to be part of the journey.



High quality interactions are central to effective Early Years practice and ensuring all children make progress. In order for interactions to be successful, we need skilled adults. This course will explore how to provide a language rich approach, engage in effective conversations during child-initiated activities and


Early Years

A PLACE TO LEARN: UNDERSTANDING AND CREATING AN EFFECTIVE LEARNING ENVIRON- MENT IN EARLY YEARS This course will help you to improve the learning environment and deliver purposeful and engaging continuous provision to enhance children’s learning and development. Audience: EY Teachers, Leaders and Practitioners |Nurs, Prim Date: 17th June 2025 Venue: In-person

of our School Improvement team; post evaluative work and a thorough report to inform your SEF, evidence impact, support problem solving and inform school improvement planning.

Audience: SLT, Middle Leaders & Govs | Nurs, Prim, MATs

£1760.00 Email enquiries to:

£75.00 per person. Click the link to register.

70+ schools have received EYFS training or in school support, enhancing EY provision in the City. 100% of attendees agree or strongly agree that they would recommend BEP EYFS training to a colleague. EYFS professional development activities can be delivered to MATs or groups of schools to develop practice on a wider scale. Contact us for more information.

EYFS LANGUAGE OF LEARNING A handbook to provoke, provide and evaluate language development. This training course includes three live webinars plus one day observation and will cover the foundations, inner workings and implementation of Language Learning in EYFS.

Audience: EY Teachers, Leaders and Practitioners |Nurs, Prim

Date: Starting 9th Jan 2025 Venue: Online & In-person

£249.00 per school. Click the link to register.


A one day visit from one of our Early Years Improvement Partners with a sharp focus on particular aspects of practice in Early Years classrooms. Includes a strength-based record of visit to support self-evaluation and school improvement planning. Focused visits can also be used to support follow up work to a full EYFS review.

Audience: SLT, Middle Leaders & Govs | Nurs, Prim, MATs

£650.00 Email enquiries to:

EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE REVIEW An in-depth analysis of an aspect of Early Years practice, involving: prep work looking at multiple sources of information; a day in school, usually with two members

For further information on any of the above offers, email:


School Improvement Services

Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership Excellence in Leadership Pedagogy, Curriculum & Early Years SEND & Inclusion

SEND & Inclusion We aim to: • Support and empower Leaders to confidently drive their commitment to pupils with SEND in their schools. • Facilitate opportunities to ensure leadership of SEND and Inclusion is purposeful and progressive. • Deliver high quality advice, guidance, and training.



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SEND REVIEW* The review process provides an opportunity to gain a fresh perspective from experienced SEND and School Improvement Leaders in how to best meet the needs of learners with SEND.

SEND CONSULTANCY Bespoke strategic support to support needs of setting.

Audience: SENDCO’s, SLT & Teachers | Prim, Sec, MATs

Audience: SLT & SENDCOs | Prim, Sec, Spec

Half day £300.00, Full day £575.00 Email enquiries to:

£1760.00 Email enquiries to:

MAT SEND LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME A training programme specifically designed for strategic MAT SEND Leads to ensure the lead- ership of SEND is purposeful, progressive and impactful for learners with SEND across the MAT.

SEND FOCUSED VISIT A focused visit supports schools to identify clear priorities in an area of SEND of their choice and support with an implementation plan.

Audience: SLT & SENDCOs | Prim, Sec, Spec

Audience: Current & aspiring MAT SEND Leads & MAT School Improvement Leads | Prim, Sec, Spec

£750.00 Email enquiries to:

£2000.00 per MAT. Email enquiries to:

SEND SCHOOL SUPPORT Supporting schools with shared intended outcomes e.g. strategic support, training, embedding practice, implementing systems, monitoring impact and empowering SENDCOs , including those new to role.

SENCO SUPERVISION Provides a safe space to support the development of SENDCO practice, skills, knowledge, insight and confidence. Audience: SLT, SENDCOs & Asst. SENDCOs| Prim, Sec, Spec £550.00 (Inclusive of 6 sessions). Email enquiries to: SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH (SEMH) REVIEW Opportunity to take a step back and review a school’s graduated response in relation to SEMH. Led by our SEND and Mental Health team professionals.

