King's Business - 1962-07


û âu tfte c fa illuminates the life of David THE MAKING OF A MAN OF GOD T h e s e to w e rin g e x p o s ito ry s tu d ie s o f D a v id ’ s life v iv id ly re v e a l G o d ’ s u s e o f th e h e a rt re s p o n s iv e to H is lo v e .


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Our Missionaries' Needs Do you hear them pleading, pleading Not for money, comfort, power, But that you, O Christian worker, Will but set aside an hour Wherein they will be remembered Daily at the Throne of Grace, That the work which they are doing In your life may have a place? Do you know that they are longing For the sympathetic touch That is theirs when friends are pray­ ing In the homeland very much, That our God will bless the efforts They are making in His Name, And that souls for whom they're working, With His love may be aflame? Do you see them seeking, seeking For the gift of priceless worth That they count of more importance Than all other gifts on earth? Not the gold from rich men's coffers, Nor the relief from any care— 'Tis a gift that you can give them— 'Tis the Christian's daily prayer. — Selected Trusting You ask how you learn to trust Him? Dear child, you must just let go! Let go of your frantic worry And the fears which placfue you so; Let go of each black tomorrow Which you try to live today, Let go of your fevered planning; He knoweth all your way. Fear not lest your slipping fingers Let go of your Saviour too, Prevailing Prayer "When the glory of the Father Is the goal of every prayer; When before the throne in heaven Our High Priest presents it there; When the Spirit prompts the asking, When the waiting heart believes; Then we know of each petition Everyone who asks receives/' Trusting is only knowing He'll not let go of you!

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— Author Unknown



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