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beautiful TAHQUITZ PINES C.E. conference grounds Idyllwild, Calif. Camping D ates A vailable: FALL SEASON Sept, through Dec. 1962 WINTER SEASON Jan. through Mar. 1963
A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor
S. H. Sutherland, President
Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board
JULY, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two
Vol. 53, No. 7
Established 1910
Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home
M e n AFRAID? AFRAID OF WHAT? — Dick Hillis .................................. 6 IS THE CHRISTIAN UNBALANCED — Lydia Maillefer ................ 10 HYPOCRITES IN THE CHURCH — David W. Haines ................... 11 WHY I BELIEVE IN SUNDAY SCHOOL — J. Edgar Hoover.............. 12 GOD REVEALS HIS MESSIAH — Gordon Chilvers .......................... 15 ARE THE HEATHEN LOST — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 16 COLLEGE IS NOT ENOUGH — Sharon Peters .......................................... 17 A DEFENSE OF DISPENSATIONALISM — Paul Wilson ................... 21 ARE WE BUILDING TOO MUCH — Nancy N. Jansson ................... 25 TREASURES AND TREASURES — Helen Kratavil ............................. 36 FROM FARMING TO SOWING: Special Picture Story ..................... 40 FttrfuM! DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 18 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ....................................... 26 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ....................................... 27 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ........................................................ 28 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ...................................................... 31 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 33 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................................................. 34 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 35 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ........................................................... 39 Column! READER REACTION ................................................ 4 VOX POP ............................ 5 HOMILETICAL HELPS .................................................................................... 19 NUGGETS OF GOLD ...................................................................................... 20 TOWN AND CAMPUS .................................................................................... 38 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS .......................................................................... 42 — All Rights Reserved — S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller AL SANDERS: Managing Editor JANE. M. CLARK: Circulation Manager BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith
H eated D orm itories - Auditorium Chapel - A ll M odem F acilities for further information write: TAHQUITZ CONFERENCE ASS'N. 10414 Olive St., Temple City, Cal.
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CHRISTIAN TEACHERS Are needed to help lead Problem Boys to the Lord Jesus Christ at the New Life Youth Ranch-School, Rt. No. 6, Box 205, Placerville, Calif. Men - College Grads. Certif. not necessary. Faith Work. Phil Thatcher, Founder, President.
JULY, 1962
COMMENTS ON RSV EDITORIAL I have been a Bible-believing missionary to and. for the Eskimos of Alaska over 50 years. I am not one of those who shelves the Authorized Version for these new so- called translations — and for that I may be somewhat behind the speed of the mod- ernistically inclined, of whom there are not a few, even in Alaska. I appreciate much your “ A Dishonest Translation” in THE KING’S BUSINESS. Ludvig E. Ost, Fortuna Ledge, Alaska This is the first time I have read your magazine. It was given to me because of the very excellent article on Herbert A. Armstrong. Let me congratulate you on this treatment of one of the biggest de ceivers in the country. However, the editorial on the RSV and its translators was beneath the dignity of the magazine. I believe in the virgin birth and I consider it important. But your editorial resorts to branding a very fine translation of the Bible as dishonest. You take it upon yourself to judge the motives of men (the translators), which is wrong. You are free to express your opinions as to the accuracy and equality of the translation, but leave the judg ment of men’s intents to God. J. Benjamin Chandler, Pastor, Church of God, Aberdeen, Wisconsin THANKFUL FOR "CHRISTIAN HOME" I wish to thank and commend you for printing Rev. Paul Bayles’ article favoring “ Planned Parenthood” in the April KING’S BUSINESS. Mr. Bayles handled this controversial subject in a very gracious and logical way. In view of earlier articles in THE KING’S BUSINESS which strong ly opposed “ Planned Parenthood,” my wife and I felt that the favorable side should be presented. There are many Christians who see nothing morally wrong or un- scriptural in reasonable birth control by mechanical means, and I am glad Mr. Bayles defends them. Mrs. Hummel and I always enjoy Mr. Bayles’ articles on “ The Christian Home.” They are Scriptural, realistic and helpful. Karl D. Hummel, Los Angeles, California (Biola '18) ANSWERED PRAYER The Lord has answered the prayer re quest we sent you about a teaching job for my husband! W e are very thankful, and we are so grateful to you for praying with us. Saratoga, California KB UNIQUE THE KING’S BUSINESS stands unique and almost alone in the swirling currents of incipient apostasy penetrating the evan gelical church which represents (or is sup posed to) the great fundamental doctrinal teaching of the Word of God. Allan R. Llndquest, Palo Alto, California
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This new column of THE KING’S BUSINESS is devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. APPEALS FOR FUNDS For the person who wrote concerning all of the appeals for funds, I do not feel that this is wrong. I do not be lieve that most Gospel radio programs have their "hand out." I see no objection in asking the listeners of a program to help with its sup port, if the Bible is being taught and Christ is glori fied. Daryl Palmer, Inglewood, Calif. MISSIONARY CONDITIONS TODAY Some time ago I heard a rather disquieting report concerning the missionary program of the church today. The person who spoke was do ing so in the confines of a small group and prefaced his statements by saying, "Now, I wouldn't want to tell this from the platform for any thing; however, the situa tion does exist." After this he proceeded to state how m is si o n a r i e s today are largely not even scraping the surface of what they should be doing, since they are not living near the level of the people. He told of visiting one area where all the mis sionaries had the best furni ture (even hi-fi), servants, plenty of leisure time, etc. It has bothered me greatly. I don't believe that this could be true with our evangelical Protestant missionaries who know too well that the time for our Lord's return must be so near.
