BEP's Offer for Schools 2024-25



BEP Membership runs from September to August each year. See details of our membership offer below.



Everything in Basic, plus...

6 Designated Safeguarding Lead half-termly briefings. 4 Mental Health Four Foundations training events. £50 discount off YMH First Aid & AMH First Aid Courses.

1 Specialist Led Network for Foundations Subjects. 6 Excellence in Leadership webinars. A Golden Ticket (up to the value of £175.00). 1 Ofsted Preparedness online briefing (1 place). 1 Focused Visit on an aspect of school practice.

£100 discount on LTSB Conference.

Helpline support.

Third party discounts.

Local BEP Learning Talks.

1 ticket to LTSB Conference.

1 Autumn term phone call with a member of the SI Team with helpline support for the academic year.

BAS Headteacher Arts Consultancy.

£995.00* *Package value £2950

£495.00* *Package value £1300


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