BEP's Offer for Schools 2024-25

Tier 1: Excellence in Leadership TCiuerr1ic:uEluxmcellence in Leadership

Curriculum lies at the heart of education: it determines what children will know and what they will be able to go on to do. Our improvement offers address the predominant curriculum development points often highlighted by Ofsted and are essential for maintaining high standards of teaching. Details of BEP’s 2024-25 Curriculum offer are listed below.

QUALITY ASSURE YOUR CURRICULUM WITH AN EVIDENCE INFORMED GUIDE TO PUPIL BOOK STUDY A systematic toolkit that enables Leaders and Teachers to focus on evaluating their curriculum, teaching and learning in a precise, evidence-rich environment. This training includes three live webinars plus one day observation of Pupil Book Study in practice.

PUPIL BOOK STUDY - READING Understand how this highly-acclaimed evaluative toolkit reveals how well the curriculum, teaching and learning is impacting on pupils’ reading comprehension and word recognition; know more about the 8 essential spotlights that affect and influence how well pupils read; and learn how to implement this in your school to identify reading strengths and limitations across the school. This training includes three live webinars plus one day observation of Pupil Book Study - Reading in practice.

Audience: SLT| Prim Date: Starting 11th Sept 2024 Venue: Online & In-person

Audience: Engish Subject Leaders| Prim Date: Starting 27th Jan 2025 Venue: Online & In-person

£249.00 per school (incl. 4 sessions). Click the link to register.

£249.00 per school (incl. 4 sessions). Click the link to register.

PUPIL BOOK STUDY - THE NEXT STEPS FOR SUBJECT LEADERS Taking Pupil Book Study to the next level with actionable implementation strategies for your Subject Leads. This training includes three live webinars plus one day observation of Pupil Book Study in practice. Delegates must have a good understanding of Pupil Book Study before attending this course.

ENGLISH CONFERENCE Build on the strengths of your school’s reading curriculum to both boost reading outcomes and max- imise writing attainment. In the pursuit of excellence, a shift in focus from writing to the writer has enabled some schools to embed a writing for pleasure approach and, in turn, increase writing attainment. Hear how reading fluency can be reinforced to promote deeper text comprehension and support your pupils in making that leap from learning to read to reading to learn. Lesley Sullivan, Ofsted HMI, will deliver the presentation “What next for English: findings and reflections for curriculum development from the 2024 English subject report”. Audience: SLT & English Subject Leaders| Prim, Sec Date: 14th Jan 2025 Venue: Online

Audience: Subject Leaders| Prim Date: Starting Autumn Term Venue: Online & In-person

£175.00 per school (incl. 4 sessions). Tickets available Autumn Term 2024-25.

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

* Discount available with BEP Membership


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