BEP's Offer for Schools 2024-25

Mental Health & Well-being

EMOTIONAL LITERACY PACKAGE This package will give delegates confidence and practical ideas to help pupils manage feelings, develop greater self-awareness and a range of practical strategies which are specific and relevant to each pupil, as well as knowledge of where and how to get support. Includes a set of six lesson resources. Audience: A member of the Pastoral team in Primary Schools – aimed at Year 5 but can be adapt- ed for use with year 6. A member of the Pastoral team in Secondary schools - aimed at year 9, but can be adapted for use with years 8 and 10

TRAUMA INFORMED SCHOOL PRACTITIONER DIPLOMA (TISUK) A practical skills-based course, underpinned by evidence-based research studies. Designed to inform and empower staff to respond effectively to vulnerable children and young people who have experienced trauma and/or have mental health issues by delivering interventions addressing mild to moderate mental health problems, with a focus on recovery.

Audience: All School Staff | All phases Dates: Starting 2025 Venue: In-person & Online

Email enquiries to:

£395.00 per school. Email enquiries to:

LINK GOVERNOR FOR WELL-BEING TRAINING WEBINAR This session is designed to provide a greater understanding and confidence in order to fulfil your role as the designated Governor and impact the lives of the pupils and adults in school. Audience: Governors | All phases Dates: 6th Nov 2024; 3rd Apr 2025; 18th June 2025 Venue: In-person

HEADROOM: SUPPORT FOR HEADTEACHERS Headroom comprises of five face-to-face sessions with a combination of psycho-education and self-development activities alongside opportunities for reflective supervision within a small group. Headroom is aimed at Heads wanting to develop insight into their own leadership style and process and explore what this means for looking after themselves in their role, school development and change. This programme will be very interactive and we ask you to come with an open, inquiring mind and a willingness to stretch your reflective muscles within a confidential group setting. Audience: HTs | All Phases Dates: Series 1: 20th Nov, 3rd Dec 2024, 10th Jan, 30th Jan & 27th Feb 2025. Series 2: 14th Mar, 10th Apr, 16th May, 13th June

£50.00 per person.

Click the link to register.

&10th July 2025. Venue: In-person

£395.00 per person.

Click the link to register.


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