BEP's Offer for Schools 2024-25

BEP are a ‘trusted partner’ to Birmingham schools. Therefore, we are not like any other School Improvement Company and we can be agile with our pricing due to our profit for purpose. All of our offers are predicated upon the fact that you need the best, and so we draw our capacity from a combination of experienced, trusted staff and consultants, allowing us to provide consistency, whilst also offering choice and specialism. Everything in this brochure is here by request. It has been a privilege to be an in- tegral part of Birmingham’s fabric for so long. We know this city, we know our craft, we have listened to you and we can continue to provide what you need. We invite you to be a part of BEP through our membership, training and CPD and other services. We would love to hear from you and look forward to working with you.

We remain at your service.

Juliet, Tim & The BEP Team

Tim Boyes

Our mission is to secure a deeply good academic, social and civic education for every child and young person living in Birmingham. The BEP Mission BEP is committed to all schools being included and recognises that local, city and national connectivity is a key to success for schools at every stage of their development. BEP believes it takes a whole city to raise a child. If schools do well, then children do well and if children do well, our city will flourish.

BEP’s Core Values • Integrity

• Inclusivity • Relational


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