Audience: SLT, SENDCOs & Asst. SENDCOs| Prim, Sec

£450.00 per day. Email enquiries to:

Audience: SLT, SENDCOs, Senior Mental Health Leads, DSLs | Prim, Sec, MATS

£1760.00 Email enquiries to:


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SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH (SEMH) FOCUSED VISIT A targeted visit on an area of focus specific to your school priorities.

• in depth training in each of the areas of the scaffolding framework. • supporting strategic Leads in writing the school’s implementation plan. • quality assurance of the practice/deployment of TAs. • a training session for parents in how they can support independence at home.

Audience: SLT, SENDCOs, Senior Mental Health Leads, DSLs | Prim, Sec, MATS

£750.00 Email enquiries to:

Audience: Strategic Leaders, SENDCOs & TAs | Prim, Sec, Spec

£575.00 per day. Email enquiries to:

STRATEGIC SEND SHORTS Regular opportunities to access strategic training for leaders of SEND. Audience: SLT, SENDCO’S & Aspiring SENCO’S | Prim, Sec, Spec Date: Starting 26th Sept 2024 Venue: Online

TEACHER SEND SHORTS Regular opportunities to access training for teachers in supporting pupils with SEND in the classroom.

Audience: Teachers | Prim, Sec Date: Starting 26th Sept 2024 Venue: Online

£45.00 per session. Click the link to register.

£45.00 per person. Click the link to register.

A WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH TO DEVELOPING INDEPENDENT LEARNERS THROUGH MAXIMISING THE PRACTICE OF TEACHING ASSISTANTS (MPTA) This research-based course is designed to develop independence in our learners through TA-pupil interac- tions and supports Leaders in effective and strategic use of structured interventions and collaborative group work.

Audience: Strategic Leaders, TAs & Support Staff | Prim, Sec, Spec

£995.00 per school. Email enquiries to:

MAXIMISING THE PRACTICE OF TEACHING ASSISTANTS (MPTA): WHAT COMES NEXT… This programme has been designed to provide follow-up support with developing a whole school implementation plan and further embedding the scaffolding framework. This could include:



SEND & Inclusion

FIVE FOUNDATIONS TO EFFECTIVE ATTENDANCE PRACTICE FRAMEWORK TRAINING This framework ensures there is a whole-school approach to improving attendance built upon connectedness and belonging.

Audience: Strategic & Operational Leads for Attendance | Prim, Sec, Spec, MATs

Email enquiries to:

As an Attendance Lead across our multi-academy, the training has been really beneficial in supporting our Attendance Leads to think about attendance from the point of view of the child, as well as other key stakeholders. It provoked lots of meaningful discussions and sparked lots of questions that will have a positive impact on their approaches to attendance within their schools. FIVE FOUNDATIONS TO EFFECTIVE ATTENDANCE PRACTICE FRAMEWORK TRAINING

ATTENDANCE LEADS: WHAT HAPPENS NEXT... (TRAINING) Providing Attendance Leads with tools and skills to effectively audit and implement attendance action plans effectively.

Audience: Strategic Leads for Attendance| Prim, Sec, Spec, MATs

£75.00 per person. Email enquiries to:

ATTENDANCE FOCUSED VISIT Providing Attendance Leads with external support in reviewing attendance practices and co-creating vision and implementation plans.

Audience: SLT & Strategic & Operational Leads for Attendance | Prim, Sec, Spec

£750.00 Email enquiries to:

BEHAVIOUR CONFERENCE The conference provides a forum for thought and high-level discussion, as well as workshops with practical improvement ideas and the opportunity to create supportive partnerships. Audience: SLT, Behaviour & Pastoral Leads, Senior Mental Health Leads & SENDCO’s | Prim, Sec, Spec Date: Spring term 2025 Venue: In-person

For further information on any of the above offers, email:

£150.00 per person. Tickets available Sept 2024



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Mental Health & Well-being Priority Areas

Each year the team identifies improvement areas that reflect the needs of the city through using key data, horizon scanning, and most importantly through listening to leaders.