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JULY, 1962
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W eSS^SrvSaaea
loss of wealth
nuclear attack
o f man
all basic fears in the heart
Afraid of What?
E a r l y o n t h e morning of December 6 , Chinese Com munist troops stormed the walls of Tsingteh. This ancient town in Southern Anhwei Province had once, been known as the “ City of the Kings.” John and Betty Stamm, ambassadors of the King of Kings, were now living there. Before the Stamms could prepare to flee, the Reds thundered at their door. After being held cap tive for 24 hours, they were taken twelve miles across the mountains to the town of Miaosheo. A few hours before his death, John wrote to the leaders of the China Inland Mission: “ Dear Brethren: My wife, baby and I are today in the hands of the Communists. All of our possessions . . . are in their hands but we praise God for peace in our hearts. God grant you wisdom in what you do and us fortitude, courage, and peace of heart. He is able — and a wonderful Friend in such a time. The Lord bless and guide you. As for us, may God be glorified whether by life or by death. In Him, John.” Here you find not a word of pity or fear, not a sign of faltering. That night Betty was allowed to lie down, but John was tightly bound to a post of the bed. Early the next morning, they were led through the streets of the city, painfully bound by ropes and stripped of their outer clothing. As they marched to their deaths, the Communists cried to the people to come and watch the “ foreign devils” die. On a little hill outside the town, John was ordered to kneel. A flash of the sword brought quick release. Bound as she was, Betty fell on her knees beside her loved one. Quicker than I can tell it, the same sword brought death to her also. Those who witnessed the tragedy testified to the calmness with which they faced the worst their misguided enemies could do. Since that cold December day in 1934, not hundreds, but thousands in Korea, China, and other lands have sealed their faith with martyrdom. The quiet courage of John and Betty Stamm and those who have followed the
same path of triumph is beautifully expressed in the following poem written about another missionary mar tyred in China: “ Afraid? Of What?
