BEP's Offer for Schools 2024-25


SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS. We know that it can be a challenge to release your Curriculum Leaders for three separate sessions but research shows that it is more effective and more likely to have a lasting impact across the whole school than a one-off course. Each of our specialist led subject networks will equip Curriculum Leaders with leadership skills as well as substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Buy 3 Specialist Led Networks and get our Languages Network for Free.

OPENING DOORS TO AMBITIOUS PRIMARY ENGLISH (SPECIALIST LED ENGLISH NETWORK) This three-part course unpicks the principles of high- quality English pedagogy and instruction, regardless of how English is approached in your school. It will support the development of an ambitious English curriculum for every pupil. All sessions are interwoven with practical ideas to take away. New delegates will receive three of Bob Cox’s ‘Opening Doors’ books. Audience: SLT & English Subject Leaders | Prim Date: Starting 15th Oct 2024 Venue: In-person

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION* Led by Daniel Martin of St. Michael’s CofE Primary Academy. 5th Dec 2024: Leading, managing and monitoring Religious Education; 30th Jan 2025: Using Key Religious Concepts to drive the RE Curriculum; 3rd June 2025: Harnessing the multi-disciplinary nature of RE.

Audience: RE Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person & Online

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

£175.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - HISTORY* Led by Andrew Wrenn. 26th Sept 2024: Ofsted: Rich Encounters with the past; 23rd Jan 2025: Building pupil knowledge through schema; 22nd May 2025 Assessing progress. Audience: History Subject Leaders | Prim Date: Starting 26th Sept 2024 Venue: In-person £150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - GEOGRAPHY* Led by Jon Cannell of the Geographical Association. 3rd Oct 2024: Thinking Like a Geographer; 16th Jan 2025: Leading & Managing Geography; 12th June 2025: Monitoring Geography.

Audience: Geography Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - SCIENCE* Led by the Science Learning Partnership. 23rd Oct 2024: Sequencing your Curriculum;

SPECIALIST LED NETWORKS FOR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY* Led by Lol Conway of the DT Association. 25th Sept 2024: Computer Aided Design (CAD); 21st Jan 2025: Control & Programming; 20th May 2025: Mechanisms.

20th Jan 2025: Establishing Priorities; 29th April 2025: Impacting Change.

Audience: Science Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person & Online

Audience: DT Subject Leaders | Prim Venue: In-person & Online

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

£150.00 per person. Click the link to register.

* Discount available with BEP Membership


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