King's Business - 1962-07

You can save up to 50 % through Club dividends —with membership in EVANGELICAL BOOKS

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when you jo in ! T H E N E W T E S T A M E N T A n Expanded Translation by K E N N E T H S. W U E S T Enroll now with the more than 20,000 other members of EVANGELICAL BOOKS and you will receive, by return mail, your Free copy of THE NEW TESTAMENT: An Expanded Translation. Immediately you w ill enjoy five important advantages:

* The right to purchase such books on a cooperative club basis... often at a substantial saving. • A FREE D IV ID E N D BOOK with every two selections you pur­ chase. • The right to examine, even read completely every book before mak­ This superb reference clarifies the Authorized Version by ex­ panding its condensed phraseol­ ogy. Here’s what leading evan­ gelical pastors say: "The more I use Wuest’s Ex­ panded Translation the better 1 like it. Experience has shown it to be of very great value to me.’’ -—DR. WILLIAM BARCLAY "The student of Scriptures who is without a personal knowledge of Greek will receive more help from Wuest’s Expanded Trans­ lation than from any other trans­ lation available.” — DR. J. D. PENTECOST "W ill strengthen the working library of the expositor .”— dr . FRANK E. GASBELEIN

ENROLL NOW and receive — absolutely free — your copy of THE NEW TESTAMENT: An Expanded Translation. The supply is limited. It is important to fill out and mail the coupon today. I------------------------------------------------------ 1 j EVANGELICAL BOOKS Manhasset, New York Dept. K-72 I Please enroll me as a member of Evan­ gelical Books and send me a free copy | of The New Testament, An Expanded Translation. I understand that my en- | rollment entitles me to all savings on • new books selected by the editorial . board; that I may examine every selec- [ tion before deciding to purchase it; that I am not required to purchase I any minimum number of books; and | that with every two books I purchase I will receive a free dividend book.

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