“ To feel the spirit’s glad rielease? To pass from pain to perfect peace, The strife and strain of life to cease? Afraid—of that? “ Afraid? Of What? “Afraid to see the Saviour’s face, To hear His welcome, and to trace The glory gleam from wounds of grace? Afraid—of that? “ Afraid? Of What? “A flash, a crash, a pierced heart;
Darkness, light, O heaven’s art! A wound of His a counterpart! Afraid—of that?” They were not afraid to die. They longed, whether by life or by death, to glorify Christ. In handling the subject of fear, we will do well to ask the question in the poem, “Afraid? Of What?” . Is it the dreadful times in which we live? Any honest ob server will admit that world conditions are not particular ly reassuring. Our magazines, newspapers, radio, televi sion, and even government leaders warn us that the world is in grave danger. We are told that a nuclear war could annihilate much of humanity. The very at mosphere we breathe is poisoned with the virus of fear. We are a frightened people in search of safety. Parents wonder whether they should build bomb shelters for their children. Students wonder whether they were bom (continued on next page)
JULY, 1962
Afraid of What? (continued) too late. Should they, they question, take a short-cut in their education? If death might come at any moment, why not throw off all moral restraint and “live it up” ? Never has the average American spent so much to be secure and never has he felt so insecure. For the non- Christian to be frightened is most natural, but for the child of God to live on the plane of the natural is sin. To live in fear and to panic under the onslaughts of our prophets of doom is below the spiritual dignity of any child of God. No one ever lived more dangerously than our Saviour. Yet in all circumstances He was the very personification of tranquility. He made it crystal-clear that things would wax worse and worse and that men’s hearts would fail them for fear. At the same time He promised to His own, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you” (John 14:27). Fear cannot coexist with the peace He gives. Today many are afraid of Mr. Khrushchev and that which he represents. He is ruthless. The blood of many is on his hands. Today he is building a kingdom for himself, a kingdom he hopes will stretch from sea to sea. It might well be that the construction of the walls of Berlin and the dividing of Germany are just a part of building that great Northern Kingdom spoken of in the Scriptures. We are very sure that the “ Berlin crisis” does not, however, take God by surprise. In ancient times God took care of the great despot, Nebuchadnezzar. When that king became overly proud, the Lord ordered him to go to the fields and eat grass. That he did for seven years. God is sovereign. He can handle Mr. Khrushchev. It is entirely possible his king dom will end up a pile of bones outside of Jerusalem. How are we to deal with fear? Christ first asks of you total acceptance. It is not enough to know Jesus as Sav iour. It is wonderful to be saved from Hell and saved unto Heaven. But He is to be your Lord. When Saul was converted, he cried, “ Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” He knew and experienced the daily Lordship of Christ. Christ is to have all we have and all we are. Every plan and ambition must be surrendered to Him. Accepting His Lordship, we must also accept His Word. Without the Bible we have no foundation. Christ put His seal of approval upon the Scriptures, “ And be ginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27). If you are frightened, it may be that you are neglecting the Word of God. Accept the Scriptures fully and the promises of God will give your soul both comfort and courage. This total acceptance applies also to the Holy Spirit. You were born of the Spirit. At that moment your body became the temple of the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit indwells you, but you must accept the obligation to “walk by means of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16). He must be the Guide in your Christian life. Without Him you can not walk aright. One day in Hankow, China, I was amazed to see a blind man threading his way dexterously through a crowded market place. “How,” I wondered, “ could he walk so rapidly without knocking or bumping someone or something?” Upon catching up with him, I saw he had his fingers on the shoulder of a man with eyes. The skill was not his but another’s. You will only walk the Christian life as you should if you rely completely upon the Holy Spirit. “Walk by means of the Spirit.” Make your acceptance of Him total. “ Be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). Christ also demands of you total dedication. It is tragic but true that too often disciples of Karl Marx are more
dedicated to his cause than we are to the cause of Christ. Two months after being captured by the Chinese Com munists, the nineteen-year-old Red lieutenant, who had usurped my home, informed me he was leaving. When I asked him where he was going, he divulged a military secret. That night they were attacking the Walled City just a mile from us. I knew the ten thousand soldiers inside the city were well-armed. I also knew that the bridges across the moat had been destroyed, making the attack a very perilous one. I learned from the young Com munist that they had only five thousand soldiers. The defenders of the city had twice that number. I said to the young officer, “ Sir, it will be suicide to attack that city. You will die trying.” He straightened up and re plied, “ I am quite prepared to die to carry Communism one mile further.” That night he died for what he be lieved. Was my dedication to Jesus Christ as complete as that? Many times since that experience I have asked the question, “ Am I prepared to live and die for Christ?” “WHITE TO HARVEST“ (A missionary hymn) Arise, all God's chosen! Go forth in His name! The fields, white to harvest, are heavy with grain. The seed has been scattered in each distant land; Now gather the harvest; the Hour is at hand. Arise, God's anointed! Awake men from sleep! The dark clouds about us may burst ere we reap. They thunder in fury and threaten the grain; Sound out every clarion; go forth in His name! Go forth, then, God's chosen! Arise! Do