Flexible, Relevant and Responsive, in all Tiers

Whilst it is important to have a plan, it is equally important to be agile and adaptable. So, we will: • Listen to leaders. • Closely monitor the trends that arise from external data. • Keep abreast of new initiatives to ensure that we are consistently meeting leaders’ needs and expectations and amend our offer accordingly.

TIER 1: EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP TIER 1: MH & WB Mental Health & Well-being

TIER 2: MH & WB We aim to: • Via this brochure, set out what we believe are core el- ements that every school needs along with additional support that will further enhance your offer. • Offer high quality, evidence informed and practical support for schools. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco • Bring to you our integrity, commitment and passion for improving the lives of children (and staff!) in school, along with a level of care and concern that is lived out through how we deliver our training and support. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco


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MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Mental Health & Well-being

Mental Health Priority Areas

What every school needs.

Our experience and supporting evidence suggest that specific areas of training and development can help schools better support mental health. Therefore, we have identified the following key training & CPD that every school should attend:

• Foundation Senior Mental Health Lead Training (with optional coaching) • LITE Senior Mental Health Lead Training • Access and attendance at Network meetings • Mental Health & Wellbeing Audit • Mental Health Fundamentals training sessions • Emotional Literacy Package • Link Governor for Wellbeing Training • Headroom: Support for Headteachers series

We have additional offers that enhance these core elements and your school practice, details of which can be found later in this brochure. We know that sometimes schools require a bespoke piece of work to meet their needs. We pride ourselves on being agile and responsive, so please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Email enquiries to:


MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Mental Health & Well-being

FOUNDATION SENIOR MENTAL HEALTH LEAD (SMHL) TRAINING This two-day course will give SMHLs a firm grounding in the theory and practice of leading and establishing a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. The Department for Education (DfE) is offering a grant of £1,200 for eligible state-funded schools and colleges in England to train a SMHL to develop and implement a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing. Audience: Senior Mental Health Leads | All Phases Dates: 19 Nov & 4th Dec 2024; 4th Feb & 5th Mar 2025 or 14th May & 11th June 2025. Venue: In-person

COACHING SUPPORT FOR SENIOR MENTAL HEALTH LEADS A coaching package specifically designed for those who have completed DfE Grant funded Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) training and may desire additional coaching to enhance their roles. Engage in four online coaching sessions, led by BEP’s Mental Health Lead.

Audience: SMH Leads | All phases Date: starting 11th July 2024 Venue: Online

Click the link to register.

£175.00 per person.

£800.00 per person. Click the link to register.

LITE SENIOR MENTAL HEALTH LEAD TRAINING This training is not a substitute for the more in-depth Senior Mental Health Leads training. Delivered by the same team that lead our DfE authorised Senior Mental Health Lead training, this session is ideal for those who are relatively new to supporting mental health provision in your setting or part of the wider Mental Health team in school. Alternatively where trained staff have moved on, this is an ideal CPD for staff new to role, where your school is not eligible for, or has already had a grant from the DfE. Audience: Senior Mental Health Leads | All Phases Date: 23rd Oct 2024 or 26th Mar 2025 Venue: In-person

I found this to be an enjoyable and engaging course. The trainers were so friendly, knowledgable and informative. The opportunity for discussion and collaboration and sharing of ideas with colleagues was so valuable. I left with so many practical take-aways. I feel really supported and confident going back into school to do my role. FOUNDATION SENIOR MENTAL HEALTH LEAD TRAINING

Click the link to register.

£200.00 per person.

SENIOR MENTAL HEALTH LEAD NETWORK Meeting every half-term for two hours, our network is an opportunity for your Mental Health Lead to keep up to date with local and national developments. Being well networked and resourced helps to sustain colleagues in what can be an isolating and challenging role. It allows thinking space and an opportunity for you to keep ahead of the curve. Audience: Senior Mental Health Leads | All Phases Dates: Starting 8th Oct 2024 Venue: In-person & Online

FREE for Birmingham schools.

Click the link to register.


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