not wait! The reapers are few and the harvest is great. Arouse all to labor, for dark is the sun, That all may at last hear the Master's ''Well done"! by Dorothy Loosley Such dedication, of course, is found in the Scriptures, as for example, when King Nebuchadnezzar ruled the world. After building an idol one hundred feet high and overlaying it with gold, he ordered all mankind to bow down and worship it. Only three men stood between the King and world-wide idolatry. Calling these three He brew children before him, he gave them a second chance and warned them that disregard for his commands would mean death. In his wrath he made it certain that they understood exactly what he meant — they would be cremated if they did not obey. He closed his remarks to them with the warning, “ And who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?” (Daniel 3:15). Their minds were made up. Their lives were totally dedicated to God. Their answer was direct, “ If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, 0 king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” (Daniel 3:17, 18). Nebuchadnezzar, filled with fury, commanded his mightiest men to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego and cast them into the burning fiery furnace. What
happened? The three “ fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace” and stood up free. So strik ing was their dedication and deliverance that when King Nebuchadnezzar next spoke he said, “ Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who hath sent His angel, and delivered His servants that trusted in Him, and have changed the king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God. Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, shall be cut in pieces . . . because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort” (Daniel 3:28, 29). Such dedication glorified God and with it fear can not coexist. Further, if you are to live above fear, your Christian life must be disciplined. The Scriptures warn us that we are living in days of apostasy, that Satan will deceive the very elect if possible. In order to stand, our own lives must be disciplined. It is not enough to be well fed once a week at church. When the great test came in Daniel’s life, he stood firm. Where did he get his spirit ual strength? As a young man, Daniel determined in his heart “not to defile himself.” He maintained a disciplined life, not separated from the world but from worldliness. The Scriptures say that three times a day he met his God. Such discipline had its payoff when he was thrown into the lion’s den. Satan is himself a roaring lion seek ing whom he may devour. Many, in our day, have been destroyed. You and I are vulnerable. Spiritual discipline is necessary if we are to stand. We are told, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you” (James 4:7, 8). Lastly, you must be totally active. Many of God’s children are no more involved in the program of Jesus Christ than to attend church on Sunday. They are not really concerned with the things that concern God. Their activity is wrapped up in personal interests. What is God’s great concern today? The answer to this question is given in Luke 24:46: “ . . . it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day.” God’s first concern was for a lost world. For mankind He provided a wonderful salvation. Across verse 46 you can write the words, “ It is finished.” But now note verse 47: “And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” This simply tells us that God is concerned that all men should have a knowledge of the salvation He has provided. Across this verse you must write the word, “Unfinished.” Are you personally active in accom plishing God’s purpose or are you leaving it up to some one else? If you really love Jesus Christ, you will become vitally active for Him. Like Paul, you will declare your self a debtor and do all possible to pay your debt to God and to lost men. You will acknowledge your responsibility as a steward “ of the manifold grace of God” and be faith ful in sacrificial giving. You will thank God that you have been made “ a trustee of the Gospel” and wdll take the riches of Christ’s salvation to the “heirs of salvation.” Your constant thought will be,“ What can / do to please my Lord?” You will find that fear cannot coexist in a life so dedicated, so disciplined, and so active for God. If Christ is really Lord, you can put down this article, walk to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and boldly say, “ I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38, 39). Afraid? Of What?
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JULY, 1962
are Christians unbalanced?
by Lydia M aillefer
EDITOR'S NOTE: Upon reading the article "Are Missionaries UNBALANCED?" by T. Norton Sterrett, published originally by HIS magazine and featured in THE KING'S BUSINESS March, 1962, Lydia Maillefer, a missionary to the Congo under the Evangelical Free Church Foreign Missions, has written the following rebuttal. W h y sh o u ld t h e Christian missionary overseas be more “unbalanced” than the American Christian? “A chance to meet Toscanini personally?” , we’d love it. “ Know who Elvis Presley is?” Of course we know. We’d have to have our necks in the sand to escape him! We even meet him in Christian’s houses at times. “ No interest in the World Series?” Where did the mis sionary grow up who wasn’t interested in it? If a mis sionary isn’t rather normal, if he doesn’t have some hobbiese and outside avocations, what will he do for recreation and relaxation on the field? Perhaps American Christians would be surprised to see us missionaries grab for the Time magazine when it ar rives by air far in the interior of Africa. Shouldn’t a missionary be up on world events these days when the leastt political change in Venezuela might affect his stand in Nyassaland? What would folks at home think if they could see the missionary carefully following U. S. national elections on his short wave radio? We missionaries cannot reach the people to whom we are called overseas unless we meet them where they live. We must know about “Toscanini, Elvis Presley and World Series effects.” Can we do any less than be up-to-date on eevnts and people in U. S. while on furlough? Can we convince alert young people to give their lives to Christ if we don’t know what is going on today? You say “ clothes don’t matter for there is little time to see them.” That’s the old idea of the “ antique” look ing missionary of three decades ago perhaps, but where most of us missionaries live, we have to scrutinize our clothes habit to see what kind of example it is to the nationals, and to see how it fits in with their culture, how it compares to other Caucasians in the area as it might affect our testimony to them. And as if that weren’t enough, we have to be alert as to how our dress
affects various congregations and age groups in the U.S.A. while we are on furlough. No one is more closely judged by his clothing than a missionary. If we don’t dress care fully on the mission field, we feel sloppy and we run down our own morale as well as those who must look at us! You say “ a missionary realizes that the price of a suit would purchase 3,200 gospels in Africa.” Why should a missionary think about this fact any more than a dedi cated Christian in U.S.A. ? I know a lady in America who didn’t get the new couch she wanted for four years because every time she went to buy it, she thought of some missionary project which needed the money more than she needed the couch. And yet I know of a mission ary or two who had to come home because they couldn’t make the financial sacrifices needed on the field. Is the American lady then unbalanced? I know of a Christian childless couple in U.S.A. who “had” to buy a new three-bedroom $40,000 house even though their other house was beautiful and adequate and I know an African pastor whose child became deaf from malnutrition while her father sacrificed and went to Bible Institute. So now who is unbalanced? “ An American spends one day in business while 5,000 Indians, Chinese or Africans go into eternity without Christ.” Sure, but the American business man wasn’t called to Africa. Rather, one might ask what that Am erican is doing for the lost in “his” city, what percentage of his salary is he giving to missions? If he does his job for Christ, is he unbalanced? But is he doing it? The American communist gives 40% of his income to the party. W hat, does the American Christian give? The foreign comifittnist worker forsakes all to identify himself with those he is trying to win. Is the foreign Christian worker doing as much? My point. I’m a missionary too, but I don’t want to be considered unbalanced; I don’t want to be on a “mis sionary pedestal.” Better still, if all of us who name the name of Christ everywhere were to be a “ peculiar people, zealous of [a ll] good works.” Missionaries shouldn’t be any more unbalanced than any other zealous Christian in U.S.A.
H a v e y o u ever given this excuse for not attending church? If so, have you ever stopped to analyze the statement? It is agreed that there are too many hypocrites in the church. But to stay away from the Lord’s church for this reason is being unfair. This ex cuse might be leveled against any institution that is com posed of people. Any employee who does not give his employer a good day’s work for his wage is being hypo critical. Wherever people are found, and whenever stand ards are set and expected to be kept, you will find hypo crites. The local church is no exception. In fact, Christ Himself once called a group of religious leaders hypocrites (Matthew 23:14), yet He attended church regularly, and expects us to. The church is not perfect because it is composed of imperfect people. Of course, this in no way condones the hypocrisy wherever it is found. Our United States currency has counterfeits (or hypocrites) circulat ing among the genuine, but we do not say, “ I will not use money because there are too many counterfeits.” What is a hypocrite? A hypocrite is a person who professes to be what in reality he is not. There are many who profess to be Christians but who are not Christians. There are many who attend churches who are not the children of God. Profession does not always indicate possession. The very fact that people will attempt a Chris tian profession without being Christians is an admission that they believe the church has something worthwhile to offer. People will not seek to imitate that which is worthless. The sad thing is that many are attempting to live the life of a Christian without possessing the life of a Chris tian. This life can only be received by a personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. John says, “And this is life eter nal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent ” (John 17:3). A per son cannot pretend to possess this life very long. He may attempt a good profession for a while but sooner or later the lack of reality will become evident. Again John says, “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life” (I John 5:12). It is not only true that this excuse is based on a mis conception that all churches should be perfect, but also that a person can judge Christianity by looking at people instead of looking at the Lord Jesus. The Word of God explicitly warns us against using men as our standard of conduct. Isaiah 45:22 states, “Look unto ME, and be ye saved.” No matter how long we examine the person of Jesus Christ, we will never find Him to be a hypocrite. He alone is the One to whom we seek to point men. Men may be found to be untrue, but Jesus never fails. If we look to Him, we shall never be disappointed. The local church may have its hypocrites, but the one person worse than a hypocrite is the man who hides behind one! May I suggest that if you have been staying away from church because there are hypocrites in it, turn away from self and others and look to the One who will never disappoint you, Jesus Christ. A Christian is one who has acknowledged his sin before a holy God and personally received God’s Son into his heart and life by an act of faith. “For by grace are y e saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8, 9). The hypocrite will answer to God for his pretense. Job 36:13, 14 reads, “ But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath . . . their life is among the unclean.” W ill you be any better off if you hide behind the hypocrite? Available in tract form from the American Tract Society, 513 West 166th Street, New York 32, N. Y.
JULY, 1962
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D u r in g th e se days of political interest, you have probably been impressed with the tremendous effort being expended for various parties. Apparently no sacri fice of blood, sweat and tears is considered too great in the promotion of elections. Perhaps only those on the inside of such an operation actually know and appreciate the great amount of money, time and energy it takes. In fact, it may seem that it is a paradox to speak of “ Cam paigning with EASE.” But the truth of the matter is that when it is done properly and in an organized manner, it IS easier! Enthuse Inspiration is caught rather than taught. Before we can expect to convince others that Sunday School is the most worthwhile hour in the week, we must be sold on the idea ourselves. Ask yourself where you can invest your life and reach more people for Jesus Christ per capita, per dollar, and per hour, than through the Sunday School. The first requisite for campaigning for Christ through the Sunday School is enthusiasm. And the best way to produce this vitality is to talk, think, pray, and live Sunday School yourself. The first thing you know, your fellow-workers will catch your spirit, and the whole staff will become alive because you generated a spark! Enlist But this is not a one-man campaign . . . that is, for long. It may have to begin with you, but you cannot do it alone. So select the most likely person around you, and begin to cultivate him. Expose him to the glow that radi ates from your own conviction that Sunday School is the “ biggest job in the world,” and soon you will become a committee of two. Then, allow the principle of multiplica tion to take over until you have a staff of enthusiastic co laborers. This beats the old method of tricking, bribing, shaming or demanding, produces better campaigners (and is easier, too). Could it be that you have not because you ask not? But do not attempt to skip the first step, and immediately try to enlist helpers without first inspiring. Educate Zeal must be accompanied by knowledge. After you have succeeded in sharing your enthusiasm for Sunday School endeavor, you may find that you need to train and educate workers for the various tasks involved in this great enterprise. In the area of promotion, most of us are sadly lacking in general know-how and specific tech niques. The fields of public relations, promotion and ad vertising require training to be done effectively. But the methods are almost unlimited: telephone, sound trucks, pjns, flyers, posters, stickers, hats, armbands, etc. Be sure to investigate many techniques, determine which will work best in your situation (taking into' account your finances, talent and personnel), then train your workers in their use. For example, people may be friendly, talka tive and extroverted, but expert visitors must be trained. Extend Wise salesmen call on the live prospects first, and then extend their efforts to the less promising. There is
probably no sequence which will fit every situation, but consider the following possibilities: rolls of regular mem bers of the Sunday School, church, youth groups, etc. Then enlarge the list with relatives of those you are already reaching; associates such as playmates, school mates, business associates, neighbors, etc. Next in the. scale may be those in geographical proximity, the PTA, scouts, etc. Finally, though not least rewarding, is the list of new families taken from utilities company files, Wel come Wagon, Chamber of Commerce, moving companies, etc. The possibilties are almost limitless. Start at the cen ter with the most likely prospects, and extend your in What has been taken many times for indifference, lack of cooperation, and carnality, may be discovered to be a genuine problem to which there is a solution. For exam ple, many of our people who claim they cannot help us campaign for Sunday School, really cannot . . . at least under the present conditions. But perhaps we can alter the circumstances so that they CAN cooperate. If there are small children in the home who need care, then let us supply the baby-sitters (do you have some teen-agers who need an area of Christian service?). Perhaps there are expert campaigners who need transportation, and others who can drive but feel that is their only contribution. If leadership will think from the worker’s viewpoint, and make every attempt to solve the worker’s problems, it will discover that the worker will be much more cooperative in attitude and action. In brief, “ enable your people to cooperate with you!” Evangelize Keeping the major task of the church ever in focus is vital if it is to accomplish its mission. In these days of complexity it is easy to lose one’s sense of direction and get “means” confused with “ end,” We reach, we teach, we train, we serve for the purpose of winning boys and girls, men and women to life in Christ. The evangeliza tion of the lost, in its fullest sense, is still the supreme mission of the church. And, lest the Sunday School lose its sense of direction, this goal must always and ever be reemphasized. Entreat Recognizing this overwhelming responsibility with which we have been charged, and realizing the vast forces of the opposition, the church is practically crushed by weight of the impossibility of the task to its knees in entreaty that the Lord of Hosts will intervene . . . and that the Lord of the Harvest will thrust forth His laborers . . . and that the Lord God Omnipotent will display His mighty power in these difficult but challenging days. Let' us turn from being problem-conscious to power-conscious! While the world is campaigning for that which is “ corruptible,” may the church be campaigning with even greater vigor for that which is “ incorruptible.” We repre sent the greatest cause in all the world. We campaign for the greatest Person in all the world. May we serve with the greatest devotion in all the world. fluence. Enable
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F.B.I. Director H oover says:
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Why I Believe
" . . there is no more vital or potent force in our nation today!"
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graphs. Add to that the laws of each separate state, county, city and town, and you get an idea of how far we have gone in an effort to insure equal justice for all, and to protect each member of society from the de predations of the lawless^ Each of these laws is an outgrowth of one of the world’s ten basic laws—of the Ten Commandments which are taught, or should be taught, in every Sunday school. I have never seen a true adherent of these Command ments stand at the bar of a criminal court. A few months ago, three youngsters — two aged thirteen and one aged fourteen — were arrested for the theft of eight automobiles. A ll three were given sentences by the court. We discovered that lack of religion had played a most important part in the tragedy. These boys came from homes in which there was no religion, no family prayers, no acknowledgment of God, no emphas is upon that Commandment which tells youth, “Thou shalt not steal!” One of these boys had no guidance whatever from his mother; she was divorced. When they came to court, the father admitted that he was at fault for this, but he thought he might be able to “ do better in the future.” The judge pointed out that it was too late for that now; a father who had failed so badly could never hope to do any better. I have seen many parents like this, and I have often wondered why it is that we make so little effort to protect the children who are the helpless victims of such situa tions. Those who want to become lawyers or doctors spend years in preparation, as do the members of every other profession. But what of marriage and parenthood? No training seems to be needed! They may have the best of intentions, but untrained parents make tragic errors even with those intentions, and the children pay for it. Here is one of our great social lacks. A few years back, a vicious murderer still in his twenties threatened Special Agents of the FBI. As a gang leader he was responsible for several deaths, and now he planned to kidnap certain key FBI men. When the showdown came in New Orleans, the criminal meekly surrendered. I wish his lesson could be taught in every Sunday school. I wish our youngsters could understand that this man-without-God was brave only on the surface, and brave only when he knew he was safe. Force was the only authority he respected. He lacked the sustaining power of religion, and when his personal assurance was gone there remained only the shattered hulk of a man. The Sunday school can help here as no other institu tion can, for the Sunday school offers a moral, ethical and spiritual way of life that is of unsurpassed value in our times. It is true and sound. In fitting our young folks for the future, in guaranteeing the permanency of dem ocratic principles, there is no more potent or vital force in our nation. The Sunday school can become our guar antee of tomorrow!
Sunday Schools
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T h e r e is n o substitute for religion and the Sunday school! By the same token, there is no synthetic replacement for a decent home life. Our high crime rate, particularly among juveniles, is directly traceable to a break down in moral fiber—to the disintegration of home and family life. Religion and home life are supplementary. Each strengthens the other. It is seldom that a solid and wholesome home life can be found in the absence of religious inspiration. And the filaments of religion and family life burn brightest and most effectually when children have attended the Sunday school. Children are not bora criminals, but certain turns of the road of life guide some youngsters off onto side roads where they unwittingly begin criminal careers. The churches can bring these youngsters back to the right road. If more of our children can be reached by the Sunday school, we will be much nearer a real solu tion to the crime problem. Those youngsters who go in for lawlessness in their childhood days and later when they are grown to man’s estate, load on our shoulders one of our heaviest national burdens. In the United States criminals force us to spend each year more than 4 2/3 times as much on them as we spend on all forms of education, both public and private. We spend for their detection, arrest, conviction and punishment nearly thirty times as much money as the combined budgets of all church and religious organi zations in the country. Each year that crime continues, it will cost every man, woman and child in the U.S. approximately $110. That’s too much! Let’s not go on kidding ourselves. Law enforcement has done a splendid job, but it could do a much better job if it had more help in certain directions. Law enforce ment needs the help of home, church and school. Re ligious stimulation, prayer and adherence to the com mandments of God are to me the outstanding “musts” of this era. The Code of Laws of the United States is a voluminous work; it consists of many volumes, thousands of